Roxy and the Winx had walked into the Frutti Music Bar, where they were greeted by their boyfriends. They all hugged them tenderly and kissed them on the cheeks.
"Alright alright back to work" said Klaus as he hugged Roxy, "Oh and before I forget. Roxy, you have a special visitor coming today"
"Who?" Roxy asked curiously
"Oh, nobody" Klaus said as he walked back behind the juice counter.
"Come on," Stella said excited, "Who's coming to visit Roxy?"
Klaus just smiled and shrugged his shoulders.
"Nice try, but when Stella hears something important, she'll never give up on it" said Musa
"Definetly" said Tecna, "She even made me tell her what I was getting her for her birthday last year"
"Impressive, but she can't beat a grown man" Klaus boasted
"Come on, dad. Please" Roxy pleaded with puppy dog eyes, "You know you can't say no to the the sad face"
"Come on Klaus, just don't look at the eyes" Sky said
It took a while, but Klaus finally gave in, "Fine, fine its Rocksand! Just stop with the eyes, they're killing me!" Roxy actually screamed with happiness.
"Rocksand's coming! Yay!" she screamed
The Winx and Specialists all looked at her confused, "Who's Rocksand?" Flora asked
"Oh that's right. You all were in the Magic dimension. Wow," Klaus started, "I actually never thought that I would ever say that, but Bloom could possibly know who she is"
Everyone looked at Bloom, "Sorry, Klaus. I wasn't in Gardenia at the moment. Roxy can you explain more?" Bloom asked Roxy
"Huh? Oh yeah, Rocksand is my sister, see?" Roxy showed them all a picture on her cell phone of her, Klaus and a pretty girl at the beach.
"There's me, dad, and Rocksand when we were 16" Roxy explained, "We're fraternal twins"
"Wow, you two actually look somewhat alike, you're both so pretty." Layla said
"Yeah, but you should see her now; she's beautiful"
"You are too, Roxy" Stella said
"Yeah, and she even has her own band, Spark"
"Spark, eh? It's been a while since I heard that name" said Andy as he walked up to the counter as well as Mark and Ryo.
"So Rocksand's coming to town?" Ryo said as he elbowed Mark a couple times.
"Alright alright, that's enough. What about Misty?" Mark laughed as he elbowed Ryo back
The all laughed for a while when Andy started to talk for a while, "It'll be 3 years straight today, Mark"
"I know. 3 whole years of us" Mark smirked
"Ooh, Mark. Who's us?" Stella said as Brandon and the others came up to the girls.
"Rocksand of course" Ryo answered before Mark could say anything
Roxy nodded, "Yep, that's pretty much the reason were all friends now"
"By the looks of the people around this place, I think that the news has spread" said Musa
They all looked around and ,sure enough, everyone was whispering about Spark. Ryo, Mark and Andy had been whispering, and this didn't go unnoticed by Stella.
"What aren't you telling us?" she said curiously
"They told you everything" Klaus said
"Yeah, I don't know what you're talking about" said Roxy as she absent mindedly picked up a magazine and pretended to be reading.
"Humans" Tecna scolded
"Why won't you tell us?" Bloom asked
"Keep your voices down" Andy scolded
"Why?" Sky asked
"If you're in Gardenia, you have to know who Spark is, but in your case" Andy started, "If you don't know who they are, you're a nobody in this town"
"Andy's right" Mark said, "Their hometown is Gardenia, so everyone in Gardenia should know them"
Musa cleared her throat loudly, "Aren't you going to tell us why?"
"They're a famous band, okay?" Roxy admitted
"Famous in Gardenia or..." Stella said excited
"Famous in the world"
"How?" Flora asked as four girls entered the Frutti Music Bar. One of them with blonde hair walked up to Sky, "Excuse me, my friend here is looking for a girl named Roxy, or a man named Klaus?"
"Rocksand!" Roxy screamed as she clung to one of the girls neck, "I'm so happy you're here!"
"Hey lil' sis. How're you and dad?" Rocksand said
"We're good, and someone's been waiting to see you" Roxy said as she let go of Rocksand
"Hey Rocky" Mark said as he hugged Rocksand from behind, "You are looking gorgeous as usual"
"Mark" she exclaimed as he kissed her cheek, "Don't scare me like that"
Bloom took the moment when Mark had let her go to introduce them, "Hi Rocksand"
Rocksand turned to look at Bloom and smiled, "Hi. You must be Bloom. Roxy's told me all about you all"
"Like what?" Musa asked
"Well, Musa. She's told me your names, your boyfriends names, and that you all call yourselves the Winx" Rocksand said as she read through her text messages.
"Wow, than which one is which?" Tecna said
"You are Tecna" she looked at Stella, "You are Stella", she turned to Flora, "Flora and Layla"
"Pretty good, but I bet you can't name our boyfriends' names" Stella challenged as she laughed
"Are you challenging Rocksand?" the girl with blonde hair said as she lightly laughed
"Nope, I'm just seeing how good she is"
"Alright, Stella. There's Sky, Brandon, Riven, Helia, Timmy, and Nabu" Rocksand said as she smiled at Stella, "Enough with your names, it's time for us to introduce ourselves. As you know, I'm Rocksand, the lead singer and guitarist"
The girls that walked in the Frutti Music Bar stepped forward, "I'm Misty, the drummer"
"I'm May, the keyboardist"
"And I'm Sierra, backup guitarist"
The Winx all smiled at the girls, "So all of you together are Spark?" Flora asked
"In the flesh" May said sweetly
The girls were all 19, like the Winx. May had amber hair that was curled at the ends and went down to her waist, and she also had green eyes. Misty had blonde hair that was slightly curled and went down to her shoulders, and she had blue eyes. Sierra had black hair that was straight and had brown eyes. Lastly, Rocksand had wavy pink hair with red tips that went to the middle of her back and her eyes were purple, like Roxy's. Like Roxy had said, she was beautiful.
"Lemme guess. You aren't from around here?" Rocksand asked
"How'd ya guess?" Tecna asked
"Well, whenever we go to a public place and talk to someone, they either ask for autograph, or a favor" May said as she crossed her arms
"What kind of favors?" Flora asked
"Like asking for us to make them a song and mention them at a concert" said Sierra
"Or taking a picture with them and putting it on the internet" said Misty
"But that life's over" Rocksand said seriously, signaling the girls to stop talking, "We're here to visit while we're on tour"
"That's wonderful!" Roxy squealed as she once again hugged Rocksand, "It's about time. It's been almost a year since I've seen you" Rocksand hugged her back.
"We'll be in town for a couple of weeks" Sierra said
"Perfect amount of time to get to know each other" Bloom said as she smiled
"How about we go to the beach?" Misty asked
"We'll meet you there" Rocksand said as she put her sunglasses back on, "Meet us in 15 minutes"
Bloom nodded and the girls all walked out and the Winx all got together.
"This is bad, this is really bad" Tecna said worried
"What's bad?" Roxy asked
"We're fighting the wizards, that's what's bad"
Bloom sighed, "Tecna's trying to say that because of the white circle and your sister"
"The wizards would try to do them harm in some way" Musa finished
"And they hate me. But as long as they don't know that she's my sister, they won't bother her"
"Good, now let's go meet them at the beach" Stella said as she and the Winx started to head home, unknown to them that Duman had heard everything...
Hi, you guys. This story is bound to be one of the favorites. Rocksand is most likely going to be in some danger in later chapters though