Title: Loss of a Mother, Loss of a Wife – Chapter 15, Epilogue
Author: RomaFelton3331
Rating: T
Summary: Merlin and Arthur are happily married….right? Merlin wants a child, but Arthur dosen't want to lose her like he did his mother. Fem! Merlin, Merthur, Fem!Merlin/Arthur, Slight AU (Good Morgana).
Word count: 344
Disclaimer: I own nothing, it is all the BBC's
Hunith was the first, besides Merlin, Arthur and Gaius, to see the new Pendragon. She instantly connected with her grandchild and decided to stay in Camelot, which Merlin and Arthur were very happy about.
Morgana and Gwen had been the next to see William. Morgana had decided he was to be spoiled, and had brought him numerous toys and her and Guinevere were going to make him clothes and blankets.
Despite the King and Queen offering to pay Guinevere money for them she had declined, she was far too kind.
Next had been the knights. Leon had cradled the young for a while and had congratulated the King and Queen on there first child as did Percival and Elyan.
Gwaine declared himself godfather of the child, Merlin and Arthur merely rolled their eyes.
Later the day they had announced the arrival of William to the people of Camelot, and they had brought him along with them as they selected a cot and other baby supplies, besides toys and clothes which they had plenty of.
The people stopped by and stared lovingly at the royal family, some even, mainly the children, went up to the King and Queen and asked to see the tiny boy. Merlin and Arthur were more than happy to show off their baby.
By nighttime they were exhausted. They placed William into his new warm bed, although Merlin, and Arthur, wanted to keep him in the bed with him, it would be warmer and safer. When William closed his eyes and began snoring softly Merlin and Arthur dressed for bed.
They slipped into their bed and laid on their sides, facing each other. Arthur leaned forward and captured her lips, moving his slowly and she joined in.
Arthur bit her bottom lip gently, making her open them so Arthur could slip his tongue into her mouth. After a few moments they pulled apart and Merlin placed her head on her husbands chest.
They both drifted off to sleep not long after, dreaming of their future with William, and hopefully more children.
Authors Notes:
Last chapter, the epilogue! There will be a sequel, all those who wanted one, but so far I have only written the prologue (there will be a prologue for that one, there wasn't for this) It's mainly saying what has happened, I don't know if you want me to post it sooner or later, so just tell me!
Any reviews I get for this chapter will either be replied to by PM or in the Authors Notes of the sequel.
~~**Follow me on Twitter - RomRommers for updates on my stories, sneak peaks, information etc. as well as maybe some random babbling from me and the things**~~
Lady Blade WarAngel: Thank you! You proberly might not get this for a while, so I hope you had/having a good time, even with crazy relatives! I wish I could get a tan! Living in England has made my skin pale!
MerlinFan1996: I am doing one and thank you, I'm glad you liked it :)
saroura92: Aw :'(
Sherlockedholmes: I know it's a lovely name isn't it? Well writing makes me happy when I'm depressed, I hope it didn't show in this chapter I didn't want to reflect my mood onto the writing. And it's ok, I just hope I get a C or more otherwise I will have to resit them, I don't really have to, but I will! I find out the results in August and I'm dreading it. I really do hope I do better than I think I did! Thank you!
writergirl142: Thank you, I'm very glad you liked it and I know isn't William a lovely name?
bluestargirl1: Aw thank you so much! And everybody wanted the name William and it is nice so I thought, why not? And I've never heard of Legend of Korra so I don't know about reading to fic, sorry. And I'm glad you think so, but I don't the exams were Science and Religious Education which I both suck at :(
jotalina: Thank you and you're welcome!
LaRieNGuBleR: Yes, it is currently being written!
Kool Kato: Aw, thank you and thank you again! And I will!