Dib's POV

6 Years Later

I woke up some time in the afternoon. I always woke up late when there is no alarm to wake me up, but I was sure that I had set my alarm clock the night before. I look over at the alarm clock to see that Zim had left me a note. 'I couldn't bare to wake you up, Dib-Love. Meet me in the kitchen, I have a surprise for you.' it read.

When I managed to drag myself out of bed and walk up to the stairs , I noticed a trail of Ego Waffles leading into the kitchen. When I walked down to the kitchen it was empty.

"Zim?" I called "Where are you Hun? What's with the waffles?"

Suddenly I seen Zim pop out from the corner. "Dib-human!" he shouted. He startled me a bit.

"Oh high Honey," I said a little frazzled "Good morning…or afternoon I should say"

"Zim does not wish to hear your earthly greetings!" He shouted "We have business to attend to!"

"Um…ok.." I said extremely confused as I usually was when Zim got this way. "What's going on?"

"Zim wishes request that the Dib will join him in the traditional human bond of love and icky, yuckieness!"

I stared at him for a few seconds "Uh….what?"

Zim sighed in frustration. "I see Zim will have to ask you in the traditional way that your puny, inferior, human brain will understand."

I was still extremely confused. Suddenly he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, black, velvet box. My heart jumped up and down into my chest. 'Oh my God' I thought 'Is this really happening to me right now?' suddenly he he began to kneel down on one knee.

I gasped "Zim! I can't believe this! Your actually asking me to marr…."

"Shuh your human lips, Dib-Stink!" he interrupted "I have not asked you yet! I don't understand why you insist on disrupting this process!" I did my best to stay quiet as Zim continued. He then held the box out with one of his hands and grasped my hand with the other. He looked into my eyes. "Dib-love," he said in a much more gentle tone. "I have told you many times that I love you and I know you love me too. After all who would not fall in love with the all mighty ZIM!" I rolled my eyes a little. "But I owe a lot to you my, Dib-love. With out you I would be nothing. You have saved my life." He paused and took a deep breath. "All I want to do is spend the rest of my life with you." He let go of my hand and opened the box "Will you marry me?" he asked. My eyes suddenly looked down to see a beautiful Sapphire ring.

I gasped and clasped my hands over my mouth "Y..yes" I said trying to hold back tears of joy and exasperation. He slipped the ring on my finger and stood up. I gave him the biggest kiss I've ever given him .

Nearly my entire life I've been hiding from my feelings. I didn't think that love even existed. And maybe somewhere deep in my soul I know that love doesn't last, but Zim will always be the only exception.