For all of those who're still following this story and waiting for my next update... I regret to inform you that this version of the story has been discontinued due to the fact that I went in with absolutely no idea what I was doing.

Do Not Worry Though!

I am going to be posting a rewrite post-haste, as soon as I can and it will follow the same basic plot really but with more expansion on events and the characters and exploration of what exactly is going on in the Pokémon MD universe.

For those of you who have submitted Teams to this story, the first thing I need to say is that I've regretfully lost track of who I actually alerted acceptance to... so when I post a chapter than involves someone specifics team, I will alert the Owner of that Team via a PM, that way they can actually be sure that their characters are been used to further the plot, or even simply appearing as a cameo in that particular chapter... it all depends of course on how the plot actually develops.

If you should wish to, you may re-submit your team to me via PM, that way you'll make sure that I get them and we can talk a little bit more about the details and iron it out without too many problems coming up.

If anyone wishes for a decent template to know what they're expected to explain to me with their teams then the following should suffice:

Team Name:


Team Personalities:


Missions Completed:



Stand On Humans(note this is plot important...)

Also I am in desperate need for some villainous Pokémon teams, I realised this when I worked out that really I only have about three really big and bad villainous groups in my story the the characters actually face head on, and one single Outlaws Guild run by a good guy turned bad (it's a long story)... So if they work for an Outlaw's Guild (it can be one you've made up) and in an outlaw team submitting those types of characters is fine... but I'll only be accepting new characters and teams until the fifth chapter of the rewrite is posted and not via review, but via PM.

The Outlaws Guild that my villainous characters belong to is known as the Aztec Outlaws Guild if you wish to claim that your bad guys team came from there... any other information on the guild is currently been kept quiet since it's a bit plot specific even if only Team Starters, Team S(classified) and Team Hammer is from there and actively engage the good guys.

Once more I am sorry to any fans who're still following this version of the story, but I will most likely have the chapters of the rewrite up tomorrow by the latest and later this day at the earliest.

Also, if people wish to have a more in depth template for their characters just to give me something a little bit more solid for me to work with then use the following template for each member of your team or just for a single Pokémon if they don't actually belong to a team, this will also allow you to submit travelling characters or characters who live in or around Treasure Town or the surrounding area that my characters meet or even that the other Guild members meet and mention.

Once more submissions are only accepted via PM.









Stand On Humans(again this is important to my story):

Team (if applicable):

Guild (if applicable):

Special Interest:

Also I honestly don't mind if you say that any of your characters were once human, it's kind of not that big of a thing in my stories universe... and has apparently been happening more and more recently so in general I wouldn't mind a few extra of those characters hanging around, if only for extra plot purposes or to drive home the point that something is going wrong once more in this world of Pokémon Exploration. Also their memory situation is all up to you... some keep their memories while others don't... doesn't really matter to me either way.

I am sorry if this has bugged anyone or made them despair, but hey... life happens and intentions can change... at least I'm one of those people who try their darndest to complete what they started!

Thanks for reading through this awfully convoluted and kind of useless AN, since I'm sure not many will...
