Pairing Gray x Lucy

Disclaimer I'm getting tired of saying this - NO OWN!

Part Two

When they got to the guild, they were greeted with music and loud voices. Nothing abnormal for them, Lucy noticed the kitten tense at the loud noises.

"It's okay," she comforted. "The guild's always like this."

Like the kitten understood what Lucy was saying it relaxed into the bag and nodded. Lucy walked to the bench where she saw her teammates.

"Hey guys!" she greeted.

The others looked up and spoke their greetings. Lucy took a seat beside Gray and put the bag on her lap. She saw Natsu eating and so was Happy – normal. Erza was slowly eating her precious cake – that was normal too, and then there was Gray who was eating his shaved ice while reading a book.

'Normal.' Lucy noted.

"So, what have you guys been up to lately?" she asked to start conversation.

"Nothing lately, just at the guild - there hasn't been any good missions, so we haven't done anything," Erza explained.

Lucy nodded and turned to Natsu, "Natsu, Happy?"

"What Erza said," he grinned and Happy backed him up with an "Aye!"

"Gray, did you get what you needed?" Lucy asked.

Gray stopped his spoon halfway from his mouth and shook his head; he then stuffed it in his mouth. "The place was closed," Gray shoved another spoonful into his mouth. "Want some?"

Lucy nodded with a smile and let Gray feed her. He was going to give her another spoonful when he noticed the intense stare she was giving him.

"What?" he asked.

Lucy ignored him and brought a hand to his cheek. "Were you bleeding?" she asked as she traced the light pink line adorned his cheek.

Gray's eyes slightly widen. 'Shit! She wasn't supposed to see that!'

Gray knew if he was hurt, Lucy would always worry – even if it was just a light mark or something – her mood would change and she'd be all fussy. It was sweet that she cared but sometimes, it was a little too much. Not that he was complaining about the attention.

"That's nothin'," he took her hand away from his face. "Just a little scratch"

Lucy frowned and Gray had to give her a smile before she would let it go, "A scratch, Luce!"

She pouted for a while before nodding, "Okay…"

Gray sighed in relief and went back to eating his shaved ice, but it was finished. He groaned and stood up.

"Gonna get some more," he walked off to the bar.

"Be quick," Lucy said. "Oh yes, guys, I have something to tell you…"

"Really?" Natsu grinned. "Is it more food?"

Lucy giggled at his question and shook her head.

"Maybe it's fish!" Happy eyes sparkled.

"Or more cake…" Erza murmured.

Lucy giggled, "No! Not food."

"Then what, Luce?" Natsu was getting impatient already.

"Gray and I… have a—"

"Lucy!" Erza yelled. "Please don't tell me you have one already? I haven't got one yet. Oh gosh, this is too much. My life is over…"

"E-Erza?" Lucy squeaked.

"What'd I miss?" Gray called as he took his seat.

"Erza's finally lost it!" Happy yelled as he flew away from the bench. "Quick, Natsu, let's get out of here!"

"Right behind ya buddy!" Natsu called as he jumped off his seat and to a bench and then out the guild doors.

"So much for showing my new pet…" Lucy murmured. "Well, I've got washing to do. See you guys tomorrow!"

She kissed Gray goodbye and raised a brow at Erza, who was back to normal (?).

"Sorry I couldn't show you to my friends," Lucy held the kitten to her chest and nuzzled into its fur. "We'll go again tomorrow."

The kitten purred and put a paw to Lucy's face.

"Yes, I know. Erza's sometimes weird, but she's really a nice person – if you don't get on her bad side." Lucy shivered at a memory. "Never, get on her bad side…"

The black kitten just meowed.

"Oh I almost forgot!" You haven't met, Plue… Hold on," Lucy took out a silver key and slashed the air as she called out Plue.

"Pun, pun!"

"Plue, I want you to meet someone… this is…" Lucy stared at her kitten and gave out a nervous giggle.

"Pun, pun?"

"Eh she doesn't have a name yet…" Lucy stubbed her index fingers together. "I can't believe I forgot to name you."

Lucy was at the guild early today, she had ordered a strawberry milkshake and some fish for her kitten. She started finishing off her novel; Levy was going to be in for a surprise once she finished this.

The second part to "Fake Living" it was about a rich girl, living a fake world. There were three parts and she had only started a bit of the third because she was still finishing off the second now.

"You're here early," a seductive voice whispered in her ear.

Lucy didn't need to turn around to know who it was. The voice was husky and clear, so she knew it was Gray.

"Good morning, Gray," Lucy smiled.

Gray lightly nibbled on her ear before sitting beside her and wrapping an arm around her waist.

"The others not here yet?" Gray looked around.

"Hmm nope."

"Good," he smirked. "More alone time…"

Lucy giggled and closed her novel. Gray moved his face to her neck and gave it a light lick; he made a move to suck on her pulse when he winced.

"Gray, what's wrong?" Lucy's eyes filled with worry.

Gray looked to his arm that was leaned against the table. It had a long pink scratch on it, Gray looked around to see how he got it, but found no suspect – except that damn black thing, which was licking its paws innocently.

"Your thing scratched me," Gray said.

"Eh she what?" Lucy looked to her innocent kitty. "Oh you must have startled her or something."

'How?' Gray whined in his head.

Lucy patted her kitten, "Ah that reminds me… I haven't named her yet, so what should we call her?"

"How bout 'Black thing'?" he murmured.

"Say that again," Lucy scratched the kittens' ears. "Hmm I want something unique. Not those common names, for example; Blacky, Shadow and so on…"

He mentally pouted, "Um Daisy?"

"That's nice, but it sounds too bright to be for her," Lucy pondered. "She's more of the smart, sneaky, mischievous type. Don't you think?"

"I agree," Gray nodded.

"Yo!" the guild doors slammed open.

"Tch that guy doesn't know how to come in normally," Gray scowled.

"Lucy!" Happy chirped.

"Morning, Happy! Natsu!" Lucy greeted, Gray noted with a nod in Happy's direction – which he did not acknowledge.

"Kawaii," Happy blushed. "Do you want my fish?"

He pulled out a wrapped fish from his bag and showed it to Lucy's kitten. The kitten sniffed it before taking it in its mouth. Happy flushed and walked over to Lucy.

"Lucy," he squirmed. "I need more fish…"

Lucy giggled and patted Happy's head.

"Yo, you got a cat, Lucy?" Natsu said, excitedly.

Lucy nodded, "Sure did, she's so adorable!"

"What's her name?" Natsu asked with a grin.

"Eh I still haven't named her…" was her answer.

"Hmm then I'll help!" Natsu gave her a thumbs up. "Happy?"

"Aye sir!"

Natsu put a hand to his chin in thought, "Ah!"

"Yes!" Lucy beamed.

"Uh no, that's not good." he scrunched his nose. "Happy, you?"

Happy was too busy blushing and squirming in front of the kitten that was eating the fish he gave.

"Kyah," said a bored voice.

Lucy turned to Gray, her mouth agape. "W-What?"

"Kyah," he said. "I think, Kyah should be her name."

Said kitten looked up to Gray and meowed. Happy whispered something to her ear and blushed.

"She likes that name," he nodded in agreement.

"Yes!" Lucy beamed. "I think it suits her as well."

"Kyah it is!" Natsu called. "I'm gonna get some food, later."

"You like that name, Kyah?" Lucy asked the black kitten. She meowed in response and Lucy smiled. "Yay! Thanks, Gray!"

Lucy pecked Gray's lips and started playing with Kyah. Gray gave a small smile, maybe having this kitten wasn't such a bad idea.

Nope, he'd take it back – take it way back! The black thing was evil! So damn evil!

Lucy brought Kyah over one day to his apartment – Happy tagging along as well. It was a few fun hours of baking some chocolate chip cookies and fixing up lunch. When they finished eating, they cleaned up while Happy and Kyah played with a bouncy ball.

It was total chaos when the couple came into the living room to see photo frames knocked off their stands, a few clothes ripped up, and his favourite boots peed on – peed on! Gray nearly fainted at the sight.

"My boots! My precious boots!" he wailed.

"It's okay!" Lucy picked up Kyah. "Don't worry, I'll clean it. Here, hold her."

Lucy stretched out her arms to Gray. He just stared at Lucy before looking to the cat. Taking a hand, he poked her face.

"I don't want it," he huffed.

"Why not? It is your anniversary gift," Lucy said. "Don't tell me you forgot?"

"What anniversary? I didn't know we had one!" Gray yelled. "And why would you get me a cat?"

"Because!" Lucy desperately voiced out. "I was taking a stroll in the park with Plue and I happened to come across you. I saw that you were feeding a white kitten and patting it. I thought that was so sweet of you! You even smiled and laughed when it licked your fingers."

Lucy quieted down and made a small smile, "That's why I wanted a cat so much, because I wanted to give it to you…"

"Luce…" Gray lightly chuckled. "You could have just told me. I thought Kyah was going to replace me, but now that I—"

"What?" Lucy exclaimed. "Replace you?"

"Um, what were you saying?" Gray rubbed his neck.

Lucy paused for a moment, "Ah don't worry!"

"Ya know, I'm still not gonna take her," Gray said, narrowing his eyes at Kyah. "Pure evil thing!"
