[email protected] (Soton)

Sailor Trek TNG

Here's part 1 of the Scouts visit with Captain Picard and crew on board

the Enterprise D. Enjoy!


Standard Questionably Useful Disclaimer:

Sailor Moon and all related characters were created by Naoko Takeuchi;

and are copyright to Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, Toei, DIC and whoever


Star Trek The Next Generation was created by the late Great Bird of the

Galaxy, Gene Roddenberry; and is owned and copyrighted by Paramount

Pictures. Based upon Star Trek, also created by Gene Roddenberry.

This story (such as it is) is MINE!!!

This fanfic is intended solely for entertainment purposes and no

violation of said copyrights is intended or implied. Permission granted

to copy this to other web pages as long as this disclaimer is attached,

and the text of the story is unmodified.


The small planet orbited it's sun, the inhabitants blissfully

unaware of the menace that threatened their world. This was

understandable, as their technology was only just entering the

equivalent of Earth in the nineteenth century. So they continued on

with their lives, ignorant of the large cube shaped spacecraft

approaching their world.

The ship entered into a high orbit of the world and began it's

silent probing. It was large enough that the inhabitants could see it

silhouetted against the sky. Many of them debated about the nature of

the mysterious object and what it portended for their future. As is

natural when facing the unknown, debate turned into panic as the

residents fled, convinced that this heralded the end of their world.

Ignorant of the havoc it was causing, the large craft remained up

there, silently probing.

Fortunately for them, their level of technology was too low to be

if any real interest to the aliens. It turned and left the system as

enigmatically silent as it had entered. Slowly the lives of those below

returned to normal as they realized that Armageddon would not come this


Yes, the world was too primitive to be of use. But another reason

the ship had left was because it had detected a subspace energy surge

several light years away of a type which indicated an unknown, yet

advanced, type of spacecraft.

Advanced enough for them to use. To assimilate.

And if they should resist assimilation? Irrelevant. Resistance

was futile. They would be assimilated. They would become one with the


All would eventually become one with the Borg.

The spacecraft that drew the interest of the Borg drifted slowly,

the facets of it's crystalline surfaces blackened and cracked. The lone

occupant was in similarly bad shape. He groaned, slowly regaining

consciousness, then looked dazedly about before asking the obvious

questions, "What happened? Where am I?"

Slowly his memory of recent events returned and he clenched his

fists in rage. He had captured the Sailor Scouts. The only one who

could still fight him was Sailor Moon, and she was helpless before his

power. It would have only been a matter of time before he had defeated

her as well. If it hadn't been for that... that... that little, pink

haired *brat*... Somehow she had damaged the main power system, causing

a massive power feedback that had damaged virtually every system and

ending in that explosion...

The thought of that sobered him. How was it he was still alive?

When the main power blew, the ship should have been utterly destroyed and

him along with it.

No matter. He could answer that question later. First he had to

see to repairing his ship, then he could begin plotting his revenge.

Against those that had abandoned him. Those that had betrayed him.

Against those Sailor Scouts.

Especially Sailor Moon. And that caped fool as well.

His brooding was interrupted by the appearance of a figure nearby.

It looked very odd to him, seeming to be a strange mixture of man and

machine with a whitish pallor to it's skin. It moved about the area,

scanning constantly. Yet it seemed to have no interest in him, only in

the ship. As it conducted it's examination it moved by him several

times and never gave him a second glance, ignoring him utterly. He

finally could not tolerate this any longer. "What are you doing here?"

he demanded.

The creature ignored him still, and continued to examine the

interior of his ship.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I am Rubeus!" He hurled a blast of

energy at the intruder, creating a large hole in it's chest and it fell

limply to the ground.

Before he could gloat too long, another intruder appeared and

picked up where it's predecessor had left off. Rubeus was about to deal

with this one in a similar manner when he felt himself being forcibly

teleported off his ship. He looked around and discovered that he was in

a large open area. From where he was, he could see dozens, hundreds,

perhaps thousands of the man-machine aliens.

From nowhere and everywhere a voice resounded, "We have evaluated

your ship as technologically inferior and too damaged to resist us. You

will remain where you are for assimilation. If you resist, you will be


Rubeus shuddered inwardly. It sounded as if thousands of cold and

mechanical voices were speaking as one. Still, he refused to be

intimidated. "Assimilation?!? You creatures have a lot to learn about

me. I'm more powerful than I appear."

"Power is irrelevant. You will comply."

"Who are you?"

"We are the Borg. Your existence as you have known it has ended.

We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own.

You will be assimilated.

"Resistance is futile."

Rubeus grinned in spite of himself. "We'll see about that!"

Space -- The final frontier.

These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise.

It's continuing mission -

to explore strange new worlds...

to seek out new life and new civilizations...

to boldly go where no one has gone before.

Sailor Trek: The Next Generation

"A Borg to Remember..."

by Bill Harris ([email protected])

Chapter 1 - The Sailor Scouts Drop In

Serena sat fuming at her desk. 'Sometimes life was just so totally

unfair!' She hadn't even been two minutes late that morning, and Ms. H

still slapped her with detention. 'Her boyfriend probably canceled out

on a date.'

She glanced eagerly at the clock. Not much longer, and she'd be

able to go. If she hurried, she might not be too late for her date with

Darien. Oh, wait a minute... She jut remembered that the Scouts were

supposed to be meeting at the temple first. She grimaced at the thought

of enduring another one of Raye's tirades about punctuality.

Finally, after waiting for the time to pass all to slowly, Ms Haruna

finally gave her permission to leave. "Thanks, Ms. H. I won't be late

again, I promise! Bye!" she said as she sped out the door. Suddenly

there was a flash of light accompanied by a rippling sound effect and

Serena vanished without a trace.

Haruna got up and looked around then checked the hallway, but

Serena wasn't anywhere to be seen. 'It finally happened,' she thought.

'That girl is starting to give me hallucinations.'

"Huh?" Serena looked wildly around the room. This wasn't the

school hallway. As a matter of fact, she had never seen this place

before in her life. Most of the furnishings seemed like the type you'd

see in a typical hotel suite, but some of the artifacts in here seemed

so... alien.

The statue on the table, for instance. It consisted of two figures

wrestling, but the faces didn't seem human.

And then there were the weapons hanging on the wall. At least she

assumed they were weapon. The blades were razor sharp, but curved in a

way she had never seen with any sword or other edged weapon she had ever

seen. She'd never seen any of the Negacreeps use anything *this* weird.

The same went for those Immortals.

She prowled around silently for a while, then belatedly decided that

she should check if anyone was present. "Hello?" She heard a whooshing

sound from behind her, then felt the impact as she collided with someone.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't..." Her voice trailed off as she got a good

look at the man she had bumped into. He was tall, well over six feet,

with very dark skin. He was dressed in a gold and black uniform of some

type that seemed oddly familiar to her, with a large heavy looking

metallic sash. But that wasn't what gave her pause.

It was those ridges on his forehead. Just like the statue.

He scowled at her, apparently just controlling his temper. "What

are you doing here?" he demanded in a loud, deep voice. "How did you

get into my quarters?"

"Um...I...um," she stammered, feeling panic slowly rise up in her.

"Who are you?" she finally managed to ask.

"I am Lieutenant Worf. Now, answer my question. What are you

doing in my quarters?"

"I DON'T KNOW!!" Serena exclaimed at the top of her lungs. "WHAT


The Klingon officer winced visibly as she let out an ear-splitting

wail. Then clamped his hands over his ears.

Amy looked around the room. There was something oddly familiar

about this place, even if she had no idea on how she gotten here. Still,

the first step in determining that was establishing her current location.

Now if only she could remember why this room was giving her such a sense

of deja vu...

Wait a minute. She *had* been in this room before... or at least

one very much like it. This was similar to the sickbay of the

Enterprise, only it seemed much more advanced. She found what looked

like a computer terminal in nearby room and sat down in front of it.

She pressed what she hoped was the power switch and was rewarded when

the screen lit up, but the words on the screen caught her eye before she

did anything.

"USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-D," she read. She sat silently for a

moment, digesting this latest bit of information. "This must be a

Starfleet vessel, only from a later time than Captain Kirk's Enterprise.

But how much later? Computer, what is the current stardate?" she asked.

"Stardate 45237.4," it responded.

She idly noted the much smoother voice of the computer, as she did

some fast calculations in her head. "Over one hundred years later," she

said. That would account for the technological advances she's seen.

"But how did I get here?"

"I could ask you the same question," said a voice from the door.

Startled, Amy looked up and saw an attractive red haired woman standing

there. She was ,apparently in her late thirties or early forties and

dressed in a blue/black uniform similar to what Spock and McCoy had worn,

but she also had a blue smock on as well. "I'm not used to having

strangers wandering around my sickbay. Who are you?"

"I'm sorry if I'm intruding, " Amy said in an apologetic manner,

"but I really have no idea on how I got here. One moment I was in Tokyo,

the next I was here. My name is Amy Mizuno."

"I'm Beverly Crusher, Chief Medical Officer," she responded. "Let's

see if we can figure how you arrived."

Raye fumed silently as she tended the sacred fire. It was bad

enough that Serena was late, but by now that was to be expected of her.

But where were the others? It wasn't like them to not be on time, or at

least let her know they would be late. Amy especially.

She closed her eyes to meditate and calm herself. In an instant,

the comforting heat of the fire vanished. She opened her eyes and

started. She obviously wasn't at the temple. All around her were a wide

variety of plants with a dirt pathway weaving amongst them. While she

was no botanist, some of the plants had a distinctly alien feel to them.

She got up and began to wander around, trying to find a clue to her

location. She guessed immediately that she was in some sort of building.

After a moment of wandering, she came upon a bank of windows.

Hoping for some answers, she approached them and looked outside. Instead,

she simply found more questions. Outside she saw only blackness, with

thousands of stars visible. And some of them were only visible as

streaks of light, as if she was moving at an impossibly fast speed. "I'm

on a spaceship," she breathed.

"Excuse me." Raye turned towards the voice. It was an attractive

woman, about thirty, with long black hair about the same length as Lita's.

But her eyes...

Her eyes have no discernable irises, only deep blackness.

"My name is Deanna Troi, ships counselor. I'm sensing a great deal

of confusion in you. Is something wrong?"

"You could say that," Raye replied.

Guinan looked uneasily around Ten Forward. She sensed that

something was amiss, something involving *him*. The distinctive flash

she knew too well drew her attention to one of the large windows,

announcing the appearance of a tall, brown haired girl. Guinan guessed

that she was roughly the same age as Wesley Crusher.

Of course, appearances could be deceiving where *they* where

involved. She watched the girl intently for a moment. No, she was

definitely human... but no ordinary human. There was something more

about her.

Guinan shook her head. Just what was that mischievous entity

playing at this time?

Lita looked around in bewilderment. The last thing she remembered,

she was just getting to the temple. The next thing she knew she was

here... wherever 'here' was. By the looks of it, this was some sort of

lounge. Several of the people around her were giving her odd looks.

Evidently, her being here was as much a mystery to them as it was to


Now that shew thought about it, there was something oddly familiar

with their clothing... Obviously uniforms of some type, but where had

she seen them before?

Hoping to find some clue to her current location she peered out

the large window nearby and was astonished by the view. Stars,

thousands of them all around. Several were streaking by her at a rapid


"You're not from around here, are you?"

Startled, Lita whirled, ready for a fight. The woman who had come

up to her silently was evidently no threat though. She relaxed a bit.

"No. No, I'm not. I don't even know where 'here' is."

She smiled and nodded. "I thought as much. People aren't usually

in the habit of appearing out of thin air, even on this ship."

Lita looked back outside. "This is some sort of spaceship, isn't


"A starship, but you've got the basic idea. What's your name?

"Lita. Lita Kino."

"Hello, Lita. My name's Guinan. I tend the bar, and generally

look after things around here. Can I get you something?"

Lita gave a short laugh. "How about a trip home?"

Geordi looked up from the diagnostic panel. He could have sworn he

had heard something. He walked into the warp core chamber and couldn't

believe what his visor was showing him. Standing there was a young,

blonde haired girl, about fifteen or so. She was examining some of the

engineering readout panels. "Hey, don't touch that!"

The girl jumped at the sound of his voice, and her hand brushed

against the panel. Geordi rushed over there at the sound of the alarm,

and quickly reset the system. He glared at her through his visor.

"Who are you?" he asked. "And what are you doing here?"

"My name's Mina Aino." She looked around engineering. "Um...could

you tell me where 'here' is? And who you are?"

"I'm Chief Engineer Geordi LaForge. And you're in main

engineering." The puzzled look on her face only got deeper. He tried

something more general. "The starship Enterprise."

"Enterprise!" She looked around the area again. "But all this

looks way more advanced than the last time I was here." To emphasize

her point, she pointed at the panels.

She was a little overzealous in making the point, and she made

contact with the controls again. As before, the warning alarm chimed and

this time the computer added it's two cents worth. "Warning: Antimatter

containment systems failing. A warp core breach will occur in 30


Geordi shoved her roughly aside and began frantically working the

controls. Fortunately, they weren't too badly misaligned, and he was

able to get things quickly under control.

He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. What had just

happened was impossible, he told himself. There were supposed to be

safety interlocks to prevent accidental touches on the control pads from

causing system failures like these.

Nevertheless, he had just witnessed it happen. Twice.

"Do me a favor, OK?" he said to her. "Just don't touch anything

*else* in here."

Mina glared at him, silently fuming.

Artemis prowled around the room for what seemed like the

thousandth time. Other than the one door, there didn't seem to be

anyway out. And that way was apparently locked. It didn't help his

temperament any that the other occupant here, a female cat, was

constantly meowing and rubbing up against him.

Then it hit him like a ton of bricks. "Oh, great," he muttered.

"Just my luck." The other cat was in heat.

Luna was going to kill him.

Data entered his quarters, and was taken aback by what he saw. He

had taken several precautions against Spot escaping from his quarters,

with some degree of success. Yet despite his efforts another cat

(apparently a male) had somehow entered his quarters. Spot was avidly

attempting to mate with the other feline.

Given her current condition, this was not surprising.

What was surprising was that the white male was just as avidly

trying to avoid Spot. If fact, it executed a rather astounding leap

and perched itself on his shoulders.

"You should not be in this room when Spot is in her current

condition." The white feline cast a flustered eye at him, as if to say

'You're telling me?'

Data eyed the intruder critically. "There are currently twenty

three other felines on board, eleven of them male. I do not recall one

matching your description being on board the Enterprise."

When he said "Enterprise", the cat's eyes bulged out, as if in

astonishment. The android frowned. This was a definite indication of a

level of intelligence beyond ordinary felines. Of course, it was

possible this was a trained response to an audio stimuli, but he deemed

that unlikely. Data opened his tricorder and examined the strange cat

carefully. It seemed to be in all respects an ordinary feline, except

for that strange marking on it's forehead. A crescent moon symbol, with

the points facing up. And the expression on it's face almost

suggested... intelligence.

Could it also denote sentience?

The android pondered this. He had seen that symbol before, in

connotation with sentient felines. He accessed his internal memory and

recalled the reference picoseconds later - the ship's logs of the USS


Could it be that this was one of the two felines encountered? He

sat down at his computer terminal. "Computer, access log entries of

the USS Enterprise, NCC-1701. Stardate 5046.7. Begin playback,

maximum speed."

He stopped the playback after a few minutes, then accessed some of

the more appropriate entries. A few manipulations of the controls

brought up the picture he required. He examined it carefully, comparing

it with the white cat he was holding. Less than 0.005 percent variation.

"Hello, Artemis. I am Lieutenant Commander Data."

'It's turning out to be one of those shifts,' thought Riker.

Several reports had been coming in from various parts of the ship of

people appearing out of thin air. So far all of them had been female

teenagers. At least, he thought Worf had said his encounter was with a

girl. He really couldn't be sure over all that noise.

Nevertheless, it was time to bring the Captain up to date. Thus

far the visitors didn't seem to present any threat, but that could

change quickly. He was on his way over to the ready room door when he

heard a sound he had grown to hate over the years. The sound of a Q


A young man in his early twenties now stood in between the con and

ops stations. He didn't look particularly threatening, but Riker had

learned by now to not judge by appearances. The cost for that

particular lesson had very nearly been Geordi's life. "Security to

the bridge, intruder alert." He took a couple of steps towards the

stranger and demanded, "Who the hell are you?"

Before he could answer, the turbolift snapped open and two security

guards came out, phasers drawn. He put his hands up in a defensive

gesture, "Whoa, take it easy. I'm don't know how I got here, but I'm

not going to hurt anybody."

"Glad to hear it," Riker answered. "But I hope you don't mind if

we take precautions until we can verify that. Now, who are you?"

"Darien," he answered. "Darien Chiba. This may sound like a

stupid question, but... where am I?"

Picard stared at his desk. The black cat that had just appeared

there stared back at him. "Now, how the devil did you get here?"

'Believe me, I wish I knew,' Luna thought. She glanced about the

room. It was comfortably furnished, but had an office feel to it.

Definitely an area were work was done.

A chime sounded from the door. "Come," said Picard.

Riker entered the room, but stopped short when he saw the cat. "A

cat, sir? I don't think the fish are going to like that."

Luna shot him a dirty look. 'Oh, please!'

"It wasn't my choice, Number One," Picard replied. "She just

appeared here out of nowhere."

Riker looked uneasy. "That's becoming a common occurrence. We

just had this young man appear on the bridge." He indicated Darien

still standing near the ops station. Two security personnel stood

nearby, keeping a wary eye on him. Luna jumped off the desk and ran

over to Darien, who picked her up.

"Luna! What are you doing here? How did you get here?"

"I imagine the same way you did," she whispered, keeping her voice

too low for the guards to hear. "Though I haven't a clue where 'here'


Picard walked over to Darien. "She seems to know you, Mr...?"

"Chiba. Darien Chiba. This is Luna."

"Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Is she your cat?"

"No," Darien answered. "She belongs to my girlfriend, Serena."

Picard decided to put this to one side for the moment and turned

to his first officer. "You implied that there have been other

appearances, Number One."

Riker nodded. "Yes sir. We've gotten several reports of others

appearing all over the ship. Sickbay, the arboretum, Ten Forward,

engineering. And... I think Worf reported one in his quarters."


Riker shrugged. "There was something making an incredibly loud

noise at the other end. I'm having them taken to Ten Forward for now."

"Sounds like Serena," Darien said softly.

Luna sighed in acknowledgement as she looked around the bridge.

There was a dedication plaque to the right of the viewscreen that caught

her eye. She peered at it and examined it closely.

No, it couldn't be...

Picard asked, "Do we have any idea on how these people have gotten

on board the ..."

"ENTERPRISE!" shouted Luna.

"Luna!" said a startled Darien. Picard and Riker also stared in

amazement at the cat, though for altogether different reasons.

"Oh, not again," Luna said in a much softer tone.

Next time: The command staff tries to sort things out, as do the Sailor

Scouts. Be here next time for "A Tale of Two Meetings".

Bill Harris

"I don't do Windows... 95 or otherwise!"

Sci-Fi quote of the month:

"Today we celebrate our Independence Day!" - Pres. Whitmore, "Independence Day"