Harry stared at Dumbledore even though all of his attention was on Snape. Or should he say Sephiroth? The man's clones had indeed killed his father, a moment in time that had, admittedly, caused him great joy. The man had been a spineless ass after all, and in Rufus' opinion deserved to die.

Harry stayed silent, waiting for the older wizard to open up conversation. He took his time looking around the room that he had been in so much more often than those of his year group. Harry wondered how much longer it would be before the old coot broke the silence. The ShinRa heir couldn't help the glee that he felt when Dumbledore started to twitch. He had an even harder time containing it as he watched Sephiroth's commentary from behind the headmaster. It had been a game that the two of them had made between themselves and Tseng when they had all been much younger at board meetings. Turk talk was so very useful.

"Harry, my dear boy." Dumbledore began in his grandfatherly tone almost twenty minutes after the Shinra heir had entered the office. "I was very upset to hear that you left your relatives house. You know that you are well protected behind the blood wards. Why ever did you leave?"

Harry stayed silent for a while longer as his pendant began to grow warm shortly after the old coot began to talk. He knew that the others were on their way, most likely on the castle grounds already, and he only had to stall for a little bit more time. He looked at the wizened old man before him with a smirk.

"Ah, but I'm still living with my relatives, just not the abusive ones that you left me with. The ones that delighted in making me live in the cupboard under the stairs for almost 10 years. The ones that treated me like a house elf. All of it meant to make sure that I would be your willing pawn."

The rest are on their way. I will be sure to send you an owl with a meeting time soon General. Harry twitched his fingers and a few other body parts to send his message to the potions master. I and five of my Turks are awakened. We have much to discuss.

Dumbledore proceeded to launch into a long speech about responsibilities to the wizarding world, his hated family, the Light side and all things for the Greater Good. Harry tuned him out after the first word. It wasn't as if he had never heard it before. Not to mention that the idiot before him would never actually listen to anything he said. His father, the former president, had been smarter than the old man. At least he occasionally listened to his ideas, well, when they accomplished something the old fat man-whore had wanted.

He started listening in again as the Hojo wanna-be started talking about his 'new' family.

"Rufus Shinra is a bad man Harry. He is darker then Voldemort and twice as blood thirsty. If you anger him in some way you are sure to be hurt. We're only looking out for your wellbeing Harry."

"Yes, and you've done such a lovely job. Abused for nine and a half years, a troll, possessed teacher, basilisk, murdering god fathers, tournaments that seemed made to kill me, a blood quill used on me repeatedly, mind raped constantly. You know one trend that seems to go through every year? My defense teacher was out to kill me. It makes me wonder who you have in line for this year, another Death Eater perhaps." He ticked each point off on his fingers and enjoyed watching the older magic users faces change color. Minerva's red with anger, and Albus's red with embarrassment.

Minerva stared at the young man before her for a stunned moment and just as she prepared to yell at him the door to the headmaster's office slammed open the large black shape landed in front of Harry and growled at those behind the desk. Three people quickly followed the creature into the office, but went unnoticed by the headmaster and head-mistress. But Harry paid only the minimal amount of attention to the two.

"Dark Nation!" Harry exclaimed as he took in the form before him, the silky black fur and bright yellow eyes bringing a small amount of peace to his soul. He was glad to know that his faithful guard hound had somehow made it back to him and he was not about to ask why. Then he realized that the guard hound before him was male, and not female as she had been in his past. He knew something was afoot but put off his questions.

The canine quickly sat on his haunches before his master, his tentacle waving slightly as he stared at the three on the other side of the desk.

Minerva and Dumbledore had backed up from the desk and grabbed their wands. They didn't know what the creature was before them but they weren't about to take any chances. They failed to notice Severus rolling his eyes at them as he stayed in the same position he had already been in.


The dark-haired teacher looked at the three men who were now standing beside and behind Harry. He would never forget those three; Rufus, Tseng and Reno. He deduced that they must be using a time turner in order for Rufus and Harry to be here, unless one of them was using polyjuice. Once he managed to catch sight of a bangle on their wrists it wasn't hard to figure out which.

He had thought about going to the goblins to do the same but had chosen to go a different route instead. It was just as well now. Dumbledore may be old but he was observant. If he saw the Turks with the bangles as well as himself he would assume that Severus was one of them. The thought make an imperceptible shiver run down his back. Him as a Turk. No thank you. He was finding it ironic that the past Turks were all in Gryffindor while most of the past SOILDER were Slytherin.


Snape withheld a sigh and reminded himself that if he could make it through a Shinra board meeting, then he could make it through a Death Eater meeting with very little effort. Even if Voldemort wound up throwing around his favorite spells all he would have to do was deal with it as he did Hojo's 'tinkering'. It was a week since the disaster at the Minister of magic and Sephiroth/Snape had been waiting for this call since he had received his memories.

As he quickly crossed the grounds towards the manor he checked to make sure the glamour spell was still connected to the amulet he wore. The amulet was spelled invisible and could not be removed unless it was by his hand. With the glamour spell being attached to it the spell could not be released unless the finite spell was directed towards the amulet itself.

It wasn't the best he could do but he didn't have the standing to get goblin goods off of the black market. And Severus Snape didn't have the funds to buy one straight out from the bankers. To Sephiroth it was a bit odd not having the gil to spend on whatever he needed but it didn't really bother him. Even in Midgar he never really felt a need for physical objects. He always lived simply and it seemed even his reincarnation lived the same way.

Once he walked through the doors of the hall he was surprised not to feel the usual pulse of magic that searched for the dark mark before letting anyone in. He couldn't help but wonder why it changed even though he was grateful seeing as his own mark had disappeared. He knew that most of the Death Eaters would have never noticed the pulse so probably didn't notice it missing; they were too weak magically to feel it.

Walking down the halls he noticed bits and pieces where the previous décor had changed. The walls held more red accents instead of the green and silver that he remembered from the many times he had been here during the first war. Some of the decorations felt familiar but he wasn't sure from where. He noticed that if he didn't hurry he was bound to be late for the inner circle meeting that he was here to attend.

Shortly after making his observations of the décor Seph walked up to an elegant set of doors. He quickly opened them and walked into the opulent room.

What stopped him at the door was the room set up before him. In meetings past there was always a throne in which Voldemort sat and his followers kneeled before him. Now they were all stiffly sitting around a coffee table of all things!

And sitting only slightly higher than the rest, wearing a hooded red leather cloak, with the hood pulled low enough one could only see his lips, was Voldemort. Or at least what should have been Voldemort. Instead Sephiroth was able to recognize, just from the smirk, his friend Genesis. Standing slightly behind and to the right were Zack and who he recognized as the Centra girl.

'Oh sweet Gaia. Not the puppy.' Even glamoured Sephiroth was sure Zack would recognize him. The boy could have been a Turk for all of his observation skills. 'Here it comes'

Low and behold Sephiroth was flat on his back before he was quite sure what was happening. He quickly figured out that, yes, he had indeed been puppy pounced.


Voldemort had once been Genesis. And Zack and Aeris had been Fred Weasley and Gabrielle Delacour. Angeal was now Lucius, and his son and wife were also reincarnations. He would have to wait until the meeting with the Turks later to find out what was going on. He had no doubt that, even with as little time as they had, they had more info then the Soldiers had.

Sephiroth turned his attention to the Headmaster as he straightened and put his wand away.

Dumbledore tried to give his usual grandfatherly smile but both Turk and SOILDER were well trained in reading body language and could easily read his true feelings.

"Hello! To what do we owe this meeting?" He tried to find out what the men before him knew, before he gave any information himself away. He wasn't sure who the three were but he guessed that the blond had to be Rufus Shinra. Seeing the older male next to the newly blond Harry you could see the family resemblance easily, as a matter of fact if it wasn't for the age difference he would say they were twins.

Rufus simply hummed. He felt no need to talk with the idiot in front of him. Scarlet had more sense than the headmaster did when trying to cover up her bad deeds. And neither were worth his time.

Tseng brought the old goat's attention to himself by shifting his stance. "We have come to pick up the ShinRa heir. We are, at this time, unsure how he came to be in your custody but would like to thank you for taking care of him after his abduction. We shall be taking our leave now. Both Lord Shinra and his heir have many meetings this afternoon."

"Although, if ya have any info on who could have sent Harry here inta your loving arms we'd be willing ta listen, yo." The only witch present could only frown in displeasure as the red head before her slouched and used such bad grammar.

"I'm sure you young men have time for introductions! Please sit, I'll order us some tea." Dumb-as-a-door tried once more.

"We are from the Investigation Sector of the General Affairs Department, yo. That's all ya need ta know." Reno was laying it on thick simply to aggravate the older two before them.

Harry straightened from where he had been kneeling next to his loyal guard hound. "Headmaster. Professors. I do believe our conversation was already over. We seemed to be going around in circles and I do not wish to repeat myself when you are clearly not listening."

Harry nodded respectfully at the Potions Master/General and began walking out of the office. Dumbledore called out to him as he reached the threshold.

"Think on my words, Harry. The Light side would be worse off without you."

Harry snorted at this and continued to walk out. His 'uncle' and the two Turks following behind; Dark Nation at his side, rubbing up against his leg as if to check that he was still there.


Again, sorry for the long update time guys. I honestly have no sense of time so I don't really notice when two months have passed. Anyways, hope you enjoyed it. Please be sure to let me know because sometimes I don't feel as if there is a lot of interest in my stories so the want to write them fades. Ta for now!