So, well. . . Here I am again. . . Writing. . . Just adding yet another story to my list of 'need to update.' Well, anyway, this time it's Hunger Games. And Fablehaven. My first crossover~

Wow, I sound like a kid ._.;

Anyway. So this might sound like an. . . Weird mixture of books, but hey, what can I say? It's going to be interesting because I'm going to MAKE it interesting C.

Just for future reference: I Do NOT own anything from Fablehaven or Hunger Games.

Any other references/allusions to songs, books, etc. belong to their rightful owners.

I'm going to say that once. And if anyone needs a statement, come back here and read it again.

Monday, Pre-Reaping, 1:24 A.M.


Vanessa, Kendra, and Bracken turned at the sound of a very high-pitched squeal. Easily a match for any fan-girl. At the sound of a sniffle, they shared a look.

"What do you suppose. . ." Kendra began, casting a wary look down the hallway from which the sound came.

"I think. . ." Vanessa said dubiously, "that was Warren." She looked at the hallway with some amusement on her face. "I do believe he's practicing for his opera career."

"Huh," Bracken said. "I wonder if he'll let me join him."

"Oh please," Kendra muttered, slapping Bracken playfully on the shoulder.

Vanessa smirked at them from across the island counter at which they sat. "Perhaps," she said, "we should go see what's up before he wakes the whole house."

"A little late. As half of the house seems to be up, already," Seth muttered, walking slowly into the kitchen. "What are you all up for, anyway?" he asked, yawning.

"Staying up all night. We're having a 'girls-night-up,'" Kendra said cheerfully. "Would you like to join us?"

"I'm secure enough in my manliness to accepted that I am considered a member of a 'girls-night,'" Bracken said, a somewhat-bemused look on his face.

"I think Warren is the one you should invite," Seth said, moving to the fridge. "What's he on about, anyway?" He pulled some jam out of the fridge door, then got himself some bread and tossed it in the toaster.

Vanessa shrugged.

"Do you want some tea?" Kendra offered, motioning at the mugs she, Bracken, and Vanessa had sitting on the counter in front of them.

Seth grabbed his toast, slapped some jam on it, and sat next to Vanessa at the island. He scowled at his older sister. "Tea is for old people."

Kendra rolled her eyes. Vanessa slapped Seth's shoulder.

"Ow!" Seth exclaimed. "I don't see what your problem is. You're all older than me. I never said-"

"Oh, shut up, Seth," Vanessa said, rolling her eyes and taking a sip of previously mentioned tea from her glass. "Some day," she added. "I am going to strangle you."

Seth laughed. "In your dreams!"

"May I remind you that, in my dreams, I can?"

Seth snorted in reply. He finished his toast and got up, putting the jam away. "Have fun staying up," Seth said, waving a hand dismissively at them as he walked out of the kitchen and back upstairs.

Monday, Pre-Reaping, 4:19 A.M.

Vanessa face-palmed, hard enough to leave the beginnings of a red mark on her forehead. "I knew this was a bad idea. Only Kendra gets hyper when she'd this sleep-deprived. It's like her body's last effort to stay awake by spitting out all the energy is can at one time."

"Careful, Vanessa, you might get a concussion from all that face-palming," Bracken warned. He looked at Kendra. "But, yes, I agree with you."

The trio had migrated to the living room. Vanessa sat on a couch on some side of the room, while Bracken sat on a couch on the other. Kendra, however, was lying on her back on the floor, her feet resting on the cushion of Bracken's couch while her hands, thrown up above her head, grazed the bottom of Vanessa's.

"Dear God, I was terrrrriiibblllyyyyy looooooost!" Kendra sang, her voice a medium volume. "When the gaaaaaaaalaxiessss crosseeeeed, and the sun went daaaaaarrrk!"

"Is that Owl City?" Bracken asked, looking at Vanessa.

"I think so."

"Dear God. . . I set fire to the raaaaaaaaiiiin!" Kendra changed songs, mid-verse.

"Adele," Bracken said confidently.

"Pretty sure that's it," Vanessa replied.

It become their game, since Kendra got hyper. Apparently, when Kendra was hyper, she sang at random. At the moment, Bracken and Vanessa were making it a game of guessing which artist or song Kendra was singing.

"Watched it. . . One less lonely. . . Guuuuuuuurrrrl!" Kendra continued.

"Oh heck, please no," Vanessa said. She threw a pillow on top of Kendra's head. "I hate Justin Bieber."

Bracken shrugged. "I haven't heard him."

"Don't hear him," Vanessa said.

Kendra sang through the pillow, changing the song. "Don't you dare loooook out yoooouuuur windoooooow! Darliiiiing, everythiiiiing's on fireeeeee!"

"Isn't that Taylor Swift?" Vanessa asked, plucking the pillow from Kendra's head.

"From what I heard through the pillow, I think so."

"Maybe we should. . . Press the off button or something before she gets too loud," Vanessa suggested.

"Probably. Do you know where it is?"

"Maybe you should sit on her?"

Bracken scowled at her.

"It was just a suggestion," Vanessa said defensively.

"Jussst cloose yuuuur eeeeyyyyyeeees! The suuuun is goooooing doooown!" Kendra continued with her song. This was the only one she'd stuck with more more than one verse.

Just as Bracken was about to suggest something, Warren burst into the room. "Is that Safe and Sound!" he exclaimed.

Kendra sat up, suddenly sobering. "Huh?"

"The song. Safe and Sound," Vanessa said. "I didn't know you'd heard it. In fact, I didn't even know you'd read the Hunger Games."

"I was just reading them. Finished Mockingjay about 20 minutes ago," Warren said indignantly.

"Ohh, those were good," Bracken said. "Suzanne Collins is a genius."

"What?" Kendra looked to and from each of their faces, a dazed look on her own face.

"Maybe. . . We should. . . Give her a sleeping pill or something," Bracken said, his attention back at Kendra.

"What?" Kendra asked. "Why? What just happened? Wasn't I just asleep. . . ?"

Bracken gave Vanessa a look.

"It wasn't me. I have to be asleep, too. Besides, I haven't bitten her," Vanessa scowled at the unicorn.

Before anyone else could speak, Seth came up behind Warren and nearly ran into him. "What the-" he exclaimed. "Will you all just shut up! I'm trying to get some sleep, here! I want to be well rested for the reaping tomorrow! Is that too much to ask!"

"For you, Seth, yes," Vanessa muttered.

"Reaping?" Warren perked up at the word. "What's happening?"

Seth threw up his arms in exasperation and stalked back to his room.

"Oh, yes, no one's told him," Vanessa mused. "We're hosting our own Hunger Games."

The look on Warren's face was priceless. He had a look of utter joy on his face for about three seconds. . . Then fell to the floor.

Vanessa stood quickly, concern flickering in her eyes.

"It's fine," Bracken said. "I can hear him snoring."

Vanessa face-palmed again and collapsed on the couch. "I'm going to kill him, scaring me like that. . ."

"Well, you get the chance to after tomorrow," Bracken pointed out. "Now, shall we end this girls-night-up and retire? Or would one of you like me to give you a pedicure?"

"Not a pedicure," Kendra said, licking her dry lips. "You could get me something to drink, though. My throat feels hoarse. . ."

Bracken chuckled. He stood and helped Kendra up.

"What?" Kendra asked. "I don't know why. . . My Brain is a little fuzzy. What was I doing about fifteen minutes ago?"

"Nothing of interest," Bracken replied, though Kendra could hear the smile in his voice. She scowled at him as he took her hand and led her to the kitchen, leaving Vanessa and a dead-to-the-world Warren.

Monday, Pre-Reaping, 10:03 A.M.

"So, how this gonna work?" Seth asked, yawning.

"Tired?" Warren asked. "Better get your rest before the Games."

Seth glared at him from the porch. "Do I have to remind you that I couldn't sleep because of your fan-girl outbursts?"

Warren chuckled. "Come on, it's a good series. You can't blame me."

"Actually," Seth said, glaring at Warren. "I can."

Kendra rolled her eyes at them. "Anyway. Let's get on with this. What exactly are we doing?"

"Well," Stan started. "Despite how fun this is all going to seem, it is for RESEARCH PURPOSES! Am I clear?"

Vanessa, Bracken, Kendra, Seth, Tanu, Ruth, Berrigan, Mara, Trask, and Elise all nodded.

"Now," Stan continued, clapping his hands together. "Let's get down to the details. Some members from the Knight of the Dawn have found out how to enter a new dimension using the Translocator. We're going to test it out. Using a Hunger Games backdrop so-to-speak."

"Wonderful," Warren said cheerfully.

"Only you would think killing each other would be fun," Vanessa said, rolling her eyes at him.

"Ah, but you believe biting people and controlling them in their sleep is amusing," Warren replied.


"Moving on," Stan said. "We'll go in groups of 4, leaving the final space on the Translocator open in case of. . . Emergencies."

"Uh-huh, Emergencies," Seth muttered. "That's just inviting a mishap, somehow."

"What was that Seth?" Stan asked.

"Nothing!" Seth said cheerfully.

Stan glared at his grandson. "Right. Let's get to it. Let the Games begin! And may the odds be ever in your favor!"

Right. How was that? Not too bad, I hope?

And just a warning, there will be a LOT of references to other books and such. I own nothing of the other books or any songs that are mentioned in here. Again, everything belongs to respective owners, and I'm not claiming anything.

So, thanks for reading! And Review ;3.