I realize that I haven't updates this in QUITE a while, I've pretty much given up on this story, but here it is anyways...

Chapter 7

As I walked into the hospital, I saw a red-haired young woman sitting at the front desk. I walked up, placing my hands on the desk.

"Can I help you?" she asked me, smiling politely. I noticed that she was wearing a name tag saying that her name Marie. Along with this she was, in fact, wearing the necklace.

Hmm... How am I supposed to just take her necklace from her? This is kind of awkward..."Yeah. I sort of need to take your necklace..."

Her eyebrows shot up. "Excuse me?" she asked, obviously confused.

"Why, may I ask, do you need my necklace?"

"Well, first of all, I need to know who sold you the necklace." I told her. I anxiously awaited her answer. I would finally know the identity of the burglar!

"Archie sold it to me a short time ago." she told me.

"Archie?!" I asked her. "As in Hopper, Archie?"

"Yes. Dr. Hopper." Wow! This is incredibly unexpected. Shy, mild-mannered, psychiatrist Archie?

"Well... The necklace you bought from him was stolen from Mr. Gold." Marie gasped, her eyebrows, once again, shot up. "Apparently, Dr. Hopper stole it from him..."

"That doesn't seem at all like Archie…" she muttered.

"Well, unfortunately he seems like the only possible suspect..." I said. "Anyway, I'm going to need to give that necklace back to Mr. Gold."

"Oh..." she said, disappointed. She took off the neck lace and handed it to me.

"I have to go now, but I'll give you a call later, to pay you back for that necklace." I told her, taking a step away from the desk.

"Ok... Good afternoon, Sheriff Swan." she told me. She looks so upset! Ugh... Now I feel bad, taking the necklace, but unfortunately that's my job... So I put the necklace into the pocket of my red, leather jacket and headed out of the hospital to find Archie Hopper.

So I think this is the last chapter of this story… Of course, there probably isn't anyone that's sad about that. But if there's anyone out there who would like to help co-write this or even just give me some ideas just send me a PM. I know that there are 7 people following this story and there's actually been some people reading this, so I hope that there's someone who can help me out with this story. So unless someone decides to help me with "Storybrooke's Sherwood Forest" then I guess this is goodbye… Well, goodbye!
