Just What I Needed
Chapter 12
I don't own CSI but I do love to play with them! It's the sincerest form of flattery!
And now to bring the story to an end. To those who have stayed with me, thank you so much! I will publish a new tale – this time for Castle – soon. Thank you all so much for your kind words and comments. You only make me a better writer!
The drive home was going to be long. It was always tough to put their personal time aside and go back to work where they could not reveal their affections.
"So," Grissom said, trying to break the uncomfortable silence, "Do you think that family will ever be right?"
"Well, maybe," Sara responded, "Perhaps now that Stephanie knows that she has a another brother, she will be able to put that joke of a brother behind her."
"It's amazing what some people will do for money. It's just a shame that some really nice people had to die for it."
"Yes, I agree," Sara said, "But she did say she was going to make a generous donation to the Tanner's family."
"That is very generous. I guess she had a better heart than we first thought."
"Yes," she agreed, "I guess you can't judge a book by its cover!"
He looked at her with his sideways Grissom look.
She smiled. "No, I never judged you by your cover."
"Thanks goodness," he answered. "Otherwise we would never have gotten to this point!"
"Gil," she said, smiling because he had successfully brought her out of her funk, "Your cover is great!"
He reached over to hold her hand.
"You have to admit," he changed the subject, "Hiding the data on a chip under a stone in a necklace was brilliant."
"It was clever," she answered, "But I still have one question, "
"What's that dear?"
"Do you think that Faisano had his son's mother killed?" she asked.
"Well, I guess we will never know the answer to that. But the evidence seems to suggest that it is true."
"Good think Greg found that key, " Sara added, "Otherwise we would never have been able to tie all of those loose ends up so quickly."
"Yes," Grissom answered, "I was very proud of him."
"Me too!" Sara answered.
They passed a sign that said Las Vegas was only 30 miles away. Sara became sullen again.
"I love my job, Gil," she started, "You know I love what I do, but I hate that we have to stay apart while we are working."
"Move in with me Sara," he said, "We can be together and not have to worry about being secretive."
"No," she said, caressing his hand, "I can't do that Gil, at least not yet."
"Why?" he asked.
"You've been a bachelor for a long time," she answered, "And I've been on my own since I was very young."
"We can make it work." He answered squeezing her hand, "I'd give up anything to be with you."
She smiled.
"I love you," she said quietly, "I'm just not ready."
"Then I will wait for you as you patiently waited for me."
That sat in the silence, this time more comfortable than the last.
"You know," he said quietly, "I have an idea."
"What," she asked.
"I have a piece of property in the mountains that my Aunt Martha left me when she died."
"That's a nice gift."
"But what we can do is build a house up in the mountains over the city. With two offices so we each have our space."
"Gil," Sara answered, stunned by his offer, "Wow, that is great, but honestly I can't afford to build a house!"
"You can't, but I can," he continued, "Once it is built, I'll sell the condo and you can put what you pay for rent towards the mortgage. That way we will both own it. It will be ours."
"Yes," she said, "That would work beautifully!"
"Then it's settled. I'll find a contractor on Monday before I go to work." He smiled, happy that he had found a way to make her genuinely happy. It didn't happen as often as he wanted. He realized that he was part of the heartache she had experienced and wanted to make it right. She was the love of his life and her happiness meant the world to him.
"Can we build a pool?" she asked. "I've always wanted a pool."
"You can build whatever you'd like!" he responded, happy to have her onboard with his plan.
"How will we be able to keep our lives out of the office?" she suddenly realized that they might not be able to go through with this idea. "I really don't want Ecklie to find out and fire us both"
"Why would he find out?" Grissom asked, "Unless he was looking for something."
"I'll have to give an address for my file," she worried, "Someone will see it."
"Get a post office box," a voice from the backseat of the car, "For crying out loud, build a house, get a pool, and move in together already!"
Greg's head popped up over the back seat. He was smiling from ear to ear, happy that his best friend finally was going to have the one thing she wanted. The other man.
"Don't worry," he said, smiling from ear to ear, "Your secret is safe with me!" he paused "As long as I never have to dumpster dive again!"
I hope you enjoyed the story. Remember, as long as we have fan fiction, GSR will live on forever!