The next few weeks were pretty normal . . .considering that I was still a cat.
England was trying his best to figure out how to change me back. So far, he hadn't found anything, which was very unawesome. But, I'm not saying that being a cat was ALL that bad. It had its perks.
Such as getting free food. England said he didn't want me to go outside because A)It was winter and it was snowing and B)Something about dogs or wild cats.
I didn't mind, but . . .I guess I'd gotten these sort of cat instincts and every time England opened a door/window I'd run to it and try to go outside. I never succeeded, though. Now, where was I-Oh right! Free food!
Anyway, he didn't want me to hunt outside so at first he fed me scraps of his own meals. That I enjoyed . . .but then he bought cat food and things weren't so enjoyable.
There were other goods things about being a cat. Such as my new senses; I could hear and smell things better, but my eye-sight stayed pretty much the same. After a week of being a cat, I was able to distinguish certain scents from something else that humans would think were the same (ex: The smell of steak and the smell of pork. I learned to tell the difference between those two fast.). With my hearing I didn't exactly notice at first, but eventually I could pick up certain sounds humans couldn't hear (another ex: A moth flying around a room.).
I also enjoyed being the center of attention when other nations visited England's house, but today was different.
America had come over, saying he wanted to watch this scary movie with England (I had remembered their conversation. England didn't seem to like it when America watched scary movies). I hadn't really cared at first, I just lied around the house being a lazy cat.
I had been lying on the arm of the couch, while America and England watched the movie. It was something about a pet grave and this ancient burial cite that could bring back the dead*, or something. Apparently the main family's dad had brought back the pet cat and it was a deranged zombie.
Then I smelt something. It was a foreign to me. I jumped down from my spot, without disturbing the other two nations and went to investigate.
I walked to the old stairs that resided in England's house and saw nothing, but I definently smelled something. It sort of smelled like meat . . .but also of outside. Something else too . . . I couldn't quiet figure out what, though.
I let out a warning hiss and saw something, grey, streak across my vision. I quickly pounced on the grey thing and held it in my paws. I looked at it and realized that it was just a mouse.
A . . .mouse? Hey aren't cats supposed to eat mice?
Suddenly, the mouse somehow escaped my clutches and ran into another room. I chased after it, probably from instinct and continued to try to catch it.
After trying, and failing –awesomely- I tried to follow its scent. I eventually ended up at a wall, where the scent suddenly stopped. "Ok, where are you mouse?" I asked myself.
That's when I noticed the hole, just behind the slightly torn wallpaper. The mouse's scent continued into the hole and it was big enough for me to go in. So, I squeezed into the hole and crawled down the tunnel, following the mouse's scent.
Eventually I saw the exit and when I finally reached it, I realized I was outside. It was dark, but I could still see pretty well. I also noticed that there was snow on the ground (since it was winter, duh) and it lightly snowing. Then I smelled the mouse, again and continued to follow the scent.
But . . .I lost the scent after a while. I then realized I was lost and had no idea how to get back to England's house, I was in some sort of town. "Crap. Where am I?" I muttered, trying to follow my own scent back to the house. The problem was the new snow was covering my scent, so I got even more lost.
I sighed and found a nice large tree to sit under, trying to figure out what to do. "Can't follow my scent back, there's too much snow and I have no idea how to communicate to England. So unawesome," I said. I sighed and laid my head on my paws, closing my eyes. Hopefully, I'd be able to figure out what to do after I got some sleep.
I woke up and noticed it was much colder then before. I realized there was fresh snow on my pelt. Then I heard the growl.
I looked in front of me and saw a giant dog. It was much bigger then any of Germany's dog . . .it was practically a wolf! I quickly sat up and started to back away slowly, when it saw me.
It growled and charged at me. I started to run in the opposite direction (I didn't dare go in the tree because 1)I didn't know how to climb one and 2)I wouldn't know how to get down.). I could hear the dog close behind me, though.
I was soon slowing down, since I was not used to being chased. Damn it! I can't give up, now! I'm the awesome Prussia! I won't get eaten by a dog!
I continued running, until I reached a street. There was a car heading straight to me and I was frozen in fear. I tried to run, but my legs wouldn't let me.
Then I heard the sound of a car screeching to a halt and I felt nothing.
A/N: Well, I guess I left you on a cliffhanger. The movie America and England watched was called 'Pet Semetary'. Yes, it is spelled that way for a reason, but it was actually a pretty good scary movie. And, the story will end out with a happy ending. Don't worry about someone dying.