A/N: This was actually the first FF idea that popped into my mind when I started watching Soul Eater. But then the plot bunnies for my other story 'Eight' got into my brain and demanded to be heard first. Now that they are gone I can work on this story. Hope you enjoy it!

Warning: As with most/all of the fanfiction that I read/write this will contain !LEMONS!. I can't help it, my brain is just a twisted place to dwell. If I had Stein's screw I might be able to straighten out my thoughts to a less perverted place, but alas I don't. With that out of the way, the aforementioned !LEMONS! will have some S/M tones to it, it is a So/Ma fic after all. Technically there is also statutory rape, because in my mind Soul is 19 and Maka is 17; at least in my story they are. But it is not noncon.

Disclaimer: I do not own Soul Eater. I do not own the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. If I owned either I would still be writing stories though. It's FUN!

Yeah Yeah Yeah


Maka stood in the middle of her living room, looking around at the mess clearly visible in the late afternoon light. The warmth that the nearly asleep, drooling sun cast into the room was pleasant on her shoulders. She sighed as she contemplated the chore ahead of her. This was the earliest she had gotten back from the lab with Stein this whole week, most nights working until they had both fallen asleep, him at his desk, and her out on the floor, laptop or heavy book on the ground beside her.

'Soul going to that stupid video game thing this week has been interesting,' Maka thought as she picked her way through the cluttered floor to her room. 'I've been able to study Soul Resonance with Stein without Soul picking on me for being a bookworm. I've even been able to indulge in my secret messiness.'

Yes, that's right. Maka Albarn, 17 year old, straight A bookworm, somewhat Kid sympathizing, slightly OCD, Death Scythe wielding meister, was secretly a mess. She had to hide it and her irritation around her partner and roommate, 19 year old Soul Evens. If she didn't her messiness and his would combine into 'Hoarders' level messes. And her slight OCDness wouldn't let her do that. So she cleaned up for both of them. However, with Soul going to a video game conference with Kid and Black*Star this week, and her spending so much time with Stein, the house was a mess.

Soul was due back the next day, Saturday, so Maka forced herself home from her studies early to clean up the place so he wouldn't find out her secret. 'One of your secrets', a voice whispered from the back of her mind. Maka shook her head to get rid of the voice; she wasn't going to go down that path. Instead she began to mentally plan out her afternoon/evening.

Soul's room was fine, no one had been in it while he was gone so it would stay as he left it, and she had enough to do as it was. She would start on the bathroom; she really had only used the shower this week so it would be quick. Than the kitchen, Marie had been feeding both her and Stein this whole week so it wasn't much worse than the bathroom. Maka sighed again as she thought about the living room. It had been a dumping ground for everything she hadn't needed throughout the week, and would be a pain to pick up. And finally, her room, it looked as though a tornado had been through it. Honestly how did it get so bad in only a week?

Before she started cleaning everything she wanted to change out of the clothes she had been wearing all day. Her usual jacket was tossed over the foot of her bed, gloves and skirt too, they weren't machine washable. Her shirt, socks and panties she tossed in the general direction of her hamper; she was going to clean in here later, what did her aim matter?

Maka walked toward her dresser, stopping to see herself in the floor length mirror on the back of her closet door. She smiled as she shook her head at her reflection, causing her shoulder length, choppy layered ash blond hair to move around her face. Her smile faded as she took in her body. She was fit; she could admit that to herself. Her legs looked nice, muscular, and her stomach was flat and toned. But even at 17 she barely had any chest to speak of. Even in the red lace pushup bra she was still wearing she scraped by at a large B cup. She would have been okay with no boobs if she had some hips, or an ass, but she was small in those areas too.

'Stop feeling sorry for yourself Maka,' she scolded herself, pulling on short black cotton shorts, not bothering with new panties, and pulling one of Souls stolen wife beaters over her head. 'Just because the idiot you live with didn't want you, doesn't mean other boys don't.' Maka smiled sadly as she remembered her short romantic history, while pulling on black and white striped thigh high socks so her feet would stay warm.

When puberty had hit her she had of course turned to Soul for answers. He was older than her; he knew more about these matters than she had. But after an awkward first kiss between them, 'a kiss he ended remember', nothing more had happened. He moved on to other girls and she had moved on to other guys. If she had always looked at him a bit jealous of his girlfriends, she would push that feeling away. When her eyes would stray to the hall to catch a glimpse of him heading from shower to his room, clad only in a towel, muscles still damp and glistening, she would force herself to look elsewhere.

Her first boyfriend, hell all four of her boyfriends if she was being honest, had slightly resembled Soul. Similar coloring at least, or as close as she could get to his unique mix of red eyes and white hair. None of their friends had ever called her out on it, and neither had Soul. She just assumed that no one but her could notice. When she had lost her virginity to her second boyfriend, Mike, and Souls face was in her brain both during the penetration and during her first sex induced orgasm she brushed it off as a quirk. Maybe all girls thought about another guy during sex. However, with her last relationship ending about a month ago, because she had actually called out Souls name during sex she knew that she had a problem.

Maka was in love with Soul, probably always had been. She could hardly admit it to herself. He obviously didn't love her, didn't even see her as anything more than a little sister that he would do anything to protect. She would work around it. Try harder with her next boyfriend. She wasn't going to let her feelings mess with a perfectly good working relationship. And that working relationship wasn't going to interfere with her romantic relationships either.

Nodding her head Maka made her way back into the living room, heading to the expensive sound system Soul had occupying multiple shelves on the wall. 'I'm going to put on some loud music and not think about this anymore tonight.' Maka plugged in her iPod and set it up to cycle through her Yeah Yeah Yeahs albums. She turned the volume up to the point that she could hear it through the whole apartment, and clicked the knob up a few extra times.

Mentally pushing up her sleeves she headed toward the bathroom to start her task.

2ndA/N: Sorry if it got a bit dramatic toward the end there. I do better with sex than I do with emotions. Lol. No !LEMONS! yet, but stick by, they will be here soon. I will probably update tomorrow or Tuesday. Reviews are love and I'm lonely!