Disclaimer: Every single little thing in this fic belongs to JK Rowling

Love Alicia (283)

Dear Fred,

I've just come home from your funeral.

Those words still don't seem to make logical sense to me. It never actually occurred to me that some of my friends might not make it through the war until one of them actually didn't. Maybe that was because I never thought about it or maybe it was because I – for some odd reason – thought we were invincible. But we're not and I learnt that the hard way. I never even got to say bye to you.

You'll be greatly missed Fred if the numbers at your funeral was anything to go by. Hundreds of people were there. Your family obviously, loads of people we went to school with, the Hogwarts professors, Dumbledore's Army, the Order, some Ministry people who you probably hate, loads of the shop owners from Diagon Alley, Verity, Madam Rosmerta, Aberforth Dumbledore and me of course. Rita Skeeter turned up too but left before it started after a heated discussion with Hermione.

The service started out rather boringly – the sort of thing you would hate. I was sitting with Angie and Lee and we all thought the same thing. But just at the end some of those fireworks you and George created went off. Not like the ones which irritated the hell out of Umbridge, these ones were a whole lot more significant and powerful.

George set them off as a tribute to you – just plain gold, scarlet and magenta sparks but I understood what he was trying to do. They represented your shop and our school house.

I already miss you loads and it's only been four days. Everyone's acting so differently. I wish you were here.

Love Alicia

I have about seventeen of these which I will upload gradually. I'm doing it in alphabectical order if you're wondering why I started with Alicia. This one sort of sets the scene as it happens just after the funeral.

If you have any suggestions as to who you want to read a letter from please tell me :)

Next up is Angelina :)