It's been a long time. I'm sorry it took me 4 or three months to update? I just thought of dropping this one but then again I thought, I should finish what I started. So here's chapters 2, which is based on K-ON! Manga Volume 4 Chapter 6 and Season 2's Episode 26. There's a difference between those two. In manga Azusa came with them and they got Sawa-chan's cold except for Mugi, while in the anime, Azusa didn't not come with them and it was not shown if they got the cold or not. So what I wrote here is based on the collaboration of the two.
And of course disclaimer: I do not own K-ON! Sorry in advance for typographical errors, and grammatical errors. Italicized words are for inside thoughts.
To those who called me homophobic, for your info, I am not. In fact, I have read a lot of fanfic mostly about Mitsu(MioxRitsu). Why do I read those? Well because I just love reading different kinds of stories.
Chapter 2 Anonymous
"Ritsu are you serious? Because if not you're going to get a great hit from me!" Mio exclaimed
"H-hold it Mio. I'm serious here you know. Oops, it's your house. I guess you've got to go. Ahaha.." Ritsu said nervously
"You're not getting away with this Ritsu. Wait for me here. Isn't it good that it's weekend already?"
"H-huh? W-wait Mio- Don't tell me"
"Mom? I'm home! But I'm just going to get some stuff. I'm going overnight at Ritsu's place." Ritsu heard Mio say to her mother as she entered their house. "Okay! Don't stay up too late dear." is Mrs. Akiyama's response.
"Let's go Ritsu."
"E-eeh? What can I do with you? I guess there's no getting away with this one."
When they reach Ritsu's place, they ate dinner first upon Mrs. Tainaka's offer. And then they took a bath and did all the things they have to, to be prepared for sleeping. And then Mio suddenly brought back the topic.
"Now Ritsu, tell me everything. That's your promise and you can't break it."
"O-okay, I got it. I'm going to tell you everything. It all happened a week ago when you, Satou, Yui and I have gone home early because we caught a cold upon visiting Sawa-chan."
"One week ago..
"Nee-chan, you're early today. What's the matter?"
"Oh Satoshi, if you thought I will be the one to cook dinner tonight, just forget it. I can't do it now."
"He-heh? Why?"
"I've got to rest, I caught a cold. I'll leave everything to you."
And when I'm about to go to my room..
"Wait nee-chan."
"What is it?"
"Mom found a letter for you in the mail box. She put it in your room."
"Letter? Okay, thanks."
As I get to my room, I look around for it and found it on my table, and after reading it, that's when I asked you if you put another lyrics you wrote on my mailbox."
"Ah.. I remember that. W-wait,it's different from what you've asked!"
"H-huh? What do you mean?"
"You asked me if I'm going to put another lyrics at your mail box."
"M-maybe you heard it wrong?"
"I didn't heard it wrong!"
"You asked me that way so that I won't suspect of you receiving a letter, didn't you?"
"I just asked you why and then you said, you just remembered what happened last year and don't want it to happen again didn't you?"
"Well, it's your fault in the first place for putting it anonymously in my mail box."
"It's your fault for forgetting what I told you! And what's the problem in writing it without my name? I already told you that I'm going to do it so that should be obvious."
"Nothing, really. I just got goosebumps with that lyrics and to make it worse, I don't even know who it's from."
"So now, you mean you got something like that again? Tell me, that letter is a love letter, isn't it?"
"And this is Mio of course that should be obvious to her. Yes."
"Wa-what?! Then show me. You might've just misjudged it."
I want to tell you something
But the words won't come out
When I see your face.
I did not intended this
It just suddenly strike me
And hardly hit me
You've already met me before
When I tried to confess to you
We'll meet again, someday
Mio was speechless after reading the letter.
"W-what do you think?" Ritsu said while blushing
"Is this some lyrics you wrote?"
"NO! I'll never write something like that! It makes my back itch!"
"B-but, this is, this is-"
"Even I can't believe it!"
"Then, can you remember him? It says here that you have met him already."
"No I don't. But I think it's some guy from our school."
"Well that's possible."
"Wh-what should I do?"
"Why are you asking me? I don't know."
"But, you're the first one of us to get a boyfriend so you might know."
"I-it's got nothing to do with this, is there?"
"I guess all you can do is wait for now."
"But seriously, I didn't think this would be possible."
"Me too."
"Mio, that coming from you somehow hurts you know."
"Haha, sorry, I'm just kidding."
"We better sleep now or else Satou-kun will be worried about you."
"Well I guess we should go to sleep now. It's pretty late already."
"Oyasumi Mio-chan."
"Oyasumi Ritsu. And, thank you."
"For what?"
"Ritsu, be serious here or I'll leave you."
"Hey, don't pretend to be asleep Mio!"
"Ahaha! It's nothing Ritsu. Just go to sleep now."
That's all for now. Please review, positive or negative. I hope you like it, if not, that's fine with me too.