For as long as he could remember, he's loved Catherine Rollins and when she finally agreed to go out with him, Steve McGarrett was the happiest man in the world.

Six years earlier, Steve met Catherine during debriefing in San Diego after a mission. There was mutual flirting and she even slipped him her number as she was leaving the conference room. Steve didn't know when or where his next mission would take him, so he made the most of his time in this particular port and called Catherine. They met up later that night for dinner and spent the next five nights together. The following week, Catherine was given orders to report to Hawaii where she would be aboard to USS Enterprise.

They didn't see each other again after their time in Coronado. In fact, it was another six months before Steve and Catherine would cross paths again. This time it was somewhere in the Mediterranean and Steve's SEAL team was hitching a ride on their next mission. It was also purely by chance that Catherine even knew Steve was aboard the ship. Steve, however, knew she was aboard and took the chance to call her. Catherine was surprised and when she took her break, they met for coffee and to catch up. Steve's SEAL team prepped for their departure and he and Catherine made plans to meet up in Hawaii the next time they were both available.

Meeting up whenever they had the chance was how their relationship formed. When Steve's father was murdered and he was given the chance to head up the Governor's special task force, the first person he told was Catherine. Naturally she was thrilled for him and that it meant for both of them. Steve was laying the foundation for them to start their life together, something they both wanted.

They were together for four years, six months, twelve days, ten hours and forty-five minutes. They were both happily in love with each other and everything was going for them.

"She knows I'll be picking her up right?" Danny asked.

"Yeah, I told her some story about you dropping off a family member and that you wouldn't have a problem with bringing her here," Steve said.

"She didn't have a problem with being pawned off on me?" Danny laughed.

Steve laughed as well. "Nah, I want my best friend and my love to get to know each other better, and I told her as much."

"Right. Thanks. Which one am I?" Danny joked. Steve laughed and cursed under his breath. "Hey, Super SEAL! No hurting yourself. What time should I drop her off?"

"About 6:30 p.m.," he said as he jotted some information on a pad of paper. "I want everything to be perfect."

Danny nodded his head at the comment and they continued to talk for another ten minutes. They both hung up the phone each saying that they would see the other later on in the day. Steve grabbed his keys and rushed out his house to get some last minute things.

At three p.m. Danny went to the airport to pick up Catherine but she wasn't there. He waited for two hours then finally called Steve. "Steve, its Danny…"

"Hey D, did you get Catherine?" he asked as he stirred the contents of the pot on the stove

"She wasn't here." Danny said, "I waited for two hours and she never got off the plane."

Steve nearly dropped the phone. "She…she wasn't there?"

"No, I'm going to head home though. I have Grace this weekend and need to get ready for her," Danny said. "I called every number I had for Catherine and no one answered."

He sighed deeply wondering where his girlfriend could be. "Okay, go home and I'll call around and see where she's at. Thanks for waiting there that long."

"Call me when you find out anything," Danny said.

They hung up the phone. Steve turned off the pots he had going on the stove and took the phone to his office and flipped through the address book that sat on top of the desk. For nearly three hours he sat there and made calls and each time he got the same response, "Sorry Steve, we haven't seen or heard from her in weeks."

He finally slammed down the phone at nine p.m. completely frustrated that no one knew where she was, or they knew and they weren't telling him. He rubbed his eyes, got up from the desk and headed to his room to try and sleep.

Three days later, Steve still hadn't heard from Catherine and he was about to fly out to California to see if she was visiting with her parents when he got a call early in the morning of the fourth day.

"Hello?" Steve asked groggily

"Steve, don't talk, just listen…" When Steve heard her voice he sat up in bed and turned on his night-light. "Most guys would get the hint that the person that they are looking for doesn't want anything to do with them if they don't return calls and don't show up for their four year anniversary," she paused and took a breath. "I won't be coming back to Oahu, not now not ever. We're over, through." With that she hung up the phone.

Steve sat on the bed; his mind was reeling from what just happened. He quickly dialed her number again and it rang five times before the annoying sound of the operator's voice started talking, "I'm sorry, the number you have reached is no longer in service, please hang up and try the number again." Steve did that three or four times, all of them resulting in the same automated response. The last time he tried, he thought he was dialing Catherine's number but it ended up being Danny.

"Steve it's four thirty in the morning. What could be so important that it couldn't wait for a more decent hour?" He asked when he picked up the phone. Steve didn't respond with words, but a cross between a sob and sigh was heard over the line. "Steve, babe, what's the matter?"

"She…just ended it. After four and a half years of being together."

Danny sat up in bed and turned on the lamp on the side table next to his pull out bed. "Steve, what are you talking about?"

"Catherine called and broke up with me," He mumbled, "she said that she was never coming back to Oahu and hung up the phone."

"Oh Steve, I'm so sorry, I'll be over in fifteen minutes." Danny replied. They hung up at the same time and Danny quickly got dressed. He grabbed his keys and jacket and headed to Steve's house.

Ten minutes later, Danny pulled his driveway and rushed to the door. He put his key in the doorknob. "Steve, where are you?"

"Upstairs; don't forget the alarm," was the muffled reply. Danny punched in the code for the alarm, turned out the lights and went up to Steve's room.

Found in the middle of the bed, Steve was bundled up with the remote to the TV in a vice like grip in his hands. The colors from the screen illuminated his face and the room as he flipped through the channels. He stopped flipping through the station when he landed on one of those infomercials that sell the compact discs with love songs on it.

Mariah Carey's When I Saw You started to play and Steve gave a shuddering sigh, "Cath really loved that song…"

Danny sat on the bed and pulled him into a tight hug and didn't let go until Steve's breathing evened out. "Thanks." He mumbled and hugged back.

Six months later Steve was beginning to get over having his heart broken by the woman he loved and thought loved him. He heard from mutual friends that she was dating someone new and that she seems really happy. It was beyond Steve how someone who was in, what he thought was a, committed relationship for four years can so easily get back into dating…unless…no he didn't want to think that Catherine would ever cheat on him. They were happy, they wanted to spend the rest of their lives with each other, and they wanted to have a family…kids.

No those were all Steve's hopes and dreams. He knew Catherine never shared those particular dreams. Yes, she loved him, but she wasn't in love with him like he was with her. She knew he wanted a family, but that just wasn't in her life plan.

Things changed drastically when Catherine's life plans changed from having no children but a marriage, to possibly being a single mother.

Steve was seated comfortably in his living room watching TV and waiting for Danny to say that he finished their lunch when his mind drifted to Catherine. He had gone through a wide variety of emotions in the six months since their relationship ended.

At first Steve was on the verge of depression, then he decided that he needed to do something to take his mind off of her, so he busied himself with catching up on case reports that Governor was hounding him for. He spent a lot of time with Danny and Grace as they explored the Island. When Danny didn't have Grace, the pair worked on the Marquis or did other renovations to the house. A few times Danny talked Steve into just relaxing in front of the TV for a game or a movie.

Now he was angry. He wanted to know why she left him – what changed in between the time she confirmed her travel plans to the time she broke them by not showing up. He also wanted to know if she was cheating on him. That thought alone was more crushing and angering.

It had been two weeks since he last thought about her. He thought about all the fun times they had going on little trips to California, and to Cancun. He thought about the first time they made love. That was the one thing that he would always remember because it was then that he realized that he really loved her.

The first touch of his hand against her bare skin sent such a tremor, such a shiver inducing vibration through her, that for a single flash, for a single flickering of his love in his eyes, she feared falling away in a faint. He quieted her fears with loving eyes, letting teardrops descend from them without shame. He moved his body over hers so smoothly that it was like silk against her flesh. Gripping him to her, she breathed out heavily, awaiting the initiation of activity that would be the first introduction of his body to hers. He looked into her eyes with compassion and patience, holding her face in his hands warmly.

"We'll go slowly, babe. And we'll stop when you need to stop. Just tell me what you need and how you feel. I want you to remember this night as something beautiful."

He kissed her again, then, thoughtfully, deeply and wholeheartedly. She traced the hardness of his body with her fingertips, marveling at the new sensations in her body. Her mind reeled, as for the first time, it seemed, she was tasting him, smelling him, hearing him. It was a new beginning this night.

When she felt his length probing the inner recesses of her body, there came a sudden torrent of pleasure like none she had ever experienced. The indulgence in such pleasure was foreign to the nerve endings in her body, to the blood in her veins. It was unexpected to her when she realized how fully she wanted to give herself to him. It was distressing and disappointing when she realized how wasted her time had been with Chad. It was hurtful when she realized that as much as she had loved him, he had never made love to her. He had never loved her.

She gasped as his thrusts into her drove a stream of elation into her, rising up to meet him as his hips collided with hers. For one moment in time, she wondered whose emotion-ridden voice it was she heard crying out into the darkness.

"I love you, Steve…my God. I love you so much it's killing me." Her moan echoed into the black shadows of the room.

His sigh died away into gasps of pleasure, and he buried his face, moist with perspiration from his exertion. Her body trembled with heavenly exhilaration, quaking in the tenderness of his embrace. She moaned through shaky tears as the height of her climax swelled inside of her, smiling into his hair when she felt the explosion of his love burst forth in her.

"Shhh…don't cry, love…never again…no more tears ever again…" His arms encircled her tightly, holding her in the quiet, their breathing so matched that it was almost as if two people were only one. He kissed her forehead again, resting his lips there for a long moment as he pondered what they had just shared.

Despite what anyone thought of them, that night was the first time for both of them; the first of many wonderful nights that they would spend making love to each other, expressing their love for one another in the ways that only they could.

Someone knocking at the door brought Steve out of his thoughts. He didn't want to get up to answer it but at the same time he didn't want them to keep knocking on the door.

Danny walked from the kitchen and stuck his head in the room where Steve was sitting, "Are you going to get that or were you just going to hope that they go away?"

"I was actually hoping that they would go away," he said not looking from the TV.

Danny groaned and walked to the door, "Coming, I'm coming damn it! Don't get your panties in a bunch!" he opened the door and didn't know what to say.

"Danny!" the woman said. "It's been a long time!" she gave Danny a hug.

"You're…but why? You crushed him…" Danny looked at the woman again, "And you're pregnant!" he yelled the last part.

Steve heard Danny and got up and walked to the door, "Catherine? What are...?" Danny stepped to the side and he was able to fully see Catherine. Steve didn't say anything, he just walked back to the living room and both Catherine and Danny followed him. The room was silent and very unnerving. Danny went to the kitchen to let them be alone.

Catherine sat in a chair and tried her best to be happy but she knew that what she was about to say would turn Steve's world upside down yet again. She had to do it, though. There was no way she was going to be a single mother and she also knew that Steve would be able to give a better life for the baby that she was carrying.

"Are you carrying my baby?" he asked looking directly at Catherine

"Yes, and that's why I came back," she replied.

"I don't believe you!" Steve shot at her; raged flashed in his eyes. "You left on our anniversary night! I was going to propose to you!"

"I didn't mean to hurt you," she said. "I loved you. I just wasn't in love with you anymore. When I found out I was pregnant I was scared to tell you anything. I was scared that you would dump me and I would have to be a single mother," she paused and looked at him. "So many times I thought about having an abortion, but now it's too late and I don't want to keep this baby."

"And you're telling me this because?" He asked. "I mean, how am I to know that this baby is really isn't someone else's?"

"I NEVER cheated on you Steve!" Catherine yelled. Fresh tears pooled in her eyes. "I know that you're mad at me for leaving but I loved you for four years. I would never hurt you by cheating on you! This baby is very much yours. I'm only here to let you know that if you don't want it, I'm going to give it up for adoption."

"If it's mine like you say it is no one else is going to raise it but me!" Steve said rubbing his temples and taking a deep breath, "Just give me time to think about some stuff…"

"I understand, I'm staying at the Hilton Hawaiian Village," she handed him a piece of paper with her room number and the address to the hotel on it and walked out. Steve followed her and then slammed the door behind her.

"God…" he walked back to the living room.

Danny came back and sat on the sofa; "You wanna talk about it?"

"No! No I don't want to talk about it. I don't want to talk about anything damn it!" he snapped. "Why does everyone ask me that?"

"Jesus, maybe it's because we care!" Danny said, his voice matching Steve's volume.

"Yeah right…" Steve said sitting in the chair. "Everyone claims to care for me but it's a load of shit!"

"I can't talk to you like this!" he said. "Your food is done, and I have stuff to do!" he got up, grabbed his jacket from the back of the couch, keys from the table by the door and slammed the door on his way out.