Again bear with me I'm filling a void here… -_-
Arthur Kirkland lay in his bed, coughing and probably dying. Or at least he felt like he was dying. He had contracted Pneumonia. He could barely breathe and struggled with each breath. His brother Allistor Kirkland sat by his bedside and looked down sighing repeatedly.
"I'm dying brother," Arthur wheezed out. "I know I am!"
"You are not dying laddie," Allistor replied. "I swear it."
"I am," Arthur wheezed and coughed some more. "I am, I am…"
"Save yer breaths lad," Allistor said. "You don't have many."
"I," Arthur started to cry. "I don't wanna die Scotland, I don't…"
"Ssh," Allistor felt he was going soft. "You're going to be fine."
Arthur didn't believe him. He continued to cry and wheeze.
Allistor sighed and did the only thing he knew would calm Arthur down.
"Come stop your crying it will be alright," Allistor started to sing and squeeze Arthur's hand. "Just take my hand, hold it tight, I will protect you from all around you, I will be here don't you cry…"
Arthur's sobs started to turn into mere sniffles as Allistor sang his way through the song. When Allistor had finished singing Arthur had stopped crying and started to let go of his brother's hand.
"I told you you'd be fine lad," Allistor kissed his brother's forehead before standing up to leave. "Now get some rest."
"Glad to know you don't hate me." Arthur smiled.
"Never said I ever did." Allistor smiled and walked out the bedroom door just as Arthur closed his eyes.
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Rare Scotland moment there hope you enjoyed :P