This is about kid!Iceland and kid!FemHong Kong. FemHong Kong's english name is Orchid (the national or municipal flower of Hong Kong). Lucia is FemNorway. And well she's married to Matthias.

Warning- fluff and Emil is compared to a volcano way too many times.

A little silver haired boy sat at his desk. He kicked his little legs under his desk with excitement. The dormant five year old Icelander was ready to erupt at any moment. He could hardly hide his smile anymore. Today was the day his first grade class was celebrating Valentine's Day and he was going to make it special. Last night, his sister's husband and him had taken a trip to the flower shop to buy flowers for their loves. The little elf had brought three beautiful orchids for his Orchid. He had put them in a red vase, Orchid's favorite colour. The vase had little darker red hearts on it and Emil added sticker of a puffin so she would know who it was from. When Lucia had driven her little brother to school, Emil ran out of the car with an erupting passion so he could put the vase on Orchid's desk before she arrived. After that, the silver haired boy sat at his desk watching the door, waiting for his love.

While he waited, Emil drew a puffin on some lined paper but every time he heard his classroom door open, his head shot up to see if Orchid had arrived. When she did not, he went back at drawing. The boy was getting impatient but he knew that Orchid would arrive before the bell rang... She had too. She just had too or she'll break Emil's little heart.

Orchid had arrived five minutes before the bell rang. When he looked at her with his large violet eyes, volcanoes erupted in his heart. He tried to hide his huge smile by looking down and pretended to draw some more. But his violet eyes kept peeking towards the little Chinese girl. He loved her pink dress and the flowers in her hair. She sat unemotionally at her desk. New volcanoes were waking up... Not ones of love. But the little Icelander kept his temper in check. He shouldn't jump to conclusions. Lucia often got mad at Matthias for that. But Emil's smile dropped. He watched Orchid sit in her seat and look at the flowers. She brought the flowers to her petite nose and smelt the flowers. She then took the vase and looked at it intensely with her amber eyes. She turned it around to the puffin picture.

Emil's heart dropped. What if she didn't like it? What if she laughed in his face and told him that she didn't want to be his friend anymore? Emil had never thought about this. This was embarrassing. Emil quickly hid his face with his hand. His pale face was now red with humiliation. He shook his head once then opened his fingers so he could see Orchid. The Chinese girl with long brown hair looked at him with a blush. She smiled a small smile then with a furious blush she looked down. Every volcano in the little elf's heart exploded with a great passion. She liked it! She really liked them! He let down his hands to show the growing smile he made to the world. He too looked down and away from the Hong Konger. He started to play with his brown and dark beige sweater vest. He looked up at the brunette. Her amber eyes met with his violet ones. They were locked in a gaze before the teacher started to talk. Emil felt like lava was traveling up his face. It was so red and hot. He quickly looked down and didn't look back at Orchid until class had started. She had put one of Emil's flowers in her hair. Nothing had made the Icelander happier.