Part XVI

When the date of the hearing came up, Dr. Brackett had to be on duty, so he requested that Dr. Early accompany Chet to the courtroom. Fortunately, Station 51 A-Shift was also available since the entire shift had ended up getting summoned as well. Dixie firmly stated she was also going to be there and nominated herself as the one to push Chet's wheelchair.

Chet wasn't too keen on the wheelchair, but both doctor insisted that he didn't need to be pushing things too hard at his current stage of recovery. Besides, the still mending bones in his hands wouldn't allow him to use a cane for support. In his therapy walks, nurses assisted by helping to steady him. A wheelchair was far more practical.

Mace's lawyer took one look at Chet and immediately started protesting that his appearance was prejudicial to his client's case. While the lineman's bruises had lightened considerably, the brown and yellow mottling on his skin still looked ghastly. The judge overruled his objections and the hearing began.

All of the written statements were read into the record, then the individuals called up one at a time to answer any questions. When Mace's turn came, it became obvious rather quickly that he might have been good at thinking up lies, but he wasn't a very good actor. Plus, the 'facts' he tried to bring up were impossible ones.

Even from his first statements about how the fire was set so that Station 51 would be called out was shown to be an assumption that an experienced fire-fighter like Chet wouldn't have made. For one thing, the engine happening to spot the fire on their way back from another call was pure co-incidence. Had the initial fire they had been sent out on taken longer to fight, Station 51 would never have gone on that call. There was also no way to have predicted in advance that mishaps would have removed the rest of the A-shift personnel from the scene except for Chet. That was before taking into consideration that it had been the Captain of Station 45 who had decided where Chet would be working.

The legal procedure wasn't quick due to the number of statements and witnesses, but at the end of it, the decision was clear that there was no basis for any charges to filed against Chet. Which also meant that the counter-charge filed on Chet's behalf against Mace for malicious prosecution could now be seriously considered.

Even knowing that they still had to get through the trial of Mace and his gang members, Chet and his team-mates all breathed easier once this particular day was over. Though as Mike wryly noted, the number of media folks yelling about a firefighter being cleared of the accusations was a tenth of the number of the ones that had been howling for Chet's head.

Two more weeks and then word came through that Mace and his gang had decided to plead guilty to all charges, including the one against Mace for malicious prosecution. Now that the specter of having to face his tormentors once again was gone, Chet's determination picked up dramatically and he threw himself into his physical therapy to the point that Doctor Brackett felt like he was talking to Johnny and told Chet to slow down a bit.

Three more weeks and Chet was finally released back to full duty. They were all glad to have him back, but it didn't take long for them to notice he seemed a little quieter than before. Acted a lot older. None of them really knew how to relate to this 'new' Chet, but as hours passed, it became increasingly obvious to those that worked closest with Chet that things weren't going back to normal. The serious Chet that was always 'on' during an emergency was now 'on' all of the time.

At the end of his first rotation back, the rest of them were still changing as Chet left the locker area. His four shift-mates all turned in near unison, then Johnny turned to Roy, letting out a sigh.

"Man. I never thought I'd miss water balloons. He didn't even make a suggestion on movie night even after Marco prompted him."

"Yeah. I know, Johnny. Maybe we just need to give him some more time. It seems like it's been longer, but it really hasn't been all that long since the whole thing started."

Marco leaned back into the corner, giving a sigh as well.

"I know you're right, Roy, but it's like working with a stranger who looks like someone I know."

Mike joined them as well.

"Maybe we should all have a word with Cap? Or maybe Doctor Early?"

Roy gave a slow nod.

"Maybe. He just came back to us though. Let's see how things go next rotation and decide from there?"

The next shift they were all together, Chet was, if anything, even quieter. He seemed to be lost in thought most of the time and basically didn't speak unless spoken to. Captain Stanley had joined the others in concern by now, wondering if they needed to be looking at suggesting - or insisting - that Chet go back to the psychiatrist. Sure, the man had already signed off that Chet was good to come back, but he obviously had no clue how Chet had been before this incident if he considered how Chet was now to be 'normal'.

Leaning back in his office, the Captain sighed. Well, they always said to be careful what you wished for. He thought about the number of times in teh past that he'd wished Kelly would grow up a little. Well, now Kelly had and he missed the way things had been before. Thinking back to what Captain Hammer had told him just before he took over the shift, he had to admit the other captain had been right. Chet had been a good way for the other guys to bleed off steam. Which led him to the proverbial question, now what? It wasn't like he could walk up to the man and tell him to stop acting like a grown-up.

It was mid-shift and they had just finished a painfully silent meal when Vince came in. Chet's back had been to the door and, to everyone's surprise, he practically jumped out of his seat at the sound of Vince's voice.

"Captain Stanley. Hey guys. Mind if I take a minute of your time?"

Cap nodded to the deputy.

"Come on in. Like some coffee?"

"Sure, thanks. Kelly? You want me to talk to you in private or is here okay?"

"Here's fine, Vince. Well?"

The rest of them were wondering why Chet had tensed up and what Vince had to say. Vince kept quiet until Hank handed him the cup of coffee though. Then he took a slow sip before giving Chet a wide smile.

"Congratulations, brother."

Johnny was thinking that Vince calling him brother was the absolute strangest thing he'd heard all week, but all thoughts were derailed as everything apparently clicked for Chet as he suddenly became animated and gave a loud joyful whoop that echoed.

Roy broke the stunned silence first, a grin forming at the obvious happiness on Chet's face.

"Alright, buddy. Enough suspense. Fill us in."

"My mother's becoming a foster mother for Jackie and Sherri. We've been holding our breath waiting for the children's welfare folks to make a final decision."

Then Johnny turned to Vince.

"Oh - so that's what you meant when you called him brother - new little brother and sister in the house."

Nodding, Vince reached over and gave Chet's shoulder a squeeze.

"That's right. I don't know who I'm happier for, you guys or the kids. So I'll just be happy for all of you. Those two are basically good kids - giving them some guidance and a little stability will go a long way."

"Thanks for everything, Vince. My mom managed to get me through high school. She'll get them through too."

The relief on Marco's face was evident as he moved to clap a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"So that's why you've been so quiet? Waiting on the news? Why didn't you say something?"

"Superstition. Afraid if I talked about it, I might jinx it somehow. Besides, figured you guys would have appreciated the peace."

Johnny leaned over just enough to playfully ruffle the curly hair.

"I'll probably regret saying this tomorrow, but sometimes peace and quiet is overrated."

Captain Stanley slipped out for a moment to make a phone call then came back in to get everyone's attention.

"After this rotation? Everyone's invited to my place. Since one of our own has new family members, that calls for a barbeque so everyone can get to know each other properly. Vince? You're invited as well."

Tones over the speaker broke up the conversation as the men scrambled to their places. There was still a smile on Chet's face. No doubt there would be some big adjustments as Sherri and Jackie were absorbed into the family, but he was looking forward to it. Besides, the other guys had taken a protective stance over the pair during the hearing, so he knew he could count on them to lend a hand if needed.

Thinking back over some of the hell of the past months, Chet exchanged a glance with Marco. One of the best parts of the job was being part of a team. And being part of a team meant not having to face things alone.

He was pulled out of his thoughts as the engine stopped and Cap began calling out his orders.

"Kelly - Lopez! Get a line to the right hand side to cover DeSoto and Gage while they do a sweep!"

They had weathered another crisis and the bonds between his men had strengthened again. The well-oiled machine had all of its parts back in working order and Captain Stanley allowed himself one brief moment of satisfaction to watch it in action. Moment over - back to work.