This cannot be happening. She knew. She knew this was my year. Damn luck. Why the hell did they call out Prim's name?
"Cato? CATO?" Screamed Clove.
I just continued to stare at the television.
"Who is Katniss?" she asked one of our trainers.
"I have no idea." he said.
How can they be talking like this. I mean I'm sitting here, dumbfounded and they don't give a damn.
Finally something snapped inside of me.
I wasn't the same thirteen year old boy when I first met her.
And this isn't a field.
This is a battleground.
A battleground where only one person can win.
"She's just a girl." I whispered.
"Cato. Look at you. You're a mess. She is more than just a girl." Clove said.
She put her hand on my shoulder.
I brushed it off.
"Can I just go to my house for an hour?"
"Yes." Said our trainer.
I ran home. Faster than I had ever ran.
I opened the door.
My mother was crying.
"Cato. Are you alright?" She offered her arms for a hug.
I gladly accepted it and started crying.
"Why mom? Why must fate hate me?"
She shook her head no.
I let go of her and went to my room.
I fell onto my bed with new tears covering the old ones.
As I laid there I remembered when I met Katniss.
"But mother! I don't want to go!"
"We have to."
My hand went through my blonde hair.
I started walking around Distract 12 without my mother. She needed some supplies. After all, dad left for another woman. And my baby sister was sicker than a dog.
I couldn't handle the people looking at me anymore.
I saw a nearby field.
There was a fence of some sort.
I threw my shoe at it to make sure it wouldn't hurt me.
Nothing happened.
So I climbed up the fence.
I walked to the middle of the forest and just sat down.
"You're not supposed to be here." a little girl said.
She was short. With brown hair, in a braid. I couldn't see her eyes though.
"Are you?" I asked.
She shook her head no.
"Then why are you trying to control me?"
"I don't know. Not that many people come around here. From a different distract."
"How can you tell that I am from a different distract?"
"First off, your hair. There is not that many blondes here in 12. Second, your clothes. They look machine made, not hand made."
She shook her head yes.
"What's your name?"
"Katniss. Katniss Everdeen. What about you?"
"Cato. Cate Harper."
She walked closer to me.
She shook my hand.
"It's nice to meet you."
She looked into my ice blue eyes when I gazed into her silver eyes.
"Nice to meet you, too."
"CATO? CATO WHERE ARE YOU?" My mother screamed.
"That would be my mother."
"And that would be mine."
She started to walk away.
"We should stay in touch."
She smiled, "Yes we should."
I told her my address and she told me hers.
I went back to 2 and went straight to my room to write the girl in the forest a letter.
Throughout the years we were always there for each other.
When my sister died.
When her father died.
My mother got married again.
Her sister apparently got a very ugly cat.
I never stopped staying in touch with her.
My mother knocked on my door.
"Cato, the trainers are here." she said.
I looked down at my hand with a paper and pen.
I gave the letter to my mother to give to Prim and Ms. Everdeen.
"Please mail this."
She shook her head yes as she hugged me.
The trainers pulled me away from my home.
I just go into the hovercraft when Clove asked me how I was.
I ignored her.
I dreaded the ride to the Capital.
When we arrived, everyone went to the their rooms.
I just sat at the steps of the rooming system.
After nine other distracts arrived, 12 was there.
There she was.
Beautiful as ever.
That's when I saw him.
Peeta Mellark.
I saw the way he looked at her.
He's in love with her.
And he is the only thing in my way from her.