I don't own Fringe and this is a sequelish follow-up story to "Anywhere We Go". Updates might be slow on this one so have patience.

The balance between universes is and always has been divided between two and two alone. Only by merger, one which nature itself must provide, can a third world be created...said to house the next evolution of man. Every new life that is created there is one more powerful than the last. The secrets and knowledge of all the worlds shall remain with them to ensure the very survival of all energy and life on our planet.

David Robert Jones looked at the lost pages of ZFT with victorious splendor. He knew what had to be done in order to get what he desired but he knew it wouldn't be a simple task. For years, he had been searching, then planning on how to get through the barrier, but with the help he had been receiving, the dream was getting closer. After all, Jones wasn't the only one who wanted something from that island.


"Lizzy, where'd you go?" Hope looked out into the water and sure enough Elizabeth was floating on the waves enjoying the bouncy motion. Walter came up to the girls and Hope pointed out to Elizabeth in the water. "Elizabeth, this is your grandfather. Come back to the shore. Your mother and father are coming home."

Elizabeth stood up on the water in excitement and ran across the ocean's surface until she was back on the beach. "I knew that would bring her back."

"Grandpa, where did mommy and daddy go again?"

"Oh well...your mother and father went to copulate."

"What's Kopulat? Is that a place? Is it on the other side of the island? Can we go?"

Walter quickly realized his mistake. "Oh, I should not have been so specific. What I meant to say, Hope, was they needed alone time. Forget what I said." Walter took the girls back to the house and began to cook dinner. By the time the food was ready Elizabeth could be hear saying "Momma!". Peter and Olivia were heading towards the house holding hands. They seemed extremely happy.

When they entered the house, Walter immediatly asked "is it what I think it is? Did it happen again?'

Peter chuckled, "yeah, it happened again."

"We're having another baby."

Walter hugged Olivia with excitement. "Wonderful, just wonderful! I was right about the universes. They would've made it happen no matter what!"

"Daddy, what's Kopulat?"


"Oh don't listen to her," said Walter. "It's time to celebrate".

Olivia explained to Walter that she had known as soon as she felt the light in her womb. Peter knew when he started hearing heartbeats. He heard the heartbeats before and soon it all started making sense. He could hear them everytime Olivia was pregnant...the heartbeats of his own kids.

As the months were slowly passing, the girls would touch Olivia's stomach. They believe they could communicate with the baby with their own special abilities and they were the first to detect that the baby was a boy. Olivia was using her abilities to work on a nursery but Peter could tell she seem tired doing so. "You alright Liv?"

"I'm fine," she said. "Things are perfect here."

"But what?"

Olivia sighed. "I know it hasn't been long but I do miss Rachel. Do you think she's doing okay?"

"I'm sure she'll be okay. She knows that you're safe and you know that she's safe. That's all that matters, right?"

Peter and Olivia then heard what they thought was the howling of the wind. "Mommy, daddy, help!" Normally they would have ignored the call as if it was all playful banter but both parents sensed that something was wrong and they hurried outside, they followed the noises to a nearby rocky cliff that Hope was looking down on. "Lizzy's down there. I can't get her to come up."

Elizabeth was about halfway crawling down the rocks. "Elizabeth, don't move. Please! We'll come and get you!" Despite her mother's pleas, Elizabeth was still climbing down the cliffs without any fear. But their parents were terrified as there were many sharp rocks at the bottom.

It was only a matter of time before it happened. Elizabeth had slipped one foot and lost her grasp. "Oh god!" Olivia focused on Elizabeth as she tried to use her ability to pull her back up but it was no use. She fell to the bottom. Peter ran down to the rocks as fast as he could. He almost couldn't bear to see Elizabeth lying on the rocks.


"Elizabeth?" The little girl was getting up on her own and dusted the dirt off her dress. Peter hurried over and look and her arms and legs. "Peter!" Olivia cried.

"It's okay," said Peter. "Look, she's not hurt." There wasn't a single bruise or scrape on her. There wasn't even any sign of blood. "She's okay. How is that even possible?"

They took her to Walter so he could look at her better. "It's quite a miracle but nothing surprising."

"What do you mean not surprising? She fell 50 feet onto a pile of jagged rocks and she's not even hurt."

"It's the island," said Walter. "Have you notice since we've arrived, we have felt no pain... no injury?"

"But how can that be?" asked Olivia.

"I've been curious about the possibility of immortality. I've been studying the alignment of the stars and I've noticed that the movement of the moon and the constellations are much more rapid...often changing over the course of one night. It makes me wonder if time on this island has slowed tremendously to ensure that we never age or much less die."

"Maybe I should stay with the girls and make sure they don't cause anymore trouble."

"Elizabeth's okay, Liv. There's nothing to worry about. I think you just need to relax. Maybe go back to our place?"

"The waterfall?"

Peter nodded. Olivia felt uneasy about going to the other side of the island on her own but she had been in need of a relaxing swim knowing that her baby was coming soon. She agreed to go but only for a short time.

She knew her daughters would be in good hands with Peter while she took a relaxing swim. Arriving at the pool that Peter brought her to, she took off all of her clothes and dipped into the water. The light from her belly created a soft glow. Little did Olivia knew that the skies above her were unexpectedly getting dark.

And just half a mile away a strange hole began to appear with a shimmering glow of colors. David Robert Jones stepped out and his feet touch the ground of this sacred island resulting in a blast of wind. "We have arrived, gentlemen." Several of his men came from the hole behind Jones. "Remember why we are here. We need only child to accomplish our goal and the portal will not be open long. Follow my lead."

Jones led his men up the hill until he saw movement and light over by a waterfall in the distance. Grabbing his binoculars, he could see a girl swimming in the water and a glowing light that was shining from her womb. "Well," he said. "It seems we won't need a child after all."

Walter was looking at the same sky and he was shaking. "Peter, look at the sky!"

"So, it's going to rain. What's the problem?"

"It's never rained here, Peter...unless when Elizabeth is causing it. But she's asleep. This is more unusual." The wind was so strong now that it was swinging the trees violently. The air became colder. "I need to get Olivia. Walter, you stay with kids. Don't leave the house."

The water that Olivia was swimming became shockingly ice cold forcing her to quickly crawl back onto the surface. Her face was struck by blasting winds as she tried in to look for her clothes. Half blind, her hands searched for the fabric only instead to feel a shoe...a man's shoe.

Peter managed his way through the coming storm to get to the waterfall where Olivia would be, but his heart dropped when he saw some of her clothing blowing toward his direction. From the hill ahead, he could see a strange light which only compelled him forward. But as soon as he was over the hill, he was confronted by a strange gun and the man holding it.

"Olivia!" He could see that one of the men standing infront of him was holding her, wrapped in only a coat and completely unconscious. "What did you do to her?"

"She must be sedated for the journey," said Jones. "But we will have what we want. You may fire, Landers."

The man who held the strange gun pulled the trigger and Peter felt a blunt force to the head sending him falling back. His vision a blur, he could see the men with Olivia walking towards the light and then seconds later the light vanished.

Peter struggled in vain to crawl back towards them but they had vanished from the very spot where they stood.