Chapter seven! What will happen now? Well, Pinkie will introduce one of her friends of course! Sorry I haven't been updating, I just took a bit of a break!

The weeks passed, and Pinkie came to visit everyday. Corona slowly recovered, both physically and mentally. Then the day came when she was introduced to one of Pinkie's friends. It was late morning, when Pinkie brought in a shy, yellow Pegasus.

'Hey Corona! I brought one of my friends to say hi! Her name is Fluttershy!' Fluttershy hid behind Pinkie, head down, refusing to look at Corona. Pinkie moved so Fluttershy was in clear view. Her mane was a baby pink with two bangs. Her coat was a pale yellow, with her cutie mark three pink butterflies. Her eyes were shut tight. She didn't notice Pinkie had moved but when she did she opened them to reveal her deep, blue eyes.

'Fluttershy loves animals! She has a pet bunny called angel! She has all kinds of animals at her little cottage! Oh my gosh, I haven't asked you what your favourite animal is yet, have I? Well Corona, what's your favourite animal?' Fluttershy still hid behind Pinkie.

'Mine's an elephant, Pinkie. What about you?'

'Well, alligator of course! You know about gummy!'

'Of course! What about you, Fluttershy?'

Fluttershy spoke too quietly for Corona to hear. 'She said a bunny!'

Corona tried to make eye contact with the extremely shy Pegasus. Would you happen to have any elephants at your house?'

Finally Fluttershy built up the courage to talk to this new pony. 'Oh, they are a bit too big just for my little cottage. The biggest animals I've got are flamingoes.'

'Flamingoes! Wow you must really have your way with animals!'

Fluttershy blushed. She liked this blue pony. The three of them continued their conversation till noon. Fluttershy had to go feed the animals lunch. She said goodbye and ran home.