A/N: My last one! These where way to fun to write! I enjoyed writing my four one-shot so much. Hope you enjoyed them! Also thank you to my lovely first two commentors. I hope this format is to your liking. I do not own the Lorax.
Let it Grow!
"I know you will."
He barely whispered it as he watched Ted's retreating form. Now all he had to do was wait. Wait and hope that Ted will succeed. The Once-ler had a feeling he would, but still the anxiety was too great. He slowly slipped back into his quiet Lurkim. He shuffled slowly over to his bed and gently sat himself down onto it. Every night he gone to bed with his guilt eating at his heart, for the first time he hadn't. For the first time he had sat up in bed with hope. Hope that change will come.
"To think all this time you were referring to a kid. You're really are something," he chuckled to himself.
The thought that the Lorax meant Ted all this time was baffling. But, the Lorax knew something that at the time the Once-ler didn't know. Now he did. Children were innocent. They had the heart to make a change. Just like Ted. Ted wouldn't screw up as he did.
The Once-ler slowly rose from his bed, stretching his tired bones. He was about to have one last glimpse of Thneedville before turning in…Then BANG! The noise echoed through the treeless wasteland. What was happening? He shuffled quickly as his body would permit him to the window. Through the boards he could see the Wall trembling. Something was trying to knock it down. The lighted Thneedville sign flickered at the impact. There was another bang as whatever it was crashed into the Wall. The Once-ler watched anxiously.
"Come on, come on", he willed the Wall to fall.
With one more jolting bang it did just that. It crumbled to the ground in a cloud of dust. He couldn't believe his eyes. The dust cleared and the citizens of Thneedville for the first time laid eyes on the once Truffla Tree Valley.
A small form hopped on top of the bulldozer that did the trick. The Once-ler figured it to be Ted and he felt a surge of gratitude for that boy.
"He's actually doing. He's going to make a difference. You where right along."
But, the silence after the fact had become unsettling. Maybe he and the Lorax were wrong. Maybe change wasn't coming. Then he heard it…
"Let it grow, let it grow."
The town was singing. They were egging on the growth of the tree.
"You can't reap what you don't sow"
He couldn't believe it. They wanted it they really wanted it. They wanted the seed to grow. They wanted trees.
"It's just one tiny seed. But it's all we really need. It's time to banish all your greed."
He shuffled across the room to his shelf. He gently picked up his axe and shuffled back to the window.
""Imagine Thneedville flowered and treed."
He raised the axe and hacked through the boards.
"Let this be our solemn creed."
The Once-ler emerged out of his window out in the outside air for the first time in years. Tears brimmed in his weary eyes.
"Thank you Ted," he said gratefully.
He looked at the wasteland. The trees were gone, because of him. Now they will come back, because of Ted. Now Thneedville will have trees. The treeless wasteland will once again be the Truffla Valley. Maybe the barb-a-loots, swomee swans, and humming fish will come back. And maybe he will too. He looked back to the singing town.
"We say let it grow (In Thneedville). We say let it grow (it's a brand new dawn). We saw let it grow (in Thneedville).We say let it grow (its brand new dawn)."
And grow it shall!
A/N: Thank you for reading! This isn't my last Lorax fanfic, a full length one will be posted soon. So feel free to review and stayed posted!
xx TrulyTruffla xx