Disclaimer: I do not own BTVS or anything related to the buffyverse. I'm only borrowing characters for the sake of entertainment.

Author's note: This story is going to be used to uplift Xander Harris as a main character. I've noticed that the show has a habit of tearing down Xander's character the most, some times with obvious reason, but other times, with utter disdain. So, this story will see major changes to the story lines starting the middle of season 2. Some characters who don't appear or die will change, also Xander will gain powers that will make him equal to the rest of the gang. So read on to see what happens and review. Thank you.

February 16th, 1998

Sunnydale, California

Xander Harris was walking back to his own personal hell that he referred to as home. His thoughts still laid on the events of the school day with every female in Sunnydale romantically obsessed with him. It seemed like a nice thought on paper but considering that magic was responsible, Xander now understood that some things just aren't worth messing with. 'After all this, Cordelia probably still wouldn't think twice about me. I should cut my losses here,' Xander thought to himself as he nears his home. The other thing that bothered Xander was Angelus coming after him personally. That was something he had not counted on, but then Angelus was a master manipulator. Xander had expected to die at Angelus' hands if not for the ironically timely intervention of Drusilla.

'Thank God for small favors then,' Xander thought as he came to his front door. Suddenly, for some reason, he could feel another presence behind him. He could chock it up paranoia since the town is seated on a hellmouth. But this felt like something was tugging at his mind. As the feeling intensified, Xander turned around to find a man looking at him. This man was dressed as if he were from the mid 1940s except his shirt and pants seem more modern. And he was wearing a fedora.

"You'll be thanking him and the Powers for more than that soon enough, kid," the stranger said to Xander casually.

"Riiiiiiight. And why is Justin Timberlake suddenly on my property?" Xander asked trying to be calm.

"Heh. You're funny one. But I'm afraid humor won't save you especially with everything that's coming. And you're going to be needed the most," the stranger replied, brushing off Xander's sarcastic question.

"And who the hell are you to tell me this?" Xander demanded.

"The name is Whistler. And I'm telling you this because while the slayer is strong, the world needs more than just her and her strength. And I've been seeing things. Some terrible stuff will be going down in the future. People will die, and evil will make it's way into this place. So you'll need to stay strong when the hard times comes," Whistler said to Xander, before he abruptly vanished into thin air.

Xander opened the door to his house and entered quietly not wanting to wake his parents. He slipped off his clothes, put on a pair of shorts and an undershirt and slunk into his bed, not looking forward to the next day.

February 17th, 1998

Sunnydale High School

Xander walked into the high school not feeling very pleased with himself considered the events of the previous day and night. His encounter with Whistler had thrown him for a complete loop and he was questioning what exactly the man, if he is one, was on about. As Xander start paying attention to his surroundings, he realized that he's close to the library and his heart immediately drops. With the way Giles had rounded on him, it was clear that the man was disgusted with Xander. He turned the other way when he spotted Buffy heading straight for him. As he made his way out to the quad, he ran into Cordelia alone, her face seemingly indifferent to him.

"Oh. It's you," she said with some disdain that lacked some conviction.

"Hi Cordy. I-" Cordelia cut him off before he can finish.

"Look Xander, when I said we don't fit, well...I'm sorry but I really can't be with you after everything that happened yesterday," she said with sorrow as she walked away from him and to Harmony and the other girls. As they walked away, all girls bar Cordelia, sneered at him.

Xander went to the front entrance of the school, feeling more miserable than he thought possible since Jesse's death. He looked out to the open grass area in front of the school, thinking of everything that happened. 'Man, I really screwed up this time. Buffy probably thinks I'm a jerk. Willow won't talk to me. Cordelia rejected me. Oz thinks I tried to take advantage of Willow. And Giles would probably tear me apart if he sees me again' Xander thought to himself.

"Beating yourself up won't change anything. Did you forget what I told you last night?" asked a voice familiar to Xander.

"How do you do that?" Xander asked Whistler.

"I'll at least tell you that. I am demon. Now before you go jumping down my throat, I'm not evil, if I was, I would've killed you already. And like I said, the Powers sent me to you. I have a message for you. Jenny Calendar, or Janna Kalderash as her tribe calls her, has had some late night stays here in the school lately. She's been working on some sort of spell for Angel," Whistler responded without worry.

"WHAT! Wait, isn't she worried? What if something tries to attack her?" Xander asked heatedly.

"Well, that's why the powers wanted me to give you this warning right? After all, if this message were given to the slayer, do you really think she would do much about it? You're the only one who can truly see the big picture here. Even Calendar succeeds with the spell, it wouldn't mean things would be better," Whistler replied to the young man.

"So what the hell do you want me to do about it?"

"Whatever you can to save Janna," Whistler said, more serious than before. Without another word, Whistler was gone before Xander could say anything further. Xander composed himself and decided to skip out on the school day and headed home. As he made his way out, he was unaware that two girls were watching, just after Whistler left him.