
by: schu-chan

Warnings: Shounen-ai

Pairings: For now, only Youhei and Sendoh, later will have glimpse of RuxHana.

Yuuki-san, Shi-chan-san! Arigatou! (T.T u two r the only ones who bothered to review...)


Sendoh paced the room, muttering to himself. "Baka baka baka baka baka baka baka! How could you have forgotten?! Argh!"

He continued on for a few minutes before running out the door.

"I'm in a really bad mood so get out of my face, Ugly!"

Youhei glared at the tall boy before him, clenching his fists. "Youhei... I have a score to settle with you... You embarrassed me in front of all my men."

"You deserved it - you were messing with my boy!"

Hearing himself say that made him scowl. *My boy who forgot my birthday!!!! I can't believe he did that! He _knows_ how important it is to me! How could he!*

He was so busy ranting to himself about Sendoh that he didn't notice when the 'Ugly' threw a punch into his stomach. He fell to the floor coughing.

"Fuck you!"

"Really? But I don't take very well to being uke so you'll have to do it. I knew that you weren't straight."

Youhei punched the guy quickly in the face, saying, "Neither are you! You think that I really believed you when you said that all you were doing was trying to beat up on Sendoh?!"

Youhei, remembering that night, saw red.

//Youhei passed by the ally way, trying to ignore the sounds coming from it. He sighed and turned around to enter. His eyes widened as he recognized a voice.

"Yamero, you fucking bastard!"

Youhei kicked away the huge man that was at present tearing off Sendoh's clothes. The men around them glared at Youhei and got into fighting position.

"Stop. I'll take care of him."

Youhei could feel himself trembling in anger as the man who had been trying to rape Sendoh came into view.

"Oooh, look! The litle man's scaared!"

Youhei suddenly smirked. "You think so?"

He suddenly lashed out at the man, and continued to strike at him, not giving him any time to try to block or counter.

"Youhei... youhei!"

Youhei looked up at Sendoh, who was sobbing. "Yamete, Youhei... onegai... don't... don't... I don't want to see you like this..."

Youhei picked up Sendoh in his arms, ignoring the heaviness. "Don't you EVER come near him again!"

Youhei had been unable to separate Sendoh from himself for a few hours now. "Akira... we have to get you cleaned up... you're bleeding and there's dirt all over you..."

"Don't... don't let go..."

Youhei sighed and carred him into the bathroom. He turned on the water and sat down.

"Akira, just take your pants off, please?"

Sendoh nodded as Youhei picked off the pieces of his shirt that was still on him. Youhei placed him into the warm water and started to wash him.

"Akira, how in the world did they manage to beat you?!"

"I was caught off guard."

"What were you thinking about, Akira? Usually, even when you're thinking about things, you notice the things going on around you, don't you?"

"I was thinking about you."

Youhei felt his heart working over time. "Me?"


"What... what about me?"

Youhei cursed his squeaking voice. He gasped when Sendoh placed his lips over Youhei's. Youhei dropped the small puff ball he had in his hand. Sendoh wrapped his arms around Youhei, pulling him closer.

*God, why isn't he doing anything? Doesn't he like me?*

Youhei pushed Sendoh away, gasping for air. "Akira, you're very... you're in a very... um... vulnerable..."

Sendoh glared at him. "Don't give me that crap, Youhei. Do you like me or not?"

"I do, Akira... I've liked you... for... a really... long time..."

Youhei was crying. Sendoh suddenly let out a giggle. "Youhei... Aren't I the one who almost got raped? What're you crying for?"

Youhei whispered softly, "I'm sorry you had to go through that... I... I..."

"Nothing happened, Youhei... I'm... I'm all right... see?"

Youhei looked at Sendoh and burst into tears once more. "I'm sorry!!"

Sendoh sighed. "How is it that I'm the one attacked and I end up comforting you?"//

*I love him.* Youhei's eyes widened at his own thought. *I love him.*

"What the hell are you doing?! Youhei, why aren't you fighting him?!"

Youhei looked down and felt like throwing up. 'Ugly' was presently unbuttoning his pants. He quickly kicked him in the groin and ran out of the ally.

"Jesus Christ! I can't believe I got myself so wrapped up in my thoughts that -"


Sendoh gave him a kiss and hugged him tightly. "What the hell were _you_ thinking about that -"

"I love you."


"Before... we just said it as in, 'I really really like you...' Don't shake your head - you did. But... I realized, Akira... I love you. I don't need to you remember _anything_ about me... except that I love you..."

Sendoh grinned. "Really?"


"But before we celebrate... I suggest we either run or beat them up."

"Run - we'll beat them up another time. WE need to get to bed."

"We'll take care of them for you."

Sendoh and Youhei jumped in surprise as Rukawa and Hanamichi stepped out of the shadows. "What the hell?! Since when were you guys there?"

"Since you told Sendoh you loved him. You were sooo cute, You-chan!"

Youhei flared up and he threw a pebble at Hanamichi. "What do you want in return? I know you would risk your life for me, Hana, but... _him_?"

Youhei pointed to Rukawa. Hanamichi grinned. "He needs to relieve some pent up sexual frustrations _somehow_, you know. After all, he's deprived for a few weeks."


Okay, bad ending. Gomen.