Shit, she is gorgeous. Clove watched the steady rise and fall of Katniss's chest as she slept on the branches of an oak, completely vulnerable. I could end her right here, right now, with one flick of my wrist. Clove toyed with the blade in her grip, admiring the glint of steel reflecting in the pale moonlight. She always kept her knife in stellar condition. After a kill, the first thing she had to do was polish it. It was her weapon, her survival, her key to success. I shouldn't dirty it with her blood, not yet. But that doesn't mean I can't have a little fun in the meantime.

It was only by accident that she had come across the brunette. Her insomnia prevented Clove from getting much sleep, and so her nightly walk had evidently led her to more than just trees and bushes. Cato is dead asleep in the Cornucopia; don't need to worry about him. It's just you and me, sweetie. Clove moved stealthily up the tree, using her knife as a grapple. She was only one or two handholds away from where Katniss laid, when the piece of bark which was supporting her boot snapped off. The noise startled the brunette awake and her eyes snapped open, only to see Clove two inches from her face.

"Hello there, girlie. I wouldn't put up a fuss if I were you." She pointed the blade teasingly at Katniss, a malicious grin spread across her face. Clove watched as the girl scanned her surroundings. There's nowhere she can go. She's mine. Clove lowered her hand to Katniss's chest, feeling the beat of her heart thumping against her palm. But what excited Clove the most was the defiant expression on the girl's face. It's boring when people are so easily frightened around her; it takes the fun out of terrorizing them. No, with Katniss there was none of that. She looked fiercely back at Clove, daring her to try something. Clove decided to fulfill.

She moved her hand on Katniss's chest to the left, feeling the flesh of her supple breast beneath the thin lined fabric of her shirt. Katniss gasped and her eyes widened, now aware of Clove's intentions. She scowled and moved to swat away Clove's grip. This only caused Clove to tighten it."Na-a-a, lover-girl. Be nice now."

"Clove, Christ! What are you doing, get off of me!" Katniss said shrilly, though her resolve dissolved when Clove quickly raised her shirt and moved her lips to Katniss's breast. A wave of pleasure pulsed through her body and Katniss let out a quiet moan as Clove ran her tongue in circles across the dark skin surrounding her nipple, before taking the whole thing in her mouth. "You're gonna be soaked by the time I'm done." Clove mumbled. Katniss ran her fingers through Clove's hair and grabbed at the roots, pulling them tight. There was barely any room for the both of them on the tree branch, and Clove carefully readjusted herself so that her head was down by Katniss's jeans.

She tore open the pants button fiercely, followed by the zipper. "Clove, Clove, wait. We shouldn't be doing this! I can't-Ow!" Clove had pulled off Katniss's pants in a swift motion, leaving her skin red and raw from the rough tree bark which grazed her flesh. Clove growled and looked up at the brunette. "Aww, did I hurt you? I'm sorry. Now lie still and try to suppress your screaming. You're not the one in control here." She gestured to her knife, as well as the rope still tied around Katniss's waist, which kept her secure in the tree but consequently, subject to all of Clove's actions. The dominatrix once again situated herself between Katniss's legs and noticed the growing saturation on the fabric of her bottoms. Despite her protests, she's still wet. Ha. Katniss arched her back as Clove drank her sweet juices, using her tongue as a prodigy's fingers would pound on piano keys, rough yet effortlessly. "Oh God, Clove, Clove!" The brunette screamed in ecstacy and Clove returned to face her. "Shh, I said be quiet." Their lips met and quickly parted as Clove shoved her tongue into Katniss's mouth.

They kissed in pure lust, and Clove couldn't help but bite down onto the brunette's tongue in excitement. Katniss gasped and pulled away momentarily, wincing from the pain. She bit Clove's bottom lip in retaliation, grinning as a drop of blood appeared. This girl really is feisty. I like it. Clove noticed the impatient thrusting of the Katniss's hips against her crotch. The girl desperately wanted her to finish what she started. Clove inched her fingers down Katniss's lithe body with purposeful lethargy, absorbing her every quiver of anticipation. After what seemed an eternity for Katniss, Clove slipped two fingers into her soaking wet folds and color seemed to explode vibrantly in front of her eyes. As she rode out the spectacular orgasm, digging her nails into Clove's shoulders, Clove brought out her blade again and pointed the shiny tip at Katniss's exposed neck.

"Do you trust me?" She asked slyly. Katniss's eyes widened and she struggled to come up with a tangible response, her brain still recovering from the intense orgasm that pulsed through her body. She managed to gasp a small, "no", and Clove grinned. "Good. Keep it that way. Because the next time we see each other, this knife will be sticking out of your cold, dead body." Clove pried herself away from Katniss's grasp and felt a pang of sadness at having to leave the touch of the warm body below her. She quickly recovered, however, and climbed to the edge of the tree. Before making her descent, she turned to Katniss, still in a stupor from what had just occurred. "You were a good fuck, Katniss. I'll give you that. I'm going to regret killing you." With that, she shimmied down the tree and in no time reached solid ground. She walked slowly in the direction of the Cornucopia and tossed her blade from one hand to the other. She caught it and lifted the sharp object to her nose. It still smells of her, sweet, like honeysuckle. Clove was shocked at her sudden display of emotion and in a burst of frustration, threw the knife at an unsuspecting lizard which dropped dead on a nearby rock. You were trained to kill, not develop feelings. There was something about the girl on fire that caused Clove to doubt this philosophy, and it frightened her.