So has anyone ever had that feeling where you just can't write anything for a story (like, ultimate writer's block, I suppose) and then all of the sudden you feel like you can actually form coherent sentences? Well, if you've never had that feeling, it's wonderful. Wonderful enough to make me get out of my comfy bed and stop reading Percabeth fanfics at 1:20 in the morning so I could update.

And, also, I'm soooo glad I'm not Chloe King. Because if I was, I could never, ever, ever choose between Brian and Alek. They're both just so amazing.

Anyway, here's the next installment of Gamehaven. Enjoy.

Tuesday, Day Two of the Hunger Games, 4:13 A.M.

"She's not playing fair, Kace."

"I know. But when are the Games ever fair, my darling Alliec?" Kace shot back, sending the other Gamemaker a piercing look. "Did you play fair? When you participated? You trained for it. For years before. You took advantage of what the Gamemakers threw at you. You won because you cheated. Don't talk to me about playing fair, Dear."

Alliec made a sound at Kace that somewhat resembled a hiss. "How dare you!"

"It's true, is it not?" Kace glared.

Alliec lunged at the red-headed Gamemaker and made as if you claw at her with her fingernails. In response, Kace leaped from the chair she'd been resting in and twirled, her leg flying out mid-spin to kick Alliec in the temple. She crumpled to the floor.

"Don't get so worked up," Kace said to the unconscious Gamemaker, knowing full well she couldn't hear. "Everyone knows anyway. Your sense of pride has long sense abandoned you."

At that moment, Bastet walked into the room, still carrying her whip. With one glance at the unconscious female on the ground, she walked over to Kace, never missing a beat, "You should have let me. I could have given her a couple of scars to remember me by. She'd have to get a few more tattoos to cover them up."

"She's already enough trouble. Don't provoke her anymore," Kace said with a sigh.

"Aece reports that the mutts were a success, but only enough to kill the Sphinx. The others got away."

"Who's left?"

"Well, Warren is gone. He should be popping up here any minute. But you know that. Andrea got him good, too. There's the two who died in the bloodbath. The Sphinx is dead, as well. He should also be checking in soon. I believe the other Gamemakers have been keeping them entertained elsewhere."

Kace nodded. "Who seems the least likely to survive?"

"Right now? . . . Huh." Bastet seemed to think for a moment. "Aece would be able to answer that question much better than I."

"What question?" Aece asked, entering the room and ignoring Alliec's body.

"Who's not going to win," Bastet supplied.

"Seth's wounded pretty bad, but he's resourceful. While he's unlikely to win, he'll come close. Gavin's wounded as well, but he's tougher than Seth and still has a chance at surviving. Stan's wounded, and likely not to even come close to winning. Ruth is nearby him, but seems unwilling to acknowledge him. While small, her chances are still out there."

"What of Katniss and Peeta?" Kace asked.

"They're heading north, following the river."

"They should be—hmm—interfered with," Bastet suggested.

"Send them something poisonous," Kace ordered. "In the river. Jellyfish or something. That will force them back to the other water sources."

Aece nodded and turned to leave, but Kace waved him back. "Finish your report. Bastet, you go."

The tiger-printed girl complied without comment, but she cracked her whip as she left the room.

"And the others?"

"Trask and Mara are with Vanessa at the cornucopia. Tanu is nearing the territory Andrea has claimed, but he has yet to enter the labyrinth. The other tributes are scattered randomly."

Kace closed her eyes and thought for a moment. "And Kendra? Who is with her?"

"Bracken. But Gavin is nearby."

"Send a champion their way. Give the two of them something to fight over. Make sure it leads Gavin to Bracken and Kendra." She paused, then decided: "That's all."

Aece nodded, and, as he left the room, Bastet returned.

"Kace, Warren and the Sphinx are waiting."

"Good," Kace said, and smirked. "I needed something to kick."

Bastet laughed. "I'm sure Warren will enjoy it."

As Kace was leaving, she sighed. "I suppose I'll have to go in there and take out Andrea, huh?"

Bastet shrugged. "Unless you want her to win. She'll beat everyone else in there too easily."

"Right. I guess that means knocking out Warren will have to wait."

Tuesday, Day Two of the Hunger Games, 4:58 A.M.

Kendra awoke to a mixture of growling and neighing. Sitting up from where she'd been lying on the ground, she glanced over at the form of Bracken. In the darkness, she could just make out he was standing, facing away from her and looking in the direction of the sounds.

"What is it?" Kendra's voice came out as a soft whisper, so faint she wondered for a moment if Bracken even heard her.

After a moment, he turned back. "No idea. Do you want to move? It'll be light soon."

"I don't know. You're the one with a thousand years experience surviving behind you, and you're the one who's wounded. You decide. I don't think I could go back to sleep, though. I'll keep watch if you want to rest."

Bracken opened his mouth to reply, when a cry of what Kendra assumed was pain came from behind him. It was from the same direction as, but much closer, than the aggressive sounds they heard just moments before. "Perhaps we should move. . . " Kendra started. She stood.

"Agreed," Bracken said. However, before either of them could grab their supplies, a humanoid figure slammed into Bracken, sending them both flying to the ground. They struggled on the ground for a moment before they both leaped up and away from each other. The mystery person was holding his shoulder.

Kendra peered at the newcomer. "Gavin?"

"Kendra?" the other returned. "And I just slammed into Bracken, I would assume."

"You did," Bracken huffed. "May I inquire why you happened to be hurtling at 500 miles-per-hour before the break of dawn, or is this just a morning jog for you?" The way Bracken spoke, Kendra got the feeling he could have just as easily substituted the words or would you like me to stick a sword in your gut? in the sentence.

"As long as I can inquire why you're just standing around while a bloodthirsty unicorn is heading this way," Gavin shot back.

"I'm not bloodthirsty."

"Not you, imbecile."

"You mean him?" Kendra offered as a cream-colored stallion sauntered towards them. From it's brow was a glittering white horn the size of a large carrot. "He doesn't look very mean. Or bloodthirsty, for that matter."

"He bites when he gets close. And his horn is poisonous. I would know. He got me on my arm, which, courtesy of your brother, had already been well acquainted with a sword," Gavin said. "I think we might want to run now. Or, if you would rather stick around and have tea—I mean, maybe pony-boy over here can convince him not to kill you—with this thing, then go ahead. Have fun. Tell the Keres to send me a postcard." The dragon took off running in the direction he'd originally been moving.

"What are Keres?" Kendra asked Bracken, but keeping her eyes on the approaching unicorn.

"Spirits of violent death in Greek mythology," Bracken replied calmly.

"Should we run?" Kendra asked after a heartbeat of silence.

"Probably." Bracken grabbed their stuff.

With a glance at each other and a nod, the two took off, speeding after Gavin.

Tuesday, Day Two of the Hunger Games, 8:16 A.M.

"We're going to have to go down sometime."

"I vote we send the dragon."

"You're the unicorn, can't you, I dunno, communicate with it?"

"Do I look like I can talk to bloodthirsty-slash-poisonous unicorns? Not the same breed, here."

"Really? Could've fooled me."

"Would you two just shut up for one moment! I'd rather not die from starvation or thirst because a unicorn trapped me in a tree, 'Kay? I'm trying to think of a solution," Kendra huffed.

Bracken and Gavin shut their traps.

"Thank you."

Kendra looked around. Certainly, Bracken, or even Gavin, would be better at finding a method of escape from a unicorn that was currently attempting to uproot the tree Gavin was sitting in, but with the two males of their party fighting, Kendra figured she was the best bet. Gavin jumped from the tree he was crouching in to another. Well, that wouldn't be a problem, unless they run out of forest. Lack of water and food were more likely to sign their death warrants (no Warren pun intended.)

The unicorn moved to Gavin's new tree. He jumped to a different one, then swore and leaped back to the one the unicorn was stabbing with it's horn. With another jump, he was in a tree closest to Bracken and Kendra's. "Tracker jackets," he reported.

"Could we make the nest fall on the unicorn? Like Katniss did in the book?" Kendra asked.

"Not sure. The branch looked pretty sturdy, but I didn't stick around to check everything out. As soon as I saw one I booked it." (A/N: Ry's Friend: I didn't know he was a librarian. 8D)

"I'll check it out," Bracken offered. "Since Mr. Dragon over here seems to not want to go anywhere near a few bees."

"Bracken, you know they're more than that," Kendra said. "If you get stung and that unicorn gets you, it's your own fault."

"Oh, don't worry," Bracken said as he jumped into Gavin's tree. "I have no intention of leaving you alone with him."

"I won't . . . " Kendra trailed off as she realized Bracken was more likely talking about Gavin, not the unicorn. Bracken leaped to the tree with the tracker jacket hive in it.

"Ow." Kendra heard Bracken say, but she couldn't see what happened because of the leaves obscuring her view.

"Did you get stung?" She asked him, worried.

"No. Splinter."

"I hate you."

"What?" Bracken asked defensively.

Kendra just sighed, sounding exasperated, and shook her head, even though Bracken probably couldn't see the action.

"Gavin's right. The branch looks sturdy, but if I stood on it, it looks like it would break."

"Aren't the tracker jackets too close for that?"

"It's a long branch. They'll be a good three feet away from me."

"I'm going to stay out of this conversation," Gavin said, "Because, if I root you on, you'll think I'm trying to get you killed rather than encouraging you." He leaned back against the trunk of the tree he was in, and, wincing as he moved his hurt arm, used his hands as a pillow for his head.

"Comfortable?" Bracken asked pointedly, glancing down at the dragon.

"Quite so, yes. Thanks for asking."

"Boys, boys, you're both handsome. Can I go home now?" Kendra threw the almost-a-quote out there.

"Was that supposed to be a Mega Mind reference?" Gavin asked.

"Uhm, I suppose."

"You think I'm handsome?" Bracken asked.

"Bracken, don't get distracted!"

"Right. Killing poisonous unicorns now, being skeptical about my relationship with Kendra later. Got it."

"And surviving. Or failing to do so," Gavin put in cheerfully. "Then you wouldn't have to contemplate your relationship with anyone."

"Both of you! Please! Bracken, just do whatever you're going to do!"

"Okay." There was a rustling sound, another "ow" (which Kendra hoped was another splinter), and the sound of cracking wood. The cracking sound got louder, and then Kendra saw something fall to the ground.

"You good, Bracken?" Kendra called.

"Yeah. Unicorn doesn't look happy, though."

"Is it even working? I mean, the unicorn might be immune to poison, since its horn is," Gavin asked.

"Looks like they're stinging it," Bracken reported. He jumped onto the tree Gavin was relaxing in. "Shall we make our getaway?"

"Let's," Kendra said, jumping to the next tree. "Pass me the bags."

Bracken threw Kendra their supplies.

Kendra jumped to the next tree, but her leg hit a branch and she came up short. She saved herself from a nasty fall by latching onto a low branch on the tree she had aimed for, but her momentum kept her from pulling herself up. Instead, she dropped to the ground.

Within seconds, Bracken and Gavin were both by her side and a bloodthirsty, poisonous, and pretty angry-looking unicorn had throw off its own attackers and found a new target. Or three.

The unicorn lunged for Bracken, but he rolled to the side. "Come on, I'm on your side!"

"I thought you said you were different breed," Gavin yelled as the unicorn moved to impale him with it's horn. The dragon skipped away, leaving Kendra backed-up against a tree with a unicorn with harmful intentions about to plunge a poisonous horn through her chest.

So, I was going to write more. Then I got lazy. Much love to all of you. Have a cliffhanger. 'Cause cliffhangers are cool.