I know I didn't show certain scenes in the last chapter, like Reid using his power to make Aaron friend puke, or the guys taking the cops on wild goose chase, but there are certain reasons why I don't want show scenes, plus this story is still mainly about the sister and not the boys, but I am trying to make this story really interesting to read. So, I hope you enjoy the next chapter, and please review, I always enjoy hearing feedback even if its negative, it lets me know what I need to change in my writing.

Dead Kid at the Dells (30 Minutes before the Party)

Chase Pov

There's supposed to be a big party at the dells, and I normally wouldn't go to that type of thing but the sons of Ipswich are going to be there, and I can't miss this opportunity to get in with them and their friends. I need to destroy them from the inside, and they only way to do that is through some inside connection, I did hear that the golden boy of the group has a younger sister, maybe I can use her in some way.

"I hear a knock at the door, and I make my way to the door. It was the kid that I arranged a ride with to the dells, I think his name was Jesse or something".

Chase- Are you ready to go?

Jesse- yes, my car is just outside if you're ready to go.

Chase- Yep. Let's go

We walked outside to Jesse car, and were headed to the party. When we had actually got there Jesse started to ask a lot of questions that he didn't need to know about.

Jesse- So, Chase why did you move here to Ipswich?

Chase- No reason, I thought Spencer academy could be a better option than Hastings was.

Jesse- But do you have any family out here?

I was starting to get really frustrated with all these questions, I know it's not illegal to ask questions but he could ruin everything if he keeps asking all these questions. I have to get rid of him.

Chase- No, my adoptive family died recently, and I don't know either of my real my parents.

Jesse- How they your family died?

Chase- how about I show you

Jesse- what?

"I felt the power rush through me as I started to use, and the car go zooming through the forest, no way for either of us to get out; although, Jesse was the only one in any danger. Jesse was screaming to let him out, but I just laughed and told him to enjoy the ride. I sent the car crashing into a tree, and immediately killed Jesse on impact. When I got out of the car I used my power to plant alcohol and drugs in the back to make it look an accident".

After that headed to the party ready to make my plans of destruction become true.