So this is (I guess) the first time I'm writing angst/romance. I haven't been able to update on my previous stories because piles and piles of college assignments are on their mission to end me.

My Alevel trial is in two weeks and I really should be studying, but instead, I'm finding fun in writing!

So uh.. Hope you like it and if you can, please REVIEW!

Thanks! Nice day to you.

Morning dawns upon Capital City bringing light and life as the sun rises higher above the early sky. Light shone through window panes, entering homes and beamed brightness into the dark spaces. Inside one of the houses near the heart of the city, Dean Winchester sat with his back against the leg of his little brother's bed, playing with his iSaac-799. It was a birthday present from his grandfather, Samuel. The iSaac-799 had a holographic screen projected from the chrome plate which had buttons for gameplay. Completing another level of the game, Dean brushed his little fingers along the sides of the plate, admiring the beautifully detailed design and how it glowed blue when it detected his slightest touch.

"Dean, when can I play?"

Sam had already woken up and climbed towards Dean, angling his head above his to look down at the game device. "When I'm done with it," Dean replied, shooting down a few more enemies.

"Dean, come on."

"No." Then Dean slid his finger across the north of the chrome plate and the screen disappeared with a soft electrical zap. "Let's go play outside."

"But you always play that game and you never let me," Sam complained, "I'm gonna tell Mom."

With the mention of 'Mom', Dean surrendered his iSaac-799 to the little kid, pouting his lips as he did while Sammy clapped his hands with joy.

"Dean, Sammy, breakfast!"

Hearing their father calling, Sam dropped the device on his bed and the boys scrambled to their feet. Dean was already on his feet heading towards the door while Sam was struggling with whether to jump or not to jump from his bed. "Dean! Wait!" Sam called, taking a leap and landed on the floorboard with a soft thud. After successfully keeping himself balanced, Sam ran to his brother who was waiting by the stairs.

"Pie!" Dean's screams entered the kitchen and Mary smiled, placing the apple pie on the kitchen table. Dean ran up to her and wrapped his short arms around one of his mother's thigh before lifting himself to sit on his favourite chair near the window. Dean was proud with himself that he no longer needed his father's aid to help him sit on the kitchen chairs.

Sam, on the other hand, was making all sorts of noises as he tried to lift himself up onto the chair like Dean. He was complaining and letting out grunts as he struggled and Dean reached his hand out and helped his little brother.

John entered the kitchen and immediately walked up to his children, ruffling their hair playfully making them shriek with joy and happiness. When satisfied, John settled beside Sammy and turned to his loving wife.

"Oh, Mary, I told Janet that you'll be going over for tea."

Dean watched as his mother turned to his father, startled. "But John, I can't."

"Yes, you can," John nodded reassuringly when his wife placed a slice of pie on his plate, "because I'll be staying home to take care of these little monsters today." Sam and Dean's eyes lit up instantly and John let out a warm laugh. "And I know how much you love 'tea-time', I'm sure you have a lot of things to talk about with Janet and her other girl friends."

"What things, Dad?" Dean shoved a small piece of pie into his mouth with his hands.

"Chatters about how great your Dad is." John leaned in with a damp cloth from the table and wiped the gravy from Dean's mouth.

Mary's giggle was brought to a stop when a sudden scream for help echoed through the windows. Immediately, John stood up and stormed towards the door, calling back for Mary to take care of the kids. Dean watched as his father walked out of the house, leaving the door open behind him and leapt from his chair, bolting towards the door. "Dean!" His mother had called but the boy was gone.

People were crowding outside and were all heading towards the same direction. Dean, standing at the height a little taller than an adult's knees, tried to squeeze through the available spaces and pushed himself deeper into the crowd.

"Dad!" He called out but John was nowhere to be found. Trapped inside the growing crowd, Dean pushed his way to get to the front. Suddenly, he heard his name and was lifted off the ground by strong hands.

"Dean, what are you doing out here?"

"Uncle Bobby!"

"Where's your father, boy?"

"Don't know. I'm looking for him."

"Well, where's your mother?"

Before Dean could answer, another scream from the same voice was heard again.

Dean tossed his head around to look and found a young man kneeling on the ground, helpless and bloodied. His palms pressed on the ground in front of him to keep him from falling as more blood dripped from the side of his lips. Dean noticed the presence of another man; he was on the ground, dragging himself with all his might to crawl towards the kneeling one. The sight disturbed Dean in indescribable ways.

A man walked up to the kneeling one with a gun in his hands and raised it to his head. At that moment, Bobby reached up his palm to cover Dean's innocent eyes, preventing the little boy from witnessing a murder. Then there was a gunshot.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Dean pulled the hand away from his face and looked. His father, John was standing between the man on the ground and the man with the weapon. The gunshot had apparently missed the weakened man.

"John, get out of this."


When the poor man who was dragging himself on the ground finally reached the kneeling man, he threw his arms around him and hung on for dear life. The other sat on the ground and pulled him closer, allowing the man to bury his face into his chest as he sobbed.

"Look at them, John." Dean turned to the 'bad-guy' who was gesturing his father to look at the two men on the ground.

"That's enough, Howard!"

"No!" Howard glared at John Winchester before turned to the watching crowd and spoke with anger, "Look at them, ladies and gentlemen. Do you see anything natural in front of you? Do they look natural?" Howard pointed at the two terrified men who shyed away from his hand.

"Uncle Bobby, what's happening?"

But Bobby didn't answer.

"Two men fornicating in broad daylight in their home," Howard spat, "As if it wasn't bad enough to have them together with such intimacy at all!"

"Howard, stop!" John's demand was, of course, ignored.

"You, John Winchester, do not understand the importance of preserving the natural order," Howard sneered, "What would you know? Other than saving pests like these."

"It's not in our hands to control who others should love."

"This is why this governmental law exists – one that forbids all to be involved in intimate relationships with those who are of the same gender."

"But it's alright to murder someone that has violated the law without any government-issued permission?"

"I am doing justice!"

"Justice is to be done by the judge! You have no right to decide for anyone."

"Don't I?"

At that moment, Howard raised his gun at the two men, threatening to shoot. Dean watched as the men clutched tightly at each other's clothes when Howard took a step forward.

"Stop this nonsense!"

As Bobby turned, Dean followed. The crowd was making way for the Mayor to step into the commotion. Mayor Fredrickson walked up to John and Howard, stepping between the two.

"Howard, you're disturbing peace."

"I'm sorry, Mayor," Howard inhaled a deep breath before continuing, "but John Winchester is preventing me from sending out a very important message." Howard pointed his gun at the men accused of. Witnessing the cause of the commotion, the Mayor sighed and nodded to Howard.

"I can see that," he patted on John's shoulder, "but I thank John because he had successfully stop you from accomplishing anything."


"You may think you're doing the right thing, Howard," Mayor Fredrickson said, "but this is just too much. Murder is not the way to do it."

Before he could say anything, the Mayor sighed, "Go home, Howard."

Without another word, Howard stormed away.

"As of the two of you…"

John watched as hope appeared in their eyes. Surely, they would wish to be let go of this matter.

"Send them to prison to await their trial in court."

Dean's eyes followed the two men as they were escorted into a black polished van which had the words 'Federal Prison' imprinted on the sides. Its windows were tinted so dark that Dean could not see through. The engine started and blue neon lights around and beneath the van flickered to life and the vehicle levitated. The van took off to the roads, levitating a few feet from the ground, just like all other vehicles in Capital City do.

Finally, it was over. People were still talking, but each were heading home to continue their chores. John let out a deep sigh and turned around, his feet brought to a stop when he saw Dean in Bobby's arms. Dean's eyes were terrified and confused. His son was shaken from the sight he had just witnessed and John felt responsible.

Guilt built up in him as he walked up to Dean, taking him from Bobby's arms.

"Kid was looking for you," Bobby said as he handed Dean over.

"Thanks, Bobby."

After dinner, Dean sat around the kitchen table, watching his mother wash up the plates. His mind was still playing the memories of the things he had seen that morning. Running out on his mother like that, Dean regretted it. Although Mary thought the one-hour-lecture she had given Dean was enough, she didn't know that Dean was still feeling guilty about it. Even though he was just eight years old, Dean understood many things and he was mature in his way. However, what he had seen that morning confused him deeply.


"Yes, honey?"

"Why can't two men be together?"

Mary froze and spun around, startling the child. Dean's words made it sound so simple, yet she found it difficult to explain even the slightest detail. So, she reached for her son's face, tracing her finger down his cheeks and said, "You'll understand when you're older, Dean."

Have a nice day! =D