This is group of prompt inspired mini short stories, a challenge that my friend LeviVillers and me have undertaken~

Each for twelve days we aim to post a chapter related to a certain word

Over time I intend to cover a good few Kuroshitsuji characters, as well as the odd Oc

Well lets get started~

The first prompt is Flowers, and the character is Undertaker

So enjoy~


Not one was around to noticed the tall darkly clothed figure as they wandered through the grave yard through to the oldest part, where the grave stones had eroded down to nameless, misshaped rock from the cuprous amounts of rain the ever dreary London had received over the centuries.

Much like, the man in questions name's, he himself seemed lost in ever changing abyss that is time, known as nothing more then his chosen profession... he was simply 'The Undertaker' to all who had ever crossed paths with him.

If anything this man was mostly know for his eccentric manner, ever looking for the perfect jester in his otherwise dim and stark world. He had been called may things over the years, insane, sick and twisted, unnatural, etc, but in his mind every insult that had ever thrown at him translated to just one word, free; free from societies grasp, from the normals that slowly suffocate all those that had been brainwashed into believe in them, free from disease, judgement and ultimately... death.

With hidden eyes set on his destination, he casually strolled in the moonlit night, navigating his way through the rows of foot paths down a more then familiar route up to a pair of graves beneath an giant extremely old and gnarled oak tree, that dominated the furthest reaches of the graveyard, it's twisted and spiney shadow looming over the ancient graves.

Upon arriving at the two stand alone graves, he held down beside the one on the left laying a bunch of white lilies just in front of the stone

"Good evening dearest~" he greeted the grave with a unusually sombre tone, placing a hand on the rough stone "hope you haven't forgotten what today is~" he inquired, pausing for a few seconds, "it is our anniversary, and so I thought it only necessary to celebrate in a fitting fashion, don't you agree my love?"

Smiling softly he pulled himself to his feet, pulling a bottle of red wine out of his robes, and two glass, removing the cork "see I've remembered, you always did love red wine" he reassured before sitting down on the burial mound just beside it, pouring out two glasses placing one on the other mound.

"Here you are, my sweet lily~" he whispered lovingly as he lay on his side, softly clinking glasses, careful not to not spill any of the deep rouge liquid. He slipped open his outer robe and took off his hat, he shifted laying on his back, resting his head on his free arm, taking a sip of wine and gazing up at the stars.

"I wonder, do you miss me where you are, or am I just part of your memories?" he lamented, sipping the wine, "are you mad at me for leaving you too soon, and staying behind?"

He just let the silence ring out, knowing that no matter how much he wished for it an answer would never come, letting his memories wash over him like the a calm tide...

No one was there to disturb him from his thoughts, the common folks never come to visit at these hours for fear of ghost and ghoulies like, so he just lay there peacefully for hours before snapping himself out of it.

"As the years go by I find myself missing you more, sweet lily, as your image starts to faint in my time eroded mind... as your image yellows, wrinkles and ages like a photograph. Maybe it'll soon be time." he mused before pausing for thought "Maybe in a few years..." he added, reaching out a lightly touching the dirt covering her "... we will reunite. Until then I ask that you wait for me, my dearest love~" he finished letting a single tear roll down from his eye.

He slowly sat up draining the last of his wine "our souls will lay side by side, just as our bodies do... I promise." he bid getting to his feet, picking up and tipping the over glass of wine over the grave.

With a satisfied nodded he turned to leave, only looking back to glance at the grave he had all but neglected, his own...