Disclaimer: - I own nothing I just borrow the characters to play with.

Warning – Contains non-con.

Author's note – I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who took the time to leave a review I really appreciate it. Thanks for sticking with the story and we're nearly at the end, one or maybe two more chapters after this I think.

My Valentine – Chapter 6

He felt completely exposed, stripped naked and his limbs, feeling heavier then lead, refusing to move to allow him to attempt to restore some semblance of dignity, refusing to allow him to try and cover himself.

Fingertips skimming over his cold flesh leaving a trail of goose bumps in their wake. Fingertips skipping over his belly making the muscles under his skin flutter and dance in their wake, making his abuser chuckle. Fingertips dipping lower, between his legs, the grip firmer, skilled and knowing, arousing him against his will, leaving him powerless while inside his mind he screamed.

Pleasure should be shared, a gift exchanged between lovers not ripped from you against your will, making you feel weak and guilty, ashamed and dirty. The evidence of his weakness cooling against his skin marking him as tainted.

The body of his abuser draped over his, pushing him down into the mattress, smothering him, crushing him. He could feel the hard length rutting against his flesh, hear the grunts and groans of the other man as he used the unresponsive body beneath him to satisfy himself. Trying to distance himself from what was happening to him his mind tried to find a safe place to retreat to. He found a memory from when he was a child dressed in his Sunday best being taken with his sister to see his grandma. Sitting in the dining room trying not to fidget, bored listening to the grown-ups talking. His sister had been to the bathroom and on her way back had "accidently" let Pixie, grandma's terrier, out of the kitchen where he was confined whenever they visited. The reason Pixie was never allowed out when they were there became evident when he made a bee-line for father's leg and began shagging it in earnest while mother looked disgusted and a flustered grandma tried to prise the dog away. He remembered his sister's giggles and his father's muttered "disgusting animal" as Pixie was hurried away. Feeling his attacker spill himself over his body he found himself echoing his father's words and whispering,

"Disgusting animal."

The slap to his face stung, but the shower of unwanted kisses and murmured apologises hurt worse. With an effort he managed to turn his face away, feeling his tears wetting his cheeks, and looking towards the badly boarded up window, able to see a glimpse of the sky, Emerson wondered when it had gotten so dark.

Chandler sat at his desk looking out through the open door at the room beyond. A stillness seemed to have settled over everyone as the adrenaline of the last hours drained away and the stress of the proceeding 16 hours took its toll.

Forensics hadn't found much at Kent's flat, a couple of muddy foot prints just inside the front door which came from a size 9 work boot and a couple of black fibres caught on a piece of broken glass on the floor. The blood had all been the same blood group as Kent and although the bloody footprints made Chandler's stomach clench with anxiety knowing that his youngest DC was hurt the amount suggested that he wasn't badly hurt, at least not at the time he was taken. There was no forced entry it looked as though Kent had opened his door to his attacker and that was a puzzle. CCTV at the station showed that Kent had left late that night and so would not have gotten home until nearly midnight. His bed had been slept in so why would he let someone into his home in the early hours of the morning – either it was someone he knew or, if it was a stranger, for some reason he trusted them enough to open his door.

The team had searched Kent's flat after SOCO had left. That had been difficult, searching through his things, invading his privacy but better them then total strangers. Some receipts stuffed into a drawer in the kitchen showed that Kent had had the lock on his front door changed and had bought the shiny new bolt and chain that could be seen on the inside of the door on the same day. The date on the receipt had been a month before and Chandler remembered that Kent had called in sick around then and a quick check had confirmed that the date of his 'illness' corresponded with the locksmith's receipt and the receipt from the DIY store.

The team returned to the station and found Buchan waiting for them.

"I heard DC Kent is missing, any news?" He asked.

Riley shook her head.

It was Miles who said,

"New door locks a month ago, wasn't that when he seemed off?"

"Off, what do you mean, off?" Chandler asked.

It was Riley who answered,

"He was edgy, looked tired, like he wasn't getting enough sleep. I was worried, he seemed down, but then whatever it was that was worrying him seemed to go away because he brighten up and was his normal self again. I thought I was fussing."

"Maybe something was going on that he didn't tell us about. Pulling a sicky and getting his locks changed all of a sudden, like he was worried about someone being able to get into his place." Mansell said.

"But if he was worried about someone getting in then why did he open his door and let someone in?" Riley asked.

It was Buchan who supplied the most logical explanation when he said,

"There are some people we would all open our doors to, policemen for example. There was a case in Durham last year of a gang impersonating police officers to get people to open their doors then they burst in and rob them."

"Makes sense," Riley said, smiling slightly at Buchan, acknowledging his contribution.

That had been twelve hours ago and since then despite the fact that every officer in the station who could be spared was working on this case it was as if DC Emerson Kent had vanished into thin air. Chandler could feel his head begin to throb as thoughts of what could be happening to his youngest team member began to surface, unbidden, in his mind. He was about to reach for his small pot of tiger balm when, in a re-run of what had happened that morning, he looked up to see a uniformed officer walking towards his office, a grim expression on his face. He met Inspector Fisher half way across the incident room and asked,

"What have you found?"

"Your office may be the best place to…"

Chandler interrupted him before he could finish,

"Just here is fine Inspector."

Fisher paused for a moment but realising that Chandler wasn't going to change his mind and acutely aware that every person in the room was now focused on him he sighed and said,

"Sergeant Murray didn't show up for his shift and I couldn't contact him, with what has happened to DC Kent I ordered a couple of officers to his place and ….well I think we know now who took Kent."

"Have you found him?" Riley's voice was laced with fear.

"No…it'll be easier if you see for yourselves. Here's his address I'll meet you there it's only five minutes from the station, SOCO are already there."

Author's note – The case Buchan mentions is a real case from last November.