Aang quietly whistled as he washed his body. Since he didn't have a 3rd Period, he usually waited for everyone to leave to have the school showers to himself. Though it did cut into his time with his girlfriend, it beat showering with over a half of dozen guys. He shut off the water and heard a small whimper. Looking around, wondering who or what it was, Aang wrapped a towel around his waist and put on his glasses. "Hello?" He called. There wasn't an answer. Aang shrugged it off and walked to his locker. He heard the sound again, but it sounded more like crying now. Putting on his underwear and pants, he looked for the source of the crying. Aang looked around the corner and saw a small girl, curled up in a ball, completely naked. He slowly approached her, "Are you okay?" She jumped a little and backed up against the wall. "I'm not going to hurt you."

"Stay away," She told him, her eyes were hidden behind her ebony hair.

"Just let me help you," Aang said. He carefully approached her, but she didn't seem to back away anymore. But once his fingers touched her skin, she moved away from him. "Please, I just want to help you. I'm going to take you over to my locker and give you some clothes to wear."

"Leave me alone, I can take care of myself," The girl told him.

He frowned a little, "Are you hurt?" She shook her head, "Did anyone try to violate you?" Again she shook her head, "Okay, well at least let me give you some clothes so you can get out of here." Aang grabbed the nearest towel. "You can put this on, I don't want to make you anymore uncomfortable than you probably are." He handed her the towel and turned around. She used the wall to help herself and tied the towel around her body. "Follow me." Aang told her. He walked a couple steps and noticed she didn't follow. "Come on."

"I can't…I'm blind." Aang was taken by surprise, but it answered the question of why she was in here. He knew most of the school, so the girl must have been new. The girls at school weren't as welcoming as outsiders would think. This seemed like Azula's work, only she would strip a blind girl and shove her in the boy's locker room.

He walked back over and took her hand, "Here," Aang led her to his locker and sat her down on the bench. The only other clothes Aang had in his locker were his PE clothes. Aang took them out and put them in her hands. "Put these on." He grabbed his gym shoes out also, "These might be a little bit too big, but they should do until I can help you get your clothes back." She nodded as he got up and went around the corner. Aang silently waited as she put on his clothes, sometimes realizing she had put the clothes backwards.

"Okay." She signaled him. He came around the corner and she blew some of her hair out of her mint green eyes, staring off into the distance.

"What is your name?" He asked her, "I thought I might ask, so I could actually call you by your name."

She shifted her stance, "Toph…Toph Bei Fong, what's your name?"

"Aang." Aang told her. "We need to go find my girlfriend, she can help you find your clothes and stuff." He finished dressing and took her hand, leading her out of the locker room. They got looks from everyone, but he ignored them all.

"Aang? Why are you helping me?" She asked. "Out of all the people in the school, why help the new girl?"

"I was the new kid once, I know how hard it is to make friends," Aang told her.

"So it's not because I'm blind?"

He smiled, "No, it doesn't matter at all. I would still help you if you weren't blind. You seem nice enough."

"Thank you…" They made it to the cafeteria and he saw his girlfriend waiting for him. She was leaning against one of the tables, holding some of her books against her chest. Her long brown hair went down her back with two small hair loops in front. She wore a baby blue tank top and black skinny jeans. He saw her cerulean eyes narrow in anger as they approached her.

"Kat, this is Toph. Toph this is my girlfriend Katara." Aang reached out for Katara's hand and brought it to Toph's, both the girls awkwardly shaking hands. "She's the latest victim of the Queen Bee….and her newest low." Katara saw how Toph's blind eyes looked past her. She looked at Aang, who nodded. All her anger faded away.

"It's nice to meet you Toph." She said.

"Nice to meet you too."

Aang gave his girlfriend a kiss, "Could you help her into the girl's locker room to get her stuff? Azula stripped her and threw her in the boy's locker room."

Katara frowned, "Oh my God." She hugged the smaller girl, Aang saw her roll her blind eyes. It made him smile, knowing that even though she had a disadvantage, she was still a regular girl. "Come on, I'll help you." He watched as Katara took her back towards the locker rooms, glad that they had found a new friend.

Zuko turned off his car and got out. He usually just skipped class, but there was nothing to do. He didn't want to go home and be around his father. It wasn't that he didn't like his father, but conversations with him alone got awkward. Ozai had just recently gotten back together with his mother after a divorce when he and Azula were kids. He took Azula and Ursa kept him. His Uncle Iroh was his father figure in place of Ozai. Even though they were split apart, Zuko still saw his sister at school and it was obvious the different parenting styles came out. Zuko pulled up his hoodie and walked towards the cafeteria. He knew Aang and Katara were usually in the cafeteria, since they were kicked out of the library for making out. Opening the door, he searched the room for his friends and saw them deep in conversation with a smaller girl. Zuko walked over and pulled up a chair, he looked at new girl. "Hey, whose she?"

"Zuko, meet Toph Bei Fong, the latest victim of your sister." Katara said.

Toph's brow furrowed, "She's your sister?"

He sighed, "Yeah, I'm sorry. Azula has this disease…it's called 'being a fucking bitch'. She doesn't handle the side effect very well." Zuko saw a smile appear on her porcelain face. "She is usually just jealous of girls that are prettier of her. You know what they saw, jealousy is a fickle bitch…but she changed her name to Azula." While the couple laughed at his joke, Toph tried her best to hide the blush forming on her cheeks. No one had ever said she was pretty…well, prettier than someone. "Anyways, I'm sorry my sister is a bitch Toph."

"It's fine…I'm use to people picking on me." She told him. "If it's not for my blindness, it's for my height…or for being a 'rich girl'…"

Zuko was surprised, he didn't even notice the girl was blind. "People are assholes."

"You can say that again," Aang said. He looked over to his girlfriend and she nodded away from the table, signifying she wanted to talk to him about something. "Um, well be right back." Katara and Aang left the two at the table and went over to the vending machines on the other side of the cafeteria.

She took his hand between hers, "Aangy, I need your opinion on something. You're the only one whose opinion I can listen to about this."

"What is it Kat?"

Katara bit her bottom lip, "Toph being blind isn't her only problem…"

"It's not a problem Kat."

"Well, you know what I mean…she's a run-away Aang. She has nowhere else to go." Katara revealed. "Toph told me that her parents treat her like a doll. They won't even let her out of the house without an assistant to help her."

"Then how is she here?" Aang asked.

"She ran away, they have no idea where she is….and I want to give her a place to stay." Katara told him.


She knew exactly what he was going to say, "Before you say anything, my parents would have no problem with it and I can help take care of her. She could be like our daughter, we could take care of her together, as training to be parents."

Aang blinked a couple times behind his black rimmed glasses, "Uh…did you just say that Toph would be our daughter? We're a little too young to be having a child…also one that doesn't look a thing like either of us."

Katara frowned a little, "Please Aang…you know how much I want kids, especially yours. It would only be training."

"Kat, we don't really know Toph. What if she isn't who she says she is and totally robs you?" Aang questioned.

She sighed, "She's blind Aang, what is going to rob me of?"

"I'm just warning you, okay Kat? I've known you for years, you look to help people…but sometimes it gets you into bad situations. Like remember that time at the 7-11?" Aang asked.

"I didn't know that the guy was robbing the store, I just held the door open." She explained. "And stop bringing that up."

He smiled, "Oh relax. But I do think that Toph could use some friends. Just be careful with her and her parents, if they find her and want her back, you're going to have to give her up." She nodded, understanding what he meant. "I approve….but not on the parenting thing, that's just a little weird."

Katara hugged him and gave him a kiss, "Thank you for the support Aangy."

"Now, that's something we really need to talk about…"

Zuko led Toph through the hallways, his hand softly steering her through the hallway, around the lockers and people. He assumed that she wouldn't like to be dragged around like a little girl, so just lightly steering her seemed to be the best alternative. It made him feel a little uneasy that he felt attracted to the blind girl, it wasn't like he had a problem with her sightlessness, but thought some people might think he was trying to take advantage of her because she couldn't see. The same talk they had with her made him like her more. Their personalities matched, she laughed at his jokes and they shared the common enemy known as his sister. He found out that she was a sophomore while he was a junior. The more he learned about her, the closer he would get to kissing her soft puffy lips. "So, we have the same classes huh?" Toph asked bringing him out of his mind.

"Uh yeah, everything except English…I really don't go to class, so that's why I'm in Sophomore classes." He explained to her. They walked to their Health Class, but Zuko stopped them before they went in. "Um Toph…I know this is kind of…soon, but I wanted to know if you would want to go out sometime." He immediately cursed himself for asking, knowing it would be way too soon to ask, but girls liked these spur of the moment things right?

He saw another blush appear on her cheeks, "You want to go out…with me?"

"Yeah…again, I know it's kind of soon for me to ask and my sister did throw you into the locker room naked today…but I like you for your personality and you're pretty." Zuko admitted.

She pulled on her backpack strap a little and lowered her face, "You really think I'm pretty?"

Zuko smiled, "You're very pretty Toph."

"Maybe, let me think about it…but thank you Zuko." She hugged him and he gladly excepted, his heart pounding in his chest. After a big leap of faith like that, he felt like nothing could touch him. They went into the class and sat in the back together. "Do you usually ask out all the new girls when they get picked on by your sister?" Toph joked.

"Oh of course," He played along, "I wine them and dine them until they forget about the whole situation."

Toph rolled her blind eyes as she giggled, "I think I might like you Zuko, you're a great guy."

Zuko's happy mood was instantly killed when he saw his sister walk in with her friends. She had spotted Toph and whispered to her friends, all of them bursting out in laughter. He knew this wasn't going to end well…especially if she picked on Toph. The teacher came into the room as the bell rung. "Good afternoon class, I hope you had a good weekend." He said, pulled some papers out of his bag. "So we have a new student, so, Miss Bei Fong, how about you stand up and introduce yourself." Toph got up from her desk.

"Um…I'm Toph…" She said, "…I like to do stuff I guess." The guys in the room chuckled at the nonchalant tone of the blind girl. "And that's pretty much it."

"Do you like to watch Movies?" Azula teased, making her friends giggle. "Or how about watching the sunset?"

"Miss Agni, enough," The teacher warned.

Azula put on an innocent expression, "What? I was just wondering if she liked doing other stuff, maybe like playing video games or read a book?"

"Shut up Margarine." Zuko told her.

"Margarine?" Azula asked.

He nodded, "Yeah, because your legs spread easy." The class erupted in laughter.

"Margarine? I thought her leg's nickname was 7/11. Open 24/7." Toph said. The class laughed again. Azula started to fume, her friends trying hard not to laugh.

"She's like a fat guy at IHOP," Zuko began, "She eats more sausage than is acceptable." Some of the kids fell over laughing so hard.

Toph smirked a little, not to be outdone by her new friend, "When I got here I heard she was holding a private show behind the school, showing how she could suck a golf ball through a garden hose. Some of the guys wanted to go see and try her out, but apparently sex with her would be like throwing a hot dog down a hallway." Everyone was now laughing and holding their sides as Azula angrily huffed and left the room, her friends close behind. The teacher regained his composure.

"Um, everyone go over the homework with a partner, Miss Bei Fong and Mr. Agni, I need to talk to you two outside." The teacher said. Zuko helped guide Toph out of the room and the teacher shut the door. "Now, I know Azula is your sister and there is obviously some brother sister fighting. But I legally cannot let this type of teasing happen in my classroom, which goes for you to Miss Bei Fong."

"I'm sorry Mr. Jones, but my sister had thrown Toph into the boy's locker room and I wanted to get back at her for it." Zuko explained, "If you have to punish someone for anything, let it be on me."

The teacher smiled, "Punish you? No. I'm not going to punish either of you." He looked around them and leaned in, "Between us, I do think your sister is kind of a bitch. She is completely out of line for the things she had said about Toph. Just please, if you are going to get pay back to your sister for her insensitive comments, make sure it's when I'm out of the room or when I'm not paying attention."

Zuko nodded, "Of course Mr. Jones." The teacher went back into the room. He looked at the Blind girl who had a smile on her face. "What are you so happy about?"

"Nothing," She told him. "Help me back into class Sparky." Zuko led her back into class as Azula watched from down the hallway, plotting her revenge.

She tapped her chin with her index finger as he sat across from her. "I got it." Toph finally said, "…Meathead." His jaw dropped at the others laughed. "I'm guessing you don't like it?"

"Don't like it? I'm not a Meathead!" Sokka nearly shouted, "I don't like her." He pouted.

"It's not my fault," She said, "I just took what you gave me. One," Toph counted on her finger, "You don't do well in school, Two, you are on the football team, and Three, you're dating Princess over there who is the head cheerleader." She pointed towards no one and Zuko moved her hand to point at Ty Lee.

"She has a point Sokka," Katara told him. "Just be happy you didn't get Sugar Queen."

"Or Twinkle Toes."

"Or Asshole." Toph smiled.

"I can't believe she's going to be staying here," Sokka groaned as he got up from the sofa and went upstairs.

Ty lee bounced up, "Wait for me!"

Katara's mother came in with some lemonade. "Here's some drinks for you guys. Toph, I hope you like lemonade. Also I set up the spare bedroom for you, is there anything else that I can do for you to make you feel more comfortable?"

Toph shook her head, "Everything is perfect Mrs. Aqua, thank you." She set down the lemonade.

"Here, I'll show you to your room." She offered. Kya helped Toph up and led her to her new room.

Both Katara and Aang turned to Zuko, giving him a stern look. His brow furrowed, "What?"

"You like Toph."

"And I have $4.70 is my pocket right now." Zuko answered, both of them looked back in confusion, "Oh, I thought we were just saying things that don't matter."

"Zuko, you can't try anything on her," Katara told him, "She is a blind run-away, it's not like you can screw her and leave her."

He sat up in his seat, "You think I just want to screw her? What kind of person do you think I am Katara? Mai was a one-time thing, never again. She is the only person who will…you know…" Katara was left in the dark, but Aang understood.

"I know what you mean Zuko," Aang answered for his confused girlfriend. "But just because she can't see it…doesn't mean no one can love you because of it."

Zuko shook his head, "You've seen it Aang…why do you think Jin left me…"

"She didn't leave you for that." He gave him a look, "Well, not just because of that. It's just a small scar." Katara finally understood. Zuko had been badly burned on his chest by his sister earlier in life and he had never been able to fully accept his scar. Neither had most girls. "I'm just saying…don't just date Toph because she can't physically see you…"

"I'm not," Zuko stood up. "I like Toph, she's cute and has a nice personality. It's not like I'm asking her to marry me or asking her for a long term commitment. Don't treat her like she can't handle herself." He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'll just see you guys later." Zuko left the room, leaving the power couple in shame, not know Toph could hear the whole thing through the vent in her new room.

She had one head phone in her right ear as she swung her legs off the concrete ledge by the entrance of the school. Aang had left her here to wait for Zuko while he and Katara had special time. He didn't even need to say a thing, he knew there was a lot of sexual tension between the two, especially last night. Toph didn't mind waiting for Zuko, it gave her time to think about him. Sometimes, she wished she could see, to know what Zuko looked like. Katara had told her that Zuko was attractive and had a nice body, but that meant nothing to her. Zuko could have been ugly and out of shape and Toph would still like him. He saw past what others didn't. Though she did like Aang, Katara and Sokka, they might have seen her as a blind girl, but they were her new friends and wouldn't trade them for the world. Her parents had sheltered her from real friends and had stuck her with fake friends that only talked to her because their parents were friends of hers. She shook those thoughts away and continued to think about Zuko. His touch on her shoulder sent warm waves through her, almost like adding fuel to a small fire that made her want him more. Toph laughed at herself, not thinking of herself as a person who would think of something like that, let alone have a crush on someone. "Well if it isn't tiny blind girl." Azula's voice took her away from her thoughts about Zuko. She pressed the pause button on her head phones.

"You really need to come up with new nicknames because tiny blind girl is probably the nicest thing you've said to me." Toph sighed. She felt a bunch of hands grab her, a couple on each leg and some on her arms. Before she could shout, a rough hand came down on her mouth. Toph still didn't give up, she squirmed, bite and scratched as much as she can between screams. They carried her a little ways before they slammed her against a wooden bench, their hands still restricting her.

She heard Azula chuckle, "Not so big anymore are you? Did you really think I was going to let you get away with embarrassing me in front of my classmates? Now," Azula flipped her pocket knife out. "I don't think you need those eyes if you're not using them." Toph's blind eyes widened and she continued to struggle as Azula lightly pressed the knife up her face.

"Uh Azula, are you really going to do this? I thought you were going to do this to scare her," One of the guys that were holding her down said.

Azula slapped him, "Shut up, she shouldn't have embarrassed me and now she will learn." She continued and Toph hid the fear that had filled her.

"AZULA!" A glimmer of hope began to spread through her. "Let her go!" Some of the guys holding her down let go and ran off. Toph pulled away from the others and fell off the bench, crawling away from the crazy girl.

"Zuzu, why do you always have to ruin my fun?" Toph crawled into what she assumed was a bush and pulled her legs to her chest, listening to the fight between the two siblings.

"You were going to cut a girl because we made fun of you? Are you fucking nuts?" Zuko demanded. He took the knife from her and closed it, putting it in his back pocket, "Especially with my knife."

Azula smirked, "It's because you like the blind girl. Isn't it?"

"It doesn't matter if I like her or not Azula! You can't try to CUT SOMEONE'S EYES OUT because we called you a slut." Zuko yelled. "Now get the fuck out of here and I won't bring this up to Mom or Dad. If you try this shit again, I won't fucking hesitate to take you out myself. You'll be lucky if Toph doesn't want to press charges." The scene grew quiet and Toph's heart pounded, wondering what would happen next. She could hear someone leaving, but then after that it grew silent. Toph jumped a little when she felt his warm hand touch her forearm. "Are you okay Toph?" She nodded. His hand softly took her jaw in his fingers and turned her face from side to side. "I can't believe she would try that. I'm sorry Toph." Zuko hugged her, his warmth spreading through her.

She smiled at the warm feeling he brought her, "It's okay…I'm just happy you made it here before she hurt me." Zuko picked her up bridal style and carried her back towards the school. "Zuko…I will."

"You will what?"

"I'll go on a date with you."
