"Marvie! This is getting old!" Glimmer complained.
We were training.
"Shut up!" I whisper.
"I can't lose you. Okay, you have to understand that."
I put my finger on her lips.
"But nothing. We have to do what they want. Okay?"
"But I want to do what I want!"
She threw her hands in the air.
Clove came over.
"Calm down, blondie." She sneered.
"Don't call me that!" Glimmer says through her teeth.
Cato also came over.
What was this, a Career block party?
"Seriously. You need to calm down. Both of you."
"I am calm, Cato." I said.
"True. Seriously. But calm down Glimmer."
"How the hell are you two so perfectly fine with this?"
Cato and Clove looked at each other.
"We aren't." they said at the same time.
"Oh." I said.
Glimmer looked down at her feet.
I grab her arm.
"Everything's going to be fine, Glim." I said.
She looked at me.
"I hope."