Son of Otaku


This came to me when I was supposed to be working on an assignment

Harry Potter, also called Rai Izumi, was watching his friend Ron-san and Draco-san argue again. In the four months since they started school they did nothing but argue. Harry never understood why until that day.

With an energetic step he ran over to the Ravenclaw table where his friend Elisa was talking to her friends.

"Ohayo! Elisa-chan!" he said cheerfully.

"Ohayo!" the girl replied.

"Elisa-chan, do you have any yaoi manga that Ron-san and Draco-san can borrow? I think they need some inspiration for their relations!" Harry asked with a straight face.

That did it. Elisa fell out of her seat laughing. Several people in the Hall looked at her with worry and curiosity.

"Them? Yaoi?" Elisa cried out in between laughs.

Now Elisa, like Harry was an otaku, an anime/manga fan. While they could survive without their laptops, they couldn't without their manga and light novels.

"Nani? What's so funny Elisa-chan? I'm being serious!" Harry said with a pout. This just made Elisa laugh even harder.

After a few minutes the girl calmed down.

"I'm sorry Rai-kun, I don't own any yaoi manga."

"Oh. Well thanks anyway. I guess I'll ask Okaa-san if she can send some."

Elisa nodded, fighting the urge to laugh as he left.

"What does yaoi mean?" Cho Chang asked her fellow Raven.

Elisa snickered. "In English…it's called boy love!"


Elisa furiously explained the yaoi manga industry to Cho who blushed beet red.

Ron and Draco got a nasty surprise the next week. They screamed after reading first book, people around them laughed or looked shocked at the covers.

Harry just grinned.

"Now you two can be inspired for when your relationship gets physical!"

Draco & Ron glared at him.

"Just think about it! The pauper and the noble son! It's a killer love story!" Harry said cheerfully much to his friends chargin. Elisa just busted out laughing.

"You should use this to write a light novel Rai-kun!"

"I already did! Okaa-san is sent it to the publisher!" Harry replied.

The entire time while watching this, a few teachers were wondering what the crazy Headmaster was thinking giving Harry to that insane woman also name Konata Izumi.

-The End


The day after the yaoi diaster Hermione came up to Harry blushing.

"Ohayo! What's up Mione-chan?"

"Do you think you can help me order the rest of this series?" Hermione asked showing him the book Draco had dropped.

"You like it?" Ron gasped.

Hermione just blushed. "It was...very stimulating..."