Chapter 1. Crossing the Narrow Sea
Dany watched the waves hit the ship. The feeling of returning home was stressful; she had not slept in three days. Fatigue began to consume her; all she could think about was sleep. However, whenever Dany went below deck to try to sleep, all she could hear was the cries of her khalasar. They were all frightened about being on the water their horses couldn't drink. The only one who was calm was Khal Drogo, although Dany could see that deep down even he was shaken up, but she knew that her sun and stars would stay strong for his khalasar. Dany rubbed her hand on her forehead; she couldn't take the fatigue anymore. She could barely walk as is due to Rhaego in her stomach. Putting her hand on the edge of the ship Dany tried to tell her legs to move, except they wouldn't. Everything became blurry to Dany. Her sight was starting to fail her. Legs still refusing to move, Dany started to fall towards the ground. Closing her eyes and protecting her unborn child, Dany prepared herself for the aftermath of her fall.
Instead of falling, Dany had opened her eyes to find Khal Drogo holding her. Protecting her and Rhaego. Dany smiled, "Thank you, my sun and stars."
Khal Drogo moved stray hairs away from Dany's face, "Okay?"
Khal Drogo had begun to pick up the common tongue, although it was broken, it was still comprehensible. There was time to be wasted, while waiting to arrive in Westeros and Khal Drogo was surrounded by people speaking in the common tongue, it seemed inevitable that Khal Drogo would soon begin to pick up more words in the common tongue.
"Thanks to you, both Rhaego and I are fine." Dany informed.
Trying to use Khal Drogo to help herself up, Dany had found her feet floating, and her face close to her love. She rested her head on his shoulder, staring at his face, wondering about how his life was before he had married her. Khal Drogo looked at her, "I carry. You sleep."
Suddenly Dany couldn't fight holding her eyes open any longer. Khal Drogo's warm body had soothed her stress away, and she fell into a deep sleep.
Dany woke up below deck, cradled in Khal Drogo's arms. She looked up into Khal Drogo's eyes, noticing that he had been watching her sleep with his soft eyes. Khal Drogo had begun to rearrange his arms, which was moving Dany as well. The position she ended up in was comfortable enough for her to be able to fall back asleep again.
While trying to sleep Dany had begun to hear uproar towards the stairs that led to the deck, "Why do I have to share a ship with these barbarians? I'm the king! I should have my own ship."
Dany could hear Ser Jorah's soothing voice, "Viserys, it's less expensive if we only have one ship. Besides only the strong survived through the Red Waste."
"We could have just sold Daenerys again. I've done that once, I could have done that again." Viserys retorted.
"How do you think Khal Drogo will respond to that? You sold Daenerys to him. You have no right to re-sell her." Jorah explained.
Viserys glared at Ser Jorah, and went back above deck.
Ser Jorah began to walk towards Khal Drogo and Dany, "Khaleesi, I know you are not asleep. Care to walk with me above deck?"
Dany looked at Khal Drogo. "Go. I be here." Khal Drogo answered.
Ser Jorah helped Dany up and they headed up onto the deck. An awkward silence was between the two for a short amount of time. Until Ser Jorah had broken the silence, "How much of the conversation did you hear, khaleesi?"
Dany looked at him, "Everything, ser. I heard everything."
Ser Jorah sighed, "I thought so. Khaleesi, if it pleases you. I would like to say I would protect you if Viserys tries to sell you again."
Dany looked out towards the Narrow Sea, "I know you would protect me. For you are my great big fierce bear."
As Dany began to drift in thought about how life would be like when they landed in Westeros, she felt an arm wrap around her waist. Thinking that it was Khal Drogo, she instinctively moved in towards him. Instead of feeling Khal Drogo's skin, she felt hard leather, and metal. Gasping, Dany shoved Ser Jorah away from her, "Ser, I thought you had left."
"No, khaleesi. I shall be by your side until I die." Ser Jorah defended.
"Ser, I am married to Khal Drogo, I have his son inside of me. What gives you the right to become close to me the way Drogo?" Dany snapped.
Ser Jorah bowed and kissed her hand, "I'm sorry, khaleesi. I've forgotten myself. I wish you have a place in your heart to forgive this exiled knight."
"Rise, Ser Jorah Mormont. For I forgive. Please do not forget yourself again in my presence."
"As you wish khaleesi." Looking towards the clouds Ser Jorah noticed something, "Khaleesi, perhaps we should go down below deck again. It looks like there is going to be a terrible storm."
Ser Jorah begun to escort Dany below deck. The large dark ominous clouds had distract Dany, "This looks like it's going to be more than a terrible storm. I can only hope that we survive this storm."
I posted this on my livejournal, and it hasn't been getting much traffic, so I'm going to post this here now.