There you see her
Sitting there across the way
She don't got a lot to say
But there's something about her...
Vector the crocodile's grating voice made Tails jump.
"What?" he's tone went dour when he saw the Chaotix, "Oh, hello..." He noticed the trio seemed to have formed a band. Espio was playing a battered banjo that had only two strings while Charmy had a large drum that he was struggling to hold up and beat.
Together the two were playing a clumsy melody. That left Vector with a beaten up and old microphone.
The would-be-detectives and their 'instruments' made Tails feel uneasy. "What are you guys doing?"
Vector sang again into the broken mic.
And you don't know why
But you're dying to try
You wanna kiss the girl
"I...What?" Tails began, bewildered. "What are you talking about?"
Yes, you want her
Vector placed a large hand on the foxes head and spun him roughly around.
Look at her, you know you do
It's possible she wants you to
There is one way to ask her
He didn't understand until they had forcedly twisted his neck to see Cosmo. She was indeed across the way. In fact she was hanging decorations for the party that they were going to have later. They had gathered all the seven of the chaos emeralds so they all had thought it was time for celebration aboard the typhoon.
But, still the fox didn't understand, "What-" He was cut of as Charmy rapped him hard on the head with his drumstick.
It don't take a word.
Not a single word.
Go on and kiss the girl
The crocodile gave Tails what he must have thought was a gentle shove, but the fox was sent to the ground with a loud THUD. Un-discouraged, the trio then moved to the chorus of their song Espio and Charmy joining in singing.
My, oh my
Looks like the boy's too shy
Ain't gonna kiss the girl
Tails' head shot up. But before he could move or say anything he caught Cosmo looking at him. He turned scarlet as it hit him just what the trio was trying to do.
The fox scrambled to his feel and hissed at the Chaotix to be quiet. He turned back to Cosmo who was still staring at him curiously. He forced a smile and waved nervously at her. The girl gave a small smile and wave in return before looking away somewhat abashed.
Ain't that sad?
It's such a shame, too bad
You're gonna miss the girl
Tails sighed feeling disappointed. He would have liked Cosmo have seen him with Sonic or Knuckles: Hearing him talk about their dangerous adventures. Or seeing them laugh at an incredibly funny joke he had just told. Not stumbling over his feet with the Chaotix singing mushy love songs over his shoulder.
Now's your moment.
Floating in a blue lagoon
They were lightyears from any water, he thought absently.
Boy you better do it soon.
No time would be better
Vector gave the fox another shove that sent him staggering forward. Tails caught himself this time and looked up again to see Cosmo had her eyes on him once more.
She don't say a word
And she won't say a word
Until you kiss the girl
He swallowed as he approached her on trembling legs.
Don't be scared
You've got the mood prepared
Go on and kiss the girl
"Uhh..." He fumbled for a greeting, "Hi?"
"Hi..." The seedrian was looking shyly away from him.
Don't stop now
Don't try to hide it how
You wanna kiss the girl
Tails felt as if his stomach and tongue were tied in knots. He glanced around for a topic. Something to lighten the mood and break this uncomfortable silence.
"You, uhh... decorate good." He said stupidly, nodding to the hangings and balloons on the walls.
"Thank you." She gave a bashful smile to the floor.
Float along and listen to the song
The song says 'kiss the girl'
There had to be something...
He caught sight a bouquet of flowers on a nearby table.
Flowers! Of course! He had forgotten! He groped clumsily at the cuff of his glove before pulling out a small, slivery object.
"I, uhh. You dropped this before..." He held out a pin in the shape of a flower.
Cosmo looked up at him then to his outstretched hand. Her eyes widened and she gasped, but then gave a cry of delight as she took the pin.
"I polished it up for you." Tails began timidly, then quickly added, "I hope you don't mind."
"It wonderful!" She sighed fondly. She smiled at him in such a way he thought his shaking knees would buckle.
Gosh, she was so pretty when she smiled. He'd seen plenty of smiles before, but the fact that it was Cosmo smiling made it all the more radiant. He grinned back.
Music plays
Do what the music says
You gotta kiss the girl
He took a step closer to her. His embarrassment fading. What did it matter what the Chaotix were doing? He, Tails, had made her smile. He reached out his hand for hers and she gave it to him still beaming. He then took her other hand.
He realized that he was leaning closer to Cosmo and her to him, but he did not pull back.
The Chaotix's song and words grew softer as they simply repeated the words "Kiss the girl" But Tails heard none of it. He needed no encouragement now.
He closed his eyes and continued to lean forward until their lips met.