A/N : Ok so this is my attempt at a LUCKY story, i just love the pairing so much and when the plot bunny attacked i couldn't resist. I don't think anyones tried this before, but if they have just tell me and I'll check it out.
Feel free to leave any comments, critisism (constructive preferably) etc. I'd love to hear what you think about it and wheter I should continue with this or not. :) xXx~64
Disclaimer : I don't own anything, the characters etc. are all Katsura Hoshino's all the credit goes to her ('cept for the plot that ones mine :)
Warning : YAOI/Shounen-ai, malexmale, boy's love, two guys, I don't think it gets a lot clearer than that ;) don't like don't read.

Chapter 1 : The beginning

Somewhere in the black order headquarters an old man was staring out the window, his eyes unseeing. He was completely lost in his thoughts, mind going over the coming conversation with his apprentice over and over again.

Until he was shocked out of his thoughts by someone knocking on his door. Knowing who it was, having sent for the them himself, he called out to the boy on the other side of the door.

"Lavi come in"

The door opened up and a redheaded boy of about 18 years old, wearing an eye patch over his right eye and the exorcist uniform walked into the room.

"Hey Jiji what's up ?"

Resisting the urge to roll his eyes at his pupils behavior the old man told him to sit,

"sit down Lavi I need to talk to you."

"Whoa what's with the face? Is something wrong ?" the apprentice asked worriedly, seeing the serious look of the man in front of him. Not that there really was anything a normal person could've used to determine this, but Lavi wasn't a bookman apprentice for nothing.

"There is, I've been observing you and noticed that lately you seem to be getting more and more attached to the other exorcists. Here the old man paused for a moment. "This is unacceptable, Therefore I've decided that you need to leave."

This statement was followed by a short pause in which his apprentices face slowly started to grow paler and paler before he finally managed to croak out,
"leave...what do you mean I need to leave ? "

"I mean that you need to leave the black order. " Bookman answered his clearly distressed apprentice.

"Lavi, He continued, you are first and foremost a bookman, and as a bookman you can not have any attachments, They will only impair your judgment and ability to record history objectively. "

Finally seeming to get over his shock a bit Lavi started sputtering objections.

"Y-You you can't be serious ! you can't just make me leave like this, the war's not even over yet! Where would I even go ?"

"I have already made arrangements for that," The man calmly answered, "since you can't seem to remain unattached on this side of the war you will simply have to go to the other and record history from there."

"The..other.. side ? you mean the earl's side, You- you've got to be kidding me! Did you hit your head or something ? The guy's a monster! How could you even think of asking me to join him?"

The young man was now clearly upset and about to really lose his temper, Seeing this the older man quickly intervened.

"Lavi! calm down! you won't need to join anything, you'll only be there to observe, like you are supposed to do. "

Here he leveled a serious stare at the fuming boy in front of him, When the redhead had finally calmed down a bit he continued,

"You are getting much too worked up about this, as a bookman it is your duty to learn as much as possible and record it for future generations. This is an amazing opportunity to learn more about akuma, the Noah and even the millennium earl himself. You can not refuse. "
The last was said with such finality that Lavi knew it would be no use complaining any further, the panda had made up his mind and there was nothing he could do about it.

Feeling a bit ashamed about his earlier outburst, but still not happy about the new arrangements, Lavi finally agreed. "Fine, but I don't have to like it."

"I never said you had to, idiot." Bookman said, reverting to his usual way of addressing the redhead now that the more serious part of the conversation was over.

"Can I at least say goodbye to my fri- I mean to the others ?" The redhead quickly corrected himself not wanting to upset the old panda again now that he finally seemed to be relaxing a bit.

"You may, but you'll have to be quick about it. The earl is sending someone to come pick you up at a nearby village tomorrow at noon. I will accompany you on the way there. We leave at dawn, I expect you to be ready then.

Lavi nodded and turned to leave, but before he could exit he heard the panda call after him,

"Oh and Lavi I know I probably don't need to tell you this, but don't tell them where you're going. It would only cause unnecessary complications."

"yes Jiji," he said, before once more turning and leaving the room.

If he had looked back though he would have seen the softening eyes of his teacher and heard the quiet sigh of regret that escaped the old man's lips.