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"Mr. Black, Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Riddle, a pleasure to meet you again." "The same here, Mr. Caber. I hope you are both well?" "Indeed we are, and please, call me Christophe. We have been seeing each other far too often lately." "Orion then." "Abraxas in that case." "Marvolo, please." Came the reply from the three men. "In that case." Christophe nodded in agreement. "I have to ask, however, how did things go with Mr. Weasley?"

"Both better and worse than expected. Arthur readily agreed to the help after some convincing, however the divorce does not go as smoothly as planned or hoped. Molly decided to go to court over the matter. She is fighting him for everything he has, his children, his home and his hard-earned wage. At the moment it looks like he could win with his home, and we have good cards with the other two, as she used love-potions in the first place, but some of the children wish to side with their mother and if they wish to stay with her …"

"I see. How about a compromise then. Give her the house, and she renounces all claim on any money of his. Let the children that want to go with her go, but take the youngest ones-those that cannot decide on their own yet."

"That sounds good, and she would probably do it, too, as she would have to use a part of the money to pay rent. instead she could now even make money by renting out some of the rooms. But then Arthur and his remaining children would be without a place to stay. And, even with all of his current wage, he doesn't make enough to pay for both rent and food for this many. Especially since only three of his children would want to stay with their mother."

"I think I mentioned it before, but I possess several estates within and outside of Britain. I went through some of them since we last met, and I found one that I think Mr. Weasley and his children could live within. I am already heaving some of my house-elves prepare it. It should be ready to move in within the next few days. Mr. Weasley can take a look at it whenever he wishes to."

"In that case, would you care to stay the night?" Lord Black asked. "We could contact Arthur, and go over there first thing tomorrow morning. It would at least be a worry less for him."

"I would not be opposed to it." "Then I will have the elves prepare the guest-room."

"Mr. Weasley. A pleasure to meet you." "Mr. Caber, wasn't it? Likewise."

"Well, then let's get going. This here is a port-key to the estate. Is everyone holding onto it? Good. Homebound." With that the port-key spun around, taking its passengers to a manor with a big garden and adjourning lawn. "This is it. Come on, let's get going. It is probably a bit bigger than you need it, it has about twenty rooms, not including the attic, the kitchen, basement, three bathrooms, another two toilets, one dining room and a sitting room with connected fireplace. I have let the elves stock the pantry already, but I don't really know your preferences concerning the rooms. The master bedroom has a connected office and you could maybe model one of the bedrooms into a playroom for the smaller children, or you will have a few guests over the years. With this many children, they are sure to bring over a few friends, colleagues or even spouses later on. I was thinking on a making contract after the divorce is finalized, that way you won't have to worry about your living-arrangements for at least the next ten years, and your wife cannot raise any protests at the situation.

What do you think?"

"I, Mr. Caber, I honestly don't know how to thank you for all this." "Please don't, I just wished to help. I you really want to thank me, please, call me Christophe." "Arthur."

"Well then, is this ok? I have asked two house-elves to bond with the family living within this house. There is the garden to take care of, the house to clean, food to make, and you also have a dozen children to take care of, so don't even think of protesting."

"Very well. Thank you, Christophe." "You are welcome, you are very welcome, Arthur."