So, what's this whole fic-delete thing here? I'm really confused... :( but anyway, luckily none of my fics was deleted, so, YAY! XD
i have to say something before i can let you read this chapter, since this is the LAST CHAPTER of this story. thanks for all the supports i got so far, you had no idea how much they mean to me! when i was writing the first chapter, it was supposed to be an one-shot, cause i simply thought Kol and Caroline would be adorable together. but look what we got here? TEN FREAKING CHAPTERS! it wouldn't have been this long without all of you!
i wanna thank everyone who has left me amazing reviews! and those who hasn't left any, thank you as well, though i really hope you'd share your opinions with me somehow, that's what motivates the writers to write more! ;)
so much for chit-chat, thank you all again and please enjoy reading.
"You're fast." Caroline leaned against the door, her arms crossed. "I thought you need to get prepared or something?" She crooked her head to one side as she watched Klaus smiling. Did he really have to be this predictable? She had to struggle hard not to give in to the strong desire to laugh out.
"Well." He put one hand on the door-frame above her head, leaned forward until it made both of them a little short of breath. "I'm afraid if I came too late, you'd change your mind." He gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek as the warm balmy sunshine caressed it, making her smile even wilder. "I cannot risk it."
She looked deeply into his loyal loving eyes, as if this was the first time she ever truly looked at them.
She remembered the night on her birthday, those eyes were filled with unshed tears when he told her he had thought about dying over the past centuries, when he revealed those deepest feelings he would never reveal to anyone else. She remembered the two times when they were dancing together, those eyes were never taken off her, which made her a little embarrassed to look back. They were filled with admiration and respect, the kind of look she had never received from anyone else. He had found genuine beauty in her, though she never knew it was there until he showed it to her.
"Why are you staring at me like that?" He ran his fingers gently down her cheek, feeling the softness of her skin.
She reached for his hand, pressed it securely against her own face, allowed his warmth to fill her cold cheek. His hand was quite rough, just as how she had imagined it would be, but she didn't let go. In fact, she would never want to let it go again. "I just realized how much time we have wasted." She gave a gentle kiss on his thumb, then corrected her own words. "How much timeIhave wasted."
He dropped his hand, still holding hers tightly. "It was never too late for us, love." He picked up her luggage from the ground, leading her towards the car he had prepared for their trip. "We can be together through eternity."
She cracked a sweet smile to him, then suddenly a loud rock music sounded.
"Is that your phone?" She looked at his pocket with a confused look.Seriously? He likes rock and roll? Is he out of his mind?But Klaus just looked back at her calmly, as if she was the only one who could hear that deafening sound.
Something's wrong. Caroline withdrew her hand from Klaus's as his face became more and more twisted. The horrid sight made her draw back when every beautiful thing around them started shadowing into blackness. She mustered all her courage, wanted to drag him nearer, wanted him to stay with her. He was just there, a few steps in front of her, but unable for her to touch.
She woke up with a start as the loud music was suddenly turned off. "Sleep well?" Caroline blinked rapidly, still half awake. Besides the endless freeway in front her and the large trees outside the window, Kol's cocky smile was the first thing that came into view.
It took her several minutes before she was aware of what had just happened. That was a dream? That whole thing with Klaus was just her dream? Why would she even dream about Klaus anyway? She dealt a blow on the head, hoping it could keep her wits about herself. She must have been compelled somehow. Right. That was it. She would never, ever dream about that mass murderer, ever. She sank back into her seat, expelling her breath in a long sigh, completely forgot about the cocky original who was sitting right next to her.
"What was that all about?" Kol turned to look at her, his hand still on the steering wheel. Somehow he always found her expressions kind of amusing. She never even tried to hide her true feelings in front of everyone else, as if she could hardly notice that there was actually someone there watching her.
Caroline almost started up from the chair. Damn it! She wasn't alone? "Why are you here?" She asked peevishly. Damn it! She was just savoring Klaus's smile in that dream. Why couldn't this idiot say something later? Damn it! Now she couldn't remember a damn thing about that dream. Damn it!
"Whoa." Kol wore an injured look. "I thought you're not supposed to have PMS since you're a vampire now."
Caroline looked at him blankly. "Ha-ha, very funny. You must have inherited your sense of humor from your psycho mummy." She then said sternly. "What happened back there? Why are we here in the middle of nowhere? Where's your brother?"
Kol didn't turn around, but a glimmer of a smile appeared in his eyes. "You honestly don't remember?"
Caroline furrowed her brow, recalling what really happened when she opened that door. Right. It wasn't Klaus that rang the doorbell. It was Kol. And she asked him why he showed up instead of his brother, but then… "You snapped my neck?" The surprise made her eyes pop out at the very thought of it. No wonder she had been feeling this ache at her neck. He actually snapped it!
Kol chuckled, shot her angry face a glance. "Well, I suppose you won't just go with me that easily." He chuckled again as she rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at him.
"What do you want from me?" She searched her pocket for her cellphone, but had no luck with it. So clearly this was a kidnap now. She turned to fix him with an angry stare, but he never gave her the response she waited for.
"Can you use my blood to trace her, Bonnie? I'm her mother after all." Liz looked at the witch who was standing in front of her anxiously. She came back from work as soon as they told her Caroline was missing, bitterly regretted that the last words she ever said to her dear daughter were those cold words to ask her to leave.
Bonnie gently shook her head. "She's a vampire now. Though she's still your daughter, but she's technically dead." She patted the sheriff's hand consolingly. "Don't worry. Damon's on his way. We can use his blood, since he's the one who turned her."
"What's taking him so long?" Klaus took a stroll impatiently, back and forth. He was the one that found Caroline was kidnapped when he came here to pick her up, but only to find the front door wide open, his girl nowhere to find. He should have come sooner. He should have left Rebekah there while she was dawdling over her bloody clothes. And where was the bloody Salvatore?
"Relax, relax, mate. I'm right here." Damon walked into the room in a leisurely manner, intentionally ignored the irascible hybrid that was glaring at him. "So, anyone need me?"
"Not you." Klaus whipped out a knife, stepped in front of him. "Just your blood."
Bonnie started casting the spell as soon as Klaus handed her the glass with Damon's blood in it, while Damon was forcing a pained look, but clearly no one cared to pay him any attention.
"Got it!" Bonnie looked up from the map as the blood stopped flowing. "She's at a motel 500 miles away from us."
"Woo… a motel…" Damon gave a mild ambiguous smile. "Someone needs to hurry."
Klaus disregarded his provocative tone, disappeared at the front door in a blink.
"You know, you'd better just let me go." Caroline was starting to run out of patience since all they did for the past hour was sitting in a cheesy motel, watching the boring soap operas on TV. "Klaus won't be very pleased with you if he knows you're the one that kidnapped me."
"Again with the big bad brother threat?" Kol waggled his eyebrows suggestively. "You and my brother are quite alike in some respects." He noticed her confused look, explained with a shrug. "For example, no creativity at all." Just when Caroline was throwing him a reluctant look, he suddenly stood up from where he was sitting, facing the closed door. "Speaking of whom… how long are you going to stand outside, Nik?"
As the words fell from his lips, the door yielded to a 'gentle' push. Caroline almost stopped breathing when Klaus appeared there, looking back at her, his eyes lit with warmth.
"Are you okay, Caroline?" Klaus asked. She couldn't help but notice his gaunt face seemed even paler than before, if it wasn't purely mental. "I'm fine." She shot a quick glance at Kol's direction, instantly stepped close behind Klaus.
"I'm impressed you found me so quick, Nik." Kol turned off the TV, looking at both of them with his typical cocky smirk. "I thought it might take you a while longer."
Klaus took a step ahead. "Well, you've lived long enough already. You wouldn't mind if I dagger you now other than an hour later, would you?"
"Klaus!" Klaus felt a firm grasp on his arm. He turned around, saw Caroline's worried face. "I told you I'm fine! Let's just go, okay? No one needs to be daggered!" Despite all the terrible things Kol had done and all the trouble he probably going to make, Caroline always believed that this 'little brother' wasn't that bad, he was just bored and wanted to have some fun.
Klaus froze there. Part of him wanted to rip Kol apart, then put the dagger in his heart once again, teaching him a lesson that he should never lay hands on his girl. But the other part, the other part hesitated to make any move under Caroline's stare. He even thought he'd fail her if he went ahead to be the evil himself again.
Kol's face twitched in what could have been a smile. The invincible Lord Niklaus now had his own weakness. What an interesting story. He slowly strutted out the motel room while Klaus staring gloweringly at him. Poor kid almost had to bite his lips to keep himself from laughter.
Klaus suddenly felt quite useless. Now he had to listen to a baby vampire girl? Really? He hesitated. If he chased after that reckless boy now, maybe he could still catch up with him.
"You ready to go yet?" Caroline waved her hand before his narrowed eyes. As now he was standing right beside her, she instantly recalled that dream she had when Kol was driving the car. She remembered how happy she felt when he showed up at her door, when he told her he was ready to leave. And now, it turned out those feelings weren't exactly unreal. She really was happy to see him.
Klaus averted those eyes from his little brother's back as he disappeared at the corner. "Yeah." He looked down at Caroline. "Your friends are all waiting for you to come back home."
Her lips were parted in a half smile. "That's not what I'm talking about." She went through the room toward the door, didn't want him to see the sweet smile she was unable to hold back. "I mean… Are you ready to go travelling the world with me yet?"
Klaus went blank for a second and then grinned. He quickly followed her out of the motel until they reached the black SUV he just 'bought' for the trip.
"You don't really have to ask, sweetheart."
so what do you think? leave me your thoughts? though as i said, this is the LAST CHAPTER of this story, but i might write an EPILOGUE about Kol sometime later! ;)
hope you can support my other fics as well and follow me on Tumblr at 'josriel'!
see you again in Epilogue XD