A/N: Hey...so this is yet another IchiRuki fic, and let me warn all readers that this is terribly OOC, and IchiRuki fall in love at first sight- of course, I suppose there will be some minor arguments, but it'll be unlike IchiRuki, so if you don't like it, then it's upto you.

DISCLAIMER- I do not own Bleach at any cost, although I wish I did.

Two Very Different People

Dawn broke out and hit her square on the face. Rukia Kuchiki got up slowly, her vision clearing- there were satin curtains hanging on the four posters of her royal bed.

Her maid- Rangiku Matsumoto came in, a smile on her face that looked as if she'd stuck it on with glue.

"'Morning, Ru- Mistress..It's time for you to get up- master has been waiting impatiently for you to join him downstairs from the past half-an-hour."

"...Wha-? What's the time?" Rukia asked drowsily, scratching her hair.

Rangiku tossed her hair "I don't really know...my whole world is swimming actually, you'd have to excuse me I was-"

"-out drinking again last night?" Rukia asked testily, putting on her dressing gown. She eyed her maid, who looked worse for wear. There were dark circles under her eyes and her smile had dropped down effortlessly- she looked like a ghost. "How many times have I told you- a lady's not supposed to go around doing things like these late at nights."

Rangiku laughed "No offense, but that coming from you..."

Rukia glared at her when there was a knock on her door and the butler entered "Master Kuchiki wishes you to join him and Mister Tsukimori for breakfast"

Rukia swore and ran down the stairs, hurriedly setting her hair. Len Tsukimori- her future father-in-law. She and Len's son- Kazuki- had known each other since their childhood, and it was known worldwide- The famous Kuchiki Empire would join with the Tsukimori's Manufacturing Company once Rukia and Kazuki announced their engagement official.

Rukia or Kazuki had never had any say in any of this- the two families had decided from their childhood that the two would be married. All that Rukia had been told to do was always be presentable and hold herself like a lady, behave properly, smile, be perfect, set a good impression on them. And she always knew she had to follow it.

Byakuya- the Head of the Kuchiki Empire- had done her a huge favor by accepting her in his world- a world that had been only his and his wife's- Hisana, Rukia's sister. He had taken Rukia in for Hisana's sake, because the former had nowhere to go once Hisana was married.

Rukia ran downstairs and finally burst into the dining hall "Sorry, I'm-!"

Silence filled the hall. Byakuya was staring at her with narrowed eyes.

"Good morning. Take your seat" he said quietly.

"Aah- like a breath of fresh air you are, my dear!"cried Len, his pouchy eyes inspecting her, not the least bit affected and continuing on with his croissant "I was just telling Byakuya how lucky we are to have found someone so different..so special like you!"

Rukia forced herself to smile "Indeed"

"Do you know all that you have to do today?" asked Byakuya quietly.

She looked up "The gala by Countess Giavanni. And then dinner with the Kisuke Family, ofcourse, we have to pick my dress in between from the cleaner's at London" she said at once- she never shrugged her responsibilities- how much ever (insert a sigh here) she hated them- absolutely loathed them from the core of her heart.

"Kazuki is coming back this evening, Rukia-chan! Or didn't Byakuya tell you?" Len burst out.

Rukia looked over at Byakuya with horrified eyes as he looked away pointedly.

He had known that if he had told her Kazuki was coming today she would've run away and hidden somewhere, like she did every other time.

"You sly old man!" cried Len, laughing, slapping Byakuya's back. Rukia could only find solace in the look on Byakuya's face- his eyebrows were twitching in fury- he looked so angry...like he might just burst out and wrangle Len's neck...

"Don't you worry, little lady, you'll meet your dear fiance at the Gala!" Len smiled.

Rukia sighed.

"Will you stop doing that? It's been hours already!" Ichigo said irritably.

Propped- up against a tree for such a long time certainly assured you a backache- but he had a performance- some Gala that evening, and he needed to practice playing some of his piano pieces.

His best friend, ofcourse, paid no attention and kept on throwing stones at the closed window of his love- Momo Hinamori "Shut up, Kurosaki"

Ichigo looked at him," You know I'm surprised you're capable of emotions, Hitsugaya- how do you know you're in love with her?"

"Will you j-"

"WHAT ARE YOU BASTARDS DOING OVER HERE AGAIN? GET THE HELL OUT!" came a loud yell, and appeared an old man, furious and holding the leash to atleast four dogs. Hitsugaya struggled to get up to his feet, Renji came running from the back door and Ichigo jumped up.


The three of them scrambled up and began to run as the dogs barked behind them.

"Run-! Run Ichigo!"

"You don't need to tell me, genius!"

"Toshirou-!" came Momo's strangled cry from behind.

"I swear if you go to see her now I will kill you!" Ichigo panted, alongside Toshirou.

"That old fart..."muttered Toshirou.

"GET LOST- AND DON'T YOU DARE COME BACK!" came the old man's yell from far away, echoing as they ran into the forest to their cabin.

Ichigo couldn't believe this- here he was, running through the streets towards the forest- a very much renowned, if not rich, pianist and he was assisting his friends with throwing stones at girl's windows and upsetting fathers everywhere as females from everywhere fell in love with him.

"Oooooh...aren't you that...oh! I- can I get your- I-" a woman cried, and Ichigo quickly dodged her.

"Some other time!"

"I love you!" she cried, waving at him.

He could hear distant barking- so Momo's dad had set his dogs free- he could see their cabin now- it wasn't much inside the forest, although in a desolated area. He burst inside the house and doubled over, panting and coughing, sweating heavily. Renji and Toshirou ran in and slammed the door shut. Renji fell on the floor, laughing and rolling over.

"That was bloody fun-!"

"Get out of my face- Toshirou, forget about her!" Ichigo said angrily "That guy'll marry Momo off to a tramp before he considers you- now for God's sake, get lost- I have a performance this evening!"

"I have a performance this evening'...Go to hell, Ichigo...Little Toshi did all this for love- he'll always have my side!" Renji grabbed Toshirou by the shoulders, but the short man shrugged him off and looked away coldly- he had turned his usual inhuman self-incapable of emotions.

"TOSHIROU, RENJI, ICHIGO, DID YOU VISIT THAT MOJO GIRL AGAIN?" came an exhausted, infuriated yell from the front door and then appeared Uryu Ishida, wearing tattered clother and hair and glasses dishevelled as he panted. His left wrist was bleeding ligthly.

"It's MOMO!" Toshirou said angrily.


"Dogs attack you again?" Renji asked idly.

"Yes dogs attack me again! And kindly tell me why they always go for me when I have done nothing wrong?"

"Well, he did see you once during one particular Momo raid, so I guess your picture's been embedded in their minds." Renji rolled his eyes "And Toshi did it for love!"

"I don't care what he did it for!"

Sighing, Ichigo left them at it- if he hung around, he would be dragged into the conversation sooner or later, and that would be the end to his hope of getting any practise for his piano playing for the Dance.

"By the way, guys- you are invited over for the dance too- so behave yourselves!" he cried over to them, but they paid no heed, too busy fighting.

Ichigo left, wishing he had someone sane in his life for once.

A/N: What can I say? As you can see, kinda OOC, although it'll get worse, don't worry ;P And yeah...the beginnings of my stories are never good, so...stick around..?

Any reviews, I'm always welcome to it, like every other author.

Thanks for reading! :)
