I remember him as though it were only yesterday. Sometimes, I feel as though he didn't even exist at all because I haven't seen him in so long and, through these years, I have grown more and more. I do have no idea about him though. The person I really want to see is him, but even now I can't even recall his name because it's been so long. As a child, I was always mistaken for a girl and I believe he did as well, but I'll never actually know now since he is no longer here. As I aged, it still wasn't very hard for people to mistake me for a girl sometimes but I really didn't care.

Everyday I may go up to a pretty girl exclaiming, "you're so very beautiful! Would you like to have lunch with me?" I knew I didn't mean those words as much as I should have. My first love was the only person I actually wanted to be with, but I also knew that was impossible. Already I'm in high school and I still haven't met him. I had almost given up hope until I met "him."

-Entry in Feliciano Vargas's Journal-


The sun was shining brightly in the sky as a young man walked down the streets, greeting all the pretty girls that he saw on the street. Most of them would blush and giggle at being greeted in such a manner by the boy, but others just stared at him and thought he was weird. It didn't matter to the young man though since it was normal for him to get rejected sometimes.

"Ciao Belles!" he would exclaim before waving at them as though his arm was flailing around on its own and wasn't attached to anything.

"Ohayoo... Feliciano-kun," a young, and rather short, man greeted the other with a bow as the man came up. The auburn haired man, Feliciano, stopped and looked at the raven haired man that was there, smiling brightly before he ran over and hugged him.

"Buono Giorno Kiku!" Feliciano exclaimed. Of course, this close contact made the shorter one, Kiku, blush. Even though he had known the Italian since they were in middle school, being hugged like that wasn't something that he was used to. "It's so good to see you~ I missed you over the summer~"

"Ah... I-I am very sorry," Kiku apologized as he blushed more when Feliciano started rubbing their cheeks together. "I-I was in Japan over the break..."

"Ve~ It's alright Kiku~ You have family back in Japan still, si~?"


"I'm just glad to see you again is all~"

"I see..." Feliciano finally released Kiku from the tight hug and brightly smiled down at him. Even though it was Feliciano, Kiku just couldn't get used to being hugged like that and, especially, that quickly. It was as if Feliciano could teleport and just suddenly hugged him. That's what it felt like to him anyways.

"Ve~ Shall we go inside~?" Feliciano finally asked his Asian friend who nodded in reply. The Italian nodded back and the two walked inside. It was lucky for them that they got to class when they did since the bell had stopped ringing the minute they got into the classroom. Feliciano sighed with relief before noticing the large figure near the window in what used to be an empty seat. As the chocolate honey eyes focused on the figure more, he noticed that the man had slicked back blond hair and sky blue eyes along with a large figure to begin with, which he figured was probably from working out so much.

However, the one thing that really got Feliciano's attention was the way the man looked. Not in figure but rather the face. Feliciano's shook a bit as he continued to stare at the new male that was in the room.

C...Could it be him..? Feliciano asked himself in thought but was distracted when the door opened and the teacher walked in. The young Italian quickly walked over to his seat and sat down, slightly looking behind him at the man who was putting away the book he was reading. Feliciano shook his head before looking back in front. I'll... ask later...

That single thought was the only thing that kept Feliciano going through class. He needed to find out if it was him or not. If it was, then he could finally tell him the words that he had been wanting to say for a long, long time.