A Nightmare in Camp Blood
...Sort Of

Summary: Merely two years after she presumably killed her demon-holding, murderous birth father, Maggie Burroughs—now going by her birth name, Katherine "Kat" Krueger—finds an article about the nearby Camp Crystal Lake. A picture of one of the deceased and the fact that he died in his sleep tips Kat off to the fact that maybe her father isn't as dead as she had thought/hoped. So she packs up her meager belongings and heads off to investigate. Too bad she has no idea that another killer, one who stalks people when they are painfully awake, is in the area...or that he could very well kill her.

Disclaimer: Both the "Nightmare" and "Friday" series are not mine, no matter how much I wish I had control over Jason and/or Freddy...especially Jason. X3

Warning: Language, blood, violence, and the other normal warnings for any fic set in a horror movie world.

Articles and Arrivals

It was by chance that Katherine "Maggie Burroughs" Krueger found the news report about the latest killings at nearby Camp Crystal Lake. She had been hearing about them for years since she moved to Wisconsin, and nearly twice as many excuses as her own age, but never really put any stock into them other than absently deciding not to go there for her own safety (this thought earned her a dry grimace from herself, since she had clearly not cared about her safety nearly two years ago). But this report was different.

The mention of a kid seemingly dying while asleep made it slightly different

The side-note of a recent mass murder that seemed to involve quite a bit of fire caught her interest.

And the fact that a few of the victims seemed to have eerily familiar claw-like slashes finally made Katherine stare.

So it was that she packed up enough items for a good couple weeks at the camp that had been nicknamed Camp Blood, scowling and cursing the name of her father, whom she was 74% sure was behind at least a few of the killings. Damn if she wasn't going to at least check it out and maybe stop him if she could (again).

Or at least rebuke him before throwing another bomb at his undoubtedly smug face.

Only two days after seeing the report, Katherine was stepping out of her car with backpack on her shoulder, duffle bag in left hand, and a rather sharp pocket knife she had received a year before from Tracy (of course) in her right pocket ready to be used if needed. She glanced slowly around the area, taking in the dark tree cover, the seemingly-peaceful lake, and the decrepit old wooden huts/cabins. The whole feeling of the place was bizarre, like her body wanted her to be both relaxed and scared shitless at the same time. The last time she had felt this way was when she had been in the final "battle" with her father.

A shiver ran up Katherine's spine and her skin prickled with the sensation of being watched. She looked towards the trees, thinking she saw a flash of white, but after staring at the spot for a while she decided it was just a deer or something. She had seen a few on the road earlier after all; maybe they had followed her car to investigate the stranger or something.

"Get a grip," she muttered to herself, turning towards the cabin-huts to pick out one that wasn't likely to cave in on her (like the first she spotted clearly and violently had). "Stick with the plan. Get in, see if he's skulking around, then get out. Simple."

Simple. Yeah, right. Nothing in Katherine's life was ever "simple" from her birth up until last week when she ran into that gay sex party by accident on her way to find the place one of her ex-patients was currently staying.

'It's in your blood,' a hauntingly familiar voice whispered in her mind.

Yup, Katherine's life was never normal. But who could be normal with a father like hers?

-Nightmare in Camp Blood-

Three days passed by without event for Katherine. She had no weird dreams involving burning men or boiler rooms; hardly any feelings of being openly watched (and she put many of these down to curious animals); and, hell, there hadn't even been a rainfall in the time she was there! It was annoyingly peaceful in the area.

But those thoughts quickly dispersed when in the early evening she began to take a long hike in the woods only to run into a surprisingly open area where a girl was being brutally stabbed with a large knife held by a man in tattered black/green(?) clothes and skin so dirty it looked black in the dim light.

The girl spotted her before the man and weakly cried out for help, stretching a bloodied arm in Katherine's direction, and the man's head suddenly jerked up and slightly sideways so he could lock dark eyes on the newcomer. He was wearing a hockey mask with red wing-like patterns and too many holes, held onto his head with what looked like belt buckles without care if they intercepted what little stringy hair was left to him. Two deep brown eyes, one slightly squinty and filmy, peered out of the mask with an emotion that was unidentifiable from the distance Katherine stood at.

"Please," the girl again said, voice even hoarser as she interrupted the blank staring contest between the masked man and the deadpan woman. "H-hel—URGMPHGURLGLEGURGLEGURG..."

That was the sound of the girl being stabbed one final time just below her neck and choking on her own blood, should anyone be curious.

Both Katherine and the man watched until the life drained out of the skimpily-dressed, blonde-haired, fake-boobed teen's features. The man only pulled out his knife when the girl's jaw went slack and no more gurgling was produced other than from the wound, which increased when the large knife (a machete?) was yanked without care from the corpse. Slowly, the man stood straight—revealing a height that towered over Katherine's 5'10" by at least a foot, likely more—and turned to stare at her again.

Katherine stared back.

For a long moment, there was silence before Katherine's face broke into exasperation.

"Oh fuck this!" she said, throwing her arms up in the air. Her at-times-limitless patience was spent, so much so that she didn't care that she was preparing to rant at a clearly deranged killer. She'd done it before, after all.

"Why is my luck so shitty! I mean, I'm born to that asshole, see him strangle my mother, get amnesia, get adopted, have to be raised by goddamn strangers without a clue, have to deal with idiot bullies at school and then just plain idiots at work, discover my father's been possessed by fucking demons and is killing scared-shitless kids again, learn the bastard has no fuckin' idea that I wasn't the one to talk about him murdering kids or Mom, then have to kick his demon ass because there was the slight fucking chance he wouldn't kill me! Then to make matters worse, just two years later, when I've finally calmed down enough to get on with my life without freaking out over him getting to me or Tracy or Doc, I hear some fucking dumbass reports that fit his MO. So, I get here to look for my bastard of a father, and after three days of shit I run into a murderer again and break down enough to rant to said killer even though he probably has no fucking IDEA what I'm talking about!"

Huffing, Katherine began to slowly come down from her high, the red haze that had settled over her eyes when she was ranting and raving and gesturing wildly disappearing as a feeling of contentness fell over her. She had finally regained her breath when she saw the killer man standing exactly where he was before she had blacked (redded?) out in rage, seemingly trying to process everything she had just said.

A sigh escaped Katherine's throat and she reached up to cover her eyes with one hand, the other dangling uselessly at her side. "Alright, you can kill me now," she said with eerie calm. "Better you kill me for a good reason than Daddy Dearest just for fun or over a misunderstanding."

So Katherine waited for the machete to enter her gut.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Finally, after what was about a full minute, Katherine yanked her hand away from her eyes. They widened when her gaze fell upon where the killer and victim had been.

Had been, because they both were gone. Only a large splash of bloodstained grass and bits of flesh remained.

"...what the hell just happened?" asked Katherine suddenly to no one and everyone, looking up at the sky with a scowl for answers. Of course, she received none, so she simply went back to the cabin more confused than she had been for quite some time.

...Sort Of.


MKL's Post-Production Notes (8-12-11): Sooo yeah. I messed with the timelines a lot so that this story would be happening closer to present day, which ended up being 2009 if anyone's curious. I screwed around with the times between-movies for both series, although not so much where it was super important (like the gap between Nightmare-1 and Nightmare-2 necessary to kinda forget about Freddy, or the gap between Friday-4 and Friday-5 so Tommy Jarvis has time to turn into at least a teenager), to the point where I made a complete timeline. For those of you who are curious, here it is (and again not necessary to understand the story):

1955 - Freddy Krueger is born
1970 - Jason Voorhees is born
1981 - Jason "dies" ; Katherine "Kat" Krueger is born
1984 - Kat is taken from Freddy ; Freddy is killed
1992 - Friday the 13th
1993 - Friday the 13th: Part 2/Part III
1994 - Nightmare on Elm Street
1995 - Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter
1999 - Nightmare on Elm Street: Freddy's Revenge
2000 - Nightmare on Elm Street: Dream Warriors
2001 - Nightmare on Elm Street: The Dream Master
2002 - Nightmare on Elm Street: The Dream Child
2005 - Friday the 13th: A New Beginning
2006 - Friday the 13th: Jason Lives
2007 - Friday the 13th: The New Blood/Jason Takes Manhattan ; Nightmare on Elm Street: Freddy's Dead
2008 - Friday the 13th: Jason Goes to Hell
2009 - Freddy vs. Jason ; A Nightmare in Camp Blood...Sort Of.

MKL's Post-Production Notes 2 (4-1-12): So as you can tell by the date above, this has been sitting in my computer for a while...it was originally going to be a full-length story but I don't know if I'm ever going to continue it (much like my IY/Bleach crossover for those of you who have read it) so I figured, "Meh...why not?" And so you can enjoy another Friday/Nightmare Oneshot. ^.^ Hope you enjoyed and tell me what you think~ ;)