Chapter 1: As We Delve into the Situation


I finally got the job! I was recently applying to be a coal miner since most other jobs we're taken at the time and for another special reason. I was finally deciding to propose to one of my best friends who I had a crush on for a very long time. Genesis, the girl who always makes me smile, I'm planning on buying the ring with this job. No one said it will be easy, but it will be well worth it.

Since I was already physically fit, having a pretty toned body, I felt this job shouldn't be that hard. I am 6'4 and almost 19 years old. I have shaggy black hair that never seems to be neat, but Genesis thinks it's kind of cute.

From what the job application said, we will be working on a one month expedition, and tearing down the site after the excavation is over, that being a two day job. We would all be paid after the month, so I would have to be patient. It was finally time to start my first day on the job. I put on my gear, loaded up my truck, and took two pieces of toast for breakfast and got into my vehicle.

"You ain't going to say bye to your old pal before you start your first day man?" I heard a voice say before I pulled out of the driveway.

"Didn't even now you were awake, you're usually up in two hours," I replied, smiling.

It was my childhood friend Bradly, we grew up together and ironically lived two houses away from each other. He was about the same stature as me, but I actually put my height to good use, he was never really the worker, me usually lending him money that I couldn't afford to give and that he couldn't afford to pay back. But he'll pull 'through' as he always tells me.

"I wouldn't miss this for the world Chase, you're my best friend and if this new job is important to you, it is for me too," he said chuckling.

"You need money, don't you?" I asked, already predicting what his answer was going to be.

"No, I was going to ask if you were planning on to use that money on something," he said, smile somewhat gone, but eventually returning.

"Well, I was planning on buying an engagement ring to marry Genesis," I told him.

"Hmm, you better hurry, I just might want to marry her too, since we've all been the best of friends, she might say yes," he said, arms behind his back.

I laughed at him, "With what money? You barely have enough to eat, and you want to support another, ha! The day you marry Genesis will be the day that I die!" I laughed in his face, obviously knowing that I would have Genesis's hand in marriage.

"Hey, I'll hold you up to that, well I've got to go man, good luck with you're job as a... what are you again?" he asked, jokingly.

"I'm going to be a coal miner," I said.

"Oh! I could have sworn you were going to be a janitor," he said laughing.

"Ha ha, very funny, well I got to go too, I'm late enough as it is," I told him.

"Alright man, I'll see you when you get back," he said slapping my the hood of my truck.

I pulled out of my driveway ready to start my first day, which wouldn't be for another two hours since I live far away from the place. The two hour drive was not good on me, but luckily they will be providing camps here, no two hour driving every day.

I went to go see my boss, asking for what I'm supposed to be doing. There were four classes here, the detonators, those who explode cave entrances in the cave using dynamite. The movers, those who move the supplies such as lights and tools towards the the diggers or detonators. The diggers, well they are the ones who basically mine the coal from the cave system. Finally, the collectors, they carry al the rocks and coal out of the cave, ready to be tossed or collected.

I was given the digger position and I was sent to my group. I spent the rest of the day hearing explosions caused from the detonators. Everyone had an easy day, save for the detonators, since the cave wasn't ready to be dug through, but that changes tomorrow. I went to my cot that they had set up for the workers and lied on top. I opened my foot locker and pulled out a notepad and a pencil.


Today went very smoothly other than the drive to the actual site, and I made plenty of friends here. This job seems rewarding enough with them providing food, water, and a living environment. Tomorrow will be my first actual day of mining, hence today being a smooth day. I will start writing these when possible, depending if I'm not in the mood, if I'm tired, or something interesting happens. Nothing interesting has happened today, so I will continue this log tomorrow and tell you how my actual first day working goes. Genesis, I will get that ring!

A/N: Probably not as interesting as my other story, but it will get there. It doesn't really have anything to do with ponies yet either, but again, it will get there. I'm planning to end every chapter off with a log from Chase, and yes these are the same Bradly and Genesis from my other story. If you haven't read my other story, Window to a New World, I strongly recommend you read it. I will try to get chapters for this story out on Saturday and chapters for my other story on Friday. Anyways as always, leave any suggestions for this and my other story, either by PM or in the Review column.

POLL: How was your day?