Discalimer: I don't own Sailor Moon.

Chapter 5

Four Months Later...

Serena paced back and forth in the bathroom. The suspense and waiting was killing her. After a few minutes she looked down at a small white stick it read postive. She cried out with excitment. As she opened the bathroom door, she heard the front door close. "Darien!" She shrieked as she ran towards the front door. He put his breifcase down and hung his jacket. He turned around as she leaped into his arms. "It's good to see you too." He said with a smile. She was glowing. "Darien...I have some wonderful news." She blurted out. He looked at her curiously. "Oh?" He asked. She waved the small white test in front of him. "Is this what I think it is..?" He asked. She nodded. "And?" He asked anxiously. "We're pregnant!" She cried with joy. He stood there in shock for a moment before he picked her up and spun her around in a full circle. "Oh Serena, that is wonderful news!" He cried as he put her back down on the floor. She giggled. He leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

Serena walked in to the dr.'s office. She walked over to the recieptionist. "May I help you?" She asked. "Yes, I have an appointment with Dr. Burton." She said. "All right, I'll let her know your here." She said as she got up and walked away. Serena walked over to a chair and sat down. Ten minutes later the door opened and a tall red headed woman walked out. "Serena! She said. Serena stood up and embraced her with a hug. "Rita!" They pulled out of the hug. "Come back to my office." She said as she led Serena through the door. They walked into her office and sat down. "Congratulations Serena." She said. "Thanks, we are so exited." Serena said happily. "I bet, its great to see you." Rita said with a smile.

Six Months later...

Serena stood in front of a large mirror. "Serena, you look so beautiful!" Her blonde haird friend said. "Thanks Mina." She said as she turned to face her friends. "Thank you all for coming!" She said softly. "Oh Serena, we wouldn't miss this for the world." Her Raven haired friend said. Serena smiled. She couldn't believe it, today she was about to marry the only man she ever loved and the father of her unborn child. She was about seven months along now and they decided it was a wonderful time to get married. Serena took a deep breath before stepping out of the room. She greeted her father outside of the room. "Are you ready, honey?" He asked. "Yes, daddy." She said softly. She stood behind her friends as one by one they walked down the aisle. She took a deep breath as it was her turn. She looked straight ahead and saw Darien standing at the end smiling at her. She smiled back at him, though it soon faded as she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. "Serena, dear, you alright?" Her father asked as they stopped half way. She didnt say anything, only cried out in pain as she grabbed her stomach. Everyone turned and looked at her. Darien rushed to her side. "Serena, whats wrong?" He asked worriedly. She fell to her knees as the pain intensified. "Somethings wrong..." She whispered. Rita and Andrew rushed over to them. "Lay her on her back." Rita instructed Darien. Darien nodded and layed her on her back with her head resting on his lap. Tears were falling freely out of her eyes. "Whats happening?" She cried out. "Serena, please just try to breath." Rita instructed. "Andrew, call for an ambulance." She said to him. He nodded and pulled out his cellphone. "Shh...please try to stay calm, Sere...everything's going to be okay." Darien whispered as he stared down at her. She looked up at him. She could see the fear in his eyes.

They ran into the hospital. "Wait here." Rita told them. Andrew and Darien stopped as they watched Serena and Rita disappear down a long hallway. "This can't be happening." Darien yelled as he banged his fist against the wall. "Darien...try to calm down." Andrew said as he place his hand on Darien's shoulder. "Haven't we been through enough?" He asked as tears started to fall down his cheeks. He was breaking down right before Andrew's eyes. "Lets not jump to conclusions just yet, Dar...Rita will take care of them." Andrew said softly tiring to comfort his friend. Darien nodded and put his back against the wall. A couple hours later Rita came walking through the doors. "Honey?" Andrew asked as he saw her first. Darien looked up from his chair. "We had to do an emergancy c-section...Serena is alright and sleeping." She said softly. "And the baby?" Darien asked as he stood next to Andrew. "The baby is stable, but its chances don't look promising, Darien." She said sadly. "Is it a boy or a girl?" He asked. "It's a boy, congratulations." She said with a small smile. Darien forced a smile on his face. "Come on, I'll take you to the ICU room." She said as she turned around. Andrew and Darien followed her back to the ICU room.

Darien looked through the window. His son was absolutly beautiful. He could feel a fresh sat of tears forming in his eyes. "May I go in?" He asked. "Yes of course." She said as she lead him into the room. They put on gloves and an over coat. Darien walked over to the cubicle his son was laying in. "He looks just like Serena..." He said to her. Rita smiled at him. "His very beautiful." She said softly. Darien smiled and slowly slid his hand through a small opening to the cubicle and touched his tiny hands. Tears started to fall down his cheeks as his son held on to one of his fingers. He stood there for about ten minutes, before he left to go see Serena.

Serena stirred in her bed as she opened her eyes. She looked around to find the room empty. As she was about to call the nurse, her door opened slowly. Darien slowly walked in and looked over at her. She looked up at him, she noticed he had been crying. "Darien, whats wrong?" She asked as he sat down next to her. He only smiled as he touched her face. "Darien?" She asked again. "He's so beautiful, Sere.." He whispered. "He?" She asked. "Yes, its a boy." He said softly. She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. She hugged him tightly. "Hes okay then?" She asked. Darien pulled her out of the hug. "He's not out of the woods yet, but Sere, I have a strong feeling hes going to make it." He said with a smile. "I want to see him..." She said. "Okay, let me talk to Rita." He said as he stood up and walked out of the room. Rita was standing outside the door when Darien walked out. "She want's to see him." He said softly. Rita smiled and nodded. Serena sat there staring at the ceiling. She thanked god for giving her baby a fighting chance. Darien entered her room with a wheelchair and Rita behind him. They helped her out of bed and into the chair. "He looks just like you." Darien said. Serena smiled softly as they made their way to the ICU room. Serena and Darien put on clothes and coats before entering the room. Darien wheeled her into the room and over to their son. "Oh Darien..." She cried as she stared at the tiny baby in the cubicle. "What should we call him, Sere?" He asked softly. She looked up at him and back at her son. "I think we should call him Damien Andrew Shields." She said with a smile. "I think that sounds great Sere." He said as he kissed her softly on top of her head.

Two Months Later...

Darien stood, once again, at the end of the aisle next to his best man Andrew. As soon as the piano started to play he looked down the aisle to see his bride standing there. She had never looked more beautiful then she did then. He smiled as she started to walk down the aisle toward him. His mind wander back to the first day they met and everything they had been through. He couldn't believe that after all those years, they were going to finally spend the rest of their lives together. She finally reached him and he lifted her vail revealing her beautiful face. "What?" She asked softly. "You look amazing." He said with a smile. She smiled and they faced the preacher...

The End!

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