A.N. Here it is a new fanfiction that had been bugging me to be put it into paper. For the Star Wars fans out there, I'm sorry if some details are wrong; I had simply saw the movies so my knowledge about the Star Wars universe isn't that great. I will research the events around the plot to the best of my capacities, but I don't expect for it to end being completely faithful to the original cannon seeing as the main character is OC. For anyone who had already read any of my works, the writhing isn't very different from my other works so you know you'll need to keep a keen eye for, not only, what I say (wrote), but also what I leave unsaid or else you're up for a hell of a ride. Well then, let's go on with the story.

1 Two

As the night started to fall the movement around the Slave Quarters Row started to die down as well, but two siblings persisted in making the most of the little light time they had left before their mother called them inside for supper. Infant's laughter could be heard as the twins chased one another through-out the agglomerate of hoves that served as the slaves' quarters.

The entire block was an endless labyrinth with its dead ends and deceiving paths, but to both children that had lived there during almost all their short lives, those narrow streets and hidden passageways didn't hold any secrets any more.

Shrieks and laughter were heard as the small boy jumped out behind a wall making his twin sister jump in fright and run to catch him before he could flee again.

"Anakin, Ananta, come inside before I get angry," a woman called from one of the hovels.

"Coming mother," the small boy assured as he signalled his sister to follow.

The woman could be easily taken by someone much older, but she was in her mid-thirties. The hard work of a slave and the planet's harsh environment had caused her youth to fade rapidly. But, to be honest with herself, the woman knew part of the cause for her faster aging were her children. Not that she hold any grudge against her two babies, not at all, but she worried herself day in and day out with the dark future waiting her son and daughter.

She hadn't wanted a companion exactly because of it, the children she could have would be born as slaves. She didn't want for such a future to her infants, but fate had decided to be cruel to her and shortly after being ripped off the hope of being free again by the unexpected death of Pi-Lippa whom had promised her her freedom and after having facing numerous solitary nights she found herself pregnant of a child without a father. She had cried herself to sleep the firsts nights because of her unborn child and because of herself and the life she had abdicated exactly so something like this could never happen.

But she had always been a strong woman and after the initial shook wore off, she found herself daydreaming about her son (because she was sure it would be a son), how would he be, would he resemble his grand-father, dead so long ago? Would he ask her for a bed-night story, would he want a good-night kiss? And would he love her, no matter what, or would he .. always hate her for condemn him to a life of slavery?

The months passed by quickly and as her belly grew, her apprehension grew as well. She feared to be separated from her child, but that hadn't come to pass and to her ultimate surprise she had been presented with not one but two beautiful babies, a boy and a girl. Life was hard, but she always felt happiness every time she laid eyes on her two children. Three years had passed and she found herself departing to Tatooine, home of her new owner, Gardulla the elder, a Hutt crime lord. Her new owner was cruel and had little regard for her slaves safety. Sometime later she lost her ownership over the small family to Watto, a Toydarian junk dealer. Everyone considered him harsh, but the slave was grateful for the softer side he sporadically showed to her and her children.

"Go get clean up as I get supper ready," she told the twins who smiled at her before getting inside. She sighed, she was happy her children managed to find some sort of happiness in their life.


"Hand me that part Ana," a busy Anakin Skywalker told his sister as he fumbled around the partially constructed droid.

Ananta put aside the data pad she had been reading and jump off the corner she had chosen to keep herself out of the way, contrary to her mother and brother her abilities concerning machinery repair left much to wish for, so she always tried not to mess up any of their work by getting in their way. "This one," she asked holding up a silver part for her brother to see.

"No, not that one," he said shaking his head, "the other one by its side," he pointed.

"Oh, this one?"

"Yes, can you hold this for me," he told her delivering her the damaged part he had just ripped off the droid carcass after grabbing the new part from her hands. As he continued to work on the dismantled droid she returned to her seat before eyeing the data pad again.

The blond little boy raised his eyes from his work to look at his sibling, "why are you so interested in learning Cheunh anyway it's not like we will need it anyway and besides when I finish with this droid it will be everything we need to understand any language we want. It's just a waste of time."

Ana stared at her brother for a moment as if in thought before saying, "well, perhaps you're right, but I do like to learn it."

"Really? Aren't you a little tired of so much different languages, how many did you learn by now eleven, twelve and it's not only the languages, customs and religion too."

Ana leaned into the wall behind her, "I suppose it can seem like a little too much, but I just love to learn and this knowledge is bound to make me better understand others and their motives."

"I still don't get it."

"Hn, you do love to learn new things about machines and how they work, what makes them… tick."

"Yeah, so?"

"So do I, but with people instead," she observed.

"I.. guess you're right," the little boy admitted scratching his head, "we're a weird bunch," he said smiling to his sister. Smile she returned before both returned to what they had in front of them.


Ananta passed through the familiar junk shop unfazed by the already habitual disorder around, "Ani, are here? Ani?"

"Ana, is something happened," her twin asked concerned as he appeared coming from the large junkyard outside.

The young human girl flashed a huge smile at her brother before practically skipping to him, "here," she said presenting a package to him, "mama knew you would be too busy to come home for lunch so she prepared something for you to eat here."

"Thank you sis," the boy thanked as he opened the package to look inside, "ahrisa?"

"Yes, and some haroun bread too."

"What are you doing here," a gruff voice sound behind Anakin.

"Hello Master Watto, I just come to bring my brother's meal."

"And I see you already gave it to him, so why are you still here," he inquired hovering towards the two siblings, his arms crossed over his chest.

"She's just..." but the young boy stoped his explanation the moment his sister's hand settled on his tense arm, his hands by his sides, baled into fists.

Giving the surprised Toydarian a smile as huge as she had given her brother earlier, she reached inside her tunic to present her expectant owner with another package.

He cocked a brow at the small human child as he accepted it to begin wrapping it, "eggs-seeds!"

"They arrived this morning," she offered as explanation.

The Toydarian didn't lose time gobbling great part of the delicacy.

"Watto," a nasal voice sounded from the shop entrance.

"Ventara," the Toydarian acknowledged, his wings flapping as he approached the newcomer. The rest of the package contents left on the counter. "Looking for something," Watto asked suspicious, dealing with Koodivar always put him on edge and this particular one was one of the most scheming beings he had ever had the bad luck of cross paths with.

"Yes, I was hoping you..." the rest of his words forgotten as he noticed the two human children, "and who might these two be," he asked seizing the opportunity to close the gap between him and the two silent slaves.

Ananta look above to the humanoid being leaning over her and her brother. She took in the rich magenta hue from his skin. Banded ridges covered his forehead and extended down the bridge of his nose. A brightly yellow, almost leaf-like, spiraling horn rose from the top of his head. A shiver run over her frame as her eyes locked into his sickly yellow ones. He seemed to be assessing her up when Watto briskly interrupted, "will you get to the point and stop ogling my slaves."

Ana gulped when the strange being gave her a giddy smile," how much for the female," he asked the junk dealer without taking his eyes from the young human.

"She's not for sale Ventara," an irked Watto answered him.

"Thirty peggat," he offered.


"Thirty five peggat," the Koodinar said cutting Watto off.

The Toydarian watched the humanoid carefully, Ventara wasn't one to be so open handed about whatever the price he chosen to pay for any of his 'merchandise'. He scratched his chin thoughtfully.

"Forty peggat," Ventara said sure of his success, "and not one wupiupi more."

Ananta breath itched and she clutched her brother's side turning her fearful blue eyes to her brother's angry ones. Would Watto really sell her?

"No," Watto said dismissively, "as I said before she is not for sale."

"WHAT," the Koodinar said enraged, his gaze turning to the dour-looking Toydarian, "it's a more than generous offer for an infant human slave," exclaimed the ravenous merchant.

"They're my slaves and I'm in no obligation to sell any one of them to you, besides, like you said, forty peggat are more than enough for you to buy an infant slave around here. Knowing you as I unfortunately do, I find it a little… odd that you're so interested in mine to the point of offering me more than she should worth. I can only assume you already thought of a buyer for her and I'm sure you're certain in profiting enough with her to cover any expenses in getting her as well as pocketing a good some as well."

Ventara fell silent;" I see you can read between the lines," he said aghast, "very well, how much?"