A/N: Your eyes are not deceiving you. What you are about to read is the next installment in my Kingdom Hearts: The Nintendo Version series. However, I decided to do something a little different. As you know, in the real KH2, the game starts with a three hour prologue starring Roxas. Yeah. That's pretty long. On top of that, the whole transition between this and the main game felt weird to me. One minute, dark. Next minute, happy-go-lucky. So I decided to make the Roxas opening its own separate story. That way, when we reach KH2:TNV, we can pick up where Sora left off. As always, enjoy. :)
Disclaimer: Any of the characters used in this story are properties of Square-Enix, Disney, and Nintendo. I do not claim them as my own. This work is purely fan-made.
Prologue: Another Side…
"A scattered dream that's like a far-off memory. A far-off memory that's like a scattered dream. I want to line the pieces up—yours and mine."
The heart, the mind, and the soul – three parts of the human anatomy that makes someone feel complete. When a person wakes up, they are greeted by the wondrous mystery known as life. Every day is fraught with adventure for complete beings. They wander the road of the unknown, expressing their experiences through raw emotions – from the uplifting feeling of elation, to the dark, somber sensation of sorrow. It is the delicate balance of the heart, mind, and soul that allow humans to exist.
But, what would happen if someone was born without one of those components? How would they act? Or, better yet, would they be able to live?
A mysterious cloaked figure sat on a rock, all alone on a dark, gloomy beach. Unlike the sunny beaches children would frolic on, this beach was deprived of life. The only thing that kept it from sinking into perpetual darkness was the illuminating moon, which was situated near the horizon. The cloaked figure looked out at the horizon, mentally comparing its lifeless status to his life.
The figure felt a strong presence approaching him; it was so close that it was practically breathing on the figure's neck. Turning to the left, the cloaked figure saw an oval shaped portal of darkness appear right in front of him. A figure donning the same cloak walked out of the portal, and slowly approached the person on the rock.
"You have arrived," the one on the rock said.
The person spoke with a deep male voice. Yet, there was a bit of a drawl in it.
"I've been to see him," the man continued. "There is no mistake about it – he looks a lot like you."
The second person spoke up. "That's interesting to hear. But there's something I've been meaning to ask you."
Oddly enough, the voice of the second person could not be heard.
"Who are you?" the second person continued.
A smirk managed to escape the man's mouth. Such a simplistic question; and yet, it was one question he could not answer easily.
"I'm all that's left," the man answered.
He paused; his mind was caught in the catacombs of contemplation.
He turned back to the horizon. "Or…maybe I'm all there ever was."
"I meant your name."
The first man shook his head. "My name is of no importance."
The first man glanced at his doppelganger, asking, "What about you? Do you remember your true name?"
"My name is…."
Darkness. Nothing but darkness covered the area. Not a sound could be heard, nor could a person be seen. The only thing heard was the voice of a little girl.
A static like sound could be heard as an image faded in. It was unclear at first, but it soon became visible. It showed a young man with brown spiky hair, wearing a red jumpsuit, asleep on a beautiful beach. The young man wore fingerless gloves on his hands; he had on a short black light-jacket, and had two giant yellow shoes on his feet. He opened his dark blue eyes, and sat up, letting out a big yawn. As he slowly rested his head on the ground, he was startled to see a girl with red hair. The screen fizzed as the boy sat back up, surprised. The boy turned around to see a young girl wearing a white sleeveless shirt and a pink skirt. She giggled at the boy.
"Kai—" the boy started to say, but was cut off by the static.
The boy continued after saying the girl's name. "Do you always have to sneak up on me like that? Give me a break!"
The scene changed to the spiky haired boy running with another boy. The other boy had long silver hair. He wore a yellow sleeveless shirt with black stripes traveling along the edges. He wore blue jeans and blue shoes.
"Giving up already?" the silver haired boy asked playfully.
Strangely, the words did not come out of his mouth. It was almost like a voiceover for a motion picture. The screen flickered again, and it showed the three kids hanging out on a small island. The spiky haired boy and the girl were sitting on a leaned over tree, while the silver haired boy rested against it. They were watching the beautiful sunset.
"If there are any other worlds out there, why were we born on this one?" the silver haired boy asked.
The screen flickered again as the brown haired boy looked at the girl. The scene changed to the brown haired boy looking at a drawing on the wall of him and the girl.
"This world has been connected," a mysterious male voice said.
The screen flickered again to show the boy confronting a person wearing a brown cloak.
"Wh-who are you?" the boy asked nervously.
"Tied to the darkness…" the man said.
Yet again, the screen flickered. It cut to the spiky haired boy sitting on a dock; the girl was sitting right next to him.
The girl stood up. "Sora, don't ever change."
The peaceful mood that was shown so far abruptly changed to the silver haired boy holding his hand out to Sora. A giant pool of darkness was consuming them.
"The door has opened…" the silver haired boy said (once again, in a voiceover).
"What did you say?" Sora asked suspiciously.
The screen flickered again. A bunch of green numbers could be seen as the screen transitioned to the next scene. Sora was now on a piece of what remained of his island. High, violent wind currents caused debris and wooden planks to go flying. Sora turned around to see a giant black monster with tentacles for hair. It stared viscously at the boy.
"You understand nothing," the voice of the brown cloaked man said.
The screen flickered again, showing Sora and the girl in the cave. The girl was as pale as a ghost. Behind her was a brown door that flung open. A powerful wind emerged from the door, sending her flying right at Sora.
"So…ra…" she said weakly.
As she flew right into Sora's arms, she vanished suddenly. The powerful wind knocked Sora out of the cave.
A clock radio went off.
"Goooood morning, everyone! This is Jammin' Josh here for TWL 99.5! Your non-stop place for morning music! It's currently seventy five degrees out, perfect for your youngster to go out and play during the last week of summer vacation!"
Before the excited voice could continue, a hand slammed down on the snooze button, turning the radio off. The hand belonged to a young man with blonde spiky hair, who was awoken by the voice of the radio DJ. The boy slowly sat up in his bed, all while grunting and groaning. As he completely sat up, his sky blue eyes scanned the room to make sure everything was there. His room was average sized. In front of him were twisted shelves that held his books and other miscellaneous items, including a stack full of cardboard boxes.
As he continued scanning the room, he saw his TV in the corner, and some of his neon lamps near his bed (one lamp in particular had fish rotating around it). The boy rubbed his temples, trying to piece together everything that happened while he was dreaming. He rested his arm on his right knee.
"Another dream about him," the boy murmured; he was a bit drowsy. "Just who is he?"
The boy took a moment to fully wake up. He heard the sound of huge bells ringing in the distance. The sound came from his window. When he turned to it, he saw the majestic glow from the rising sun. The boy got onto his knees and pushed open the window's double doors. He looked out to see the various buildings of his home town. The bells he was hearing were now loud and clear.
A content smile appeared on his face. If there was one thing he was thankful for, it was being safe and sound in his hometown. He could not be happier living in this town.
A town known as Twilight Town….
Tales from the Other Side
By: Kingdomkey23
In commemoration of Kingdom Hearts' 10th anniversary. May our hearts always stay connected...
A/N: Updates will be every Wednesday and Saturday.