Lurna Von

Ahsoka's POV

It's been almost two months since Lux and I ran off to raise Mina. We got married in a small chapel and have been newly weds for a month. I've checked in every now and again on Anakin. The Council is still looking for me. I was actually surprised by this. Was it really that important me to come back to the temple? The Jedi will go on without me. I was more worried about Anakin losing his mind over looking for me. When I thought he was the one keeping the seach on, I was shocked to hear that he was trying to stop the search. I knew he understood that I wanted to be with Lux and Mina, but I still expected him to be paranoid and looking for me. I'm happy that he was able to let me go. I'll never forget that he did this for me. I may not be a Jedi anymore, but he'll always be my master and my Skyguy.

Jedi Temple

Anakin's POV

Two months have gone by since Ahsoka ran off with Lux. Usually, I would be upset and worried about her and want to bring her back, but not this time. I knew that if I brought her back that she would hate me because I would be the reason she would've lost Mina and Lux. I couldn't hurt her like that. She was happier now. She was raising her daughter with her lover. I was happy for her. The only thing I ever wanted was for her to be happy. I knew now that she was gone and where she wanted to be that she could have everything she ever longed for. A beautiful daughter, a loving husband and a small, but wonderful family. None of her training prepared her for that, but she will learn as she goes along. Even though she's not a Jedi anymore, she's always be my Padawan and my Snips.

So that's the end of My Love for a Jedi: Alternate Ending. Hope you enjoyed it. Let me know if I should write a sequel to this story as well.