Author's note: Here's a little teaser for Quinntana week, day 2~ HBIC Cheerios Santana and Pink hair Skanks!Quinn. It's short because I was trying to get something out before the days end, but will work on more later. Set season 3, episode 1, though it definitely doesn't go in the same direction..
T for language for now, rating may go up..
Disclaimer: I do not own Glee. -_-
Enjoy? Please? Reviews welcomed and appreciated :)
My fingers tighten almost painfully around the fence as Quinn runs a pale hand through her unruly, bright pink hair, and I find my eyes drooping to her lips when her tongue peeks out to glide across them. I don't know what went through her head to turn her into punk!Quinn, but I am thanking the gods above for her temporary insanity. Yes, temporary, because as hot as she is right now, I know there are underlying issues for the new look, and I plan to find every single one of them out myself. Until then… Fuck. Me. Quinn's hand stills in her pink locks, her head jerks up sharply, and her eyes wide as saucers bore into my own. Then my heart fucking stops when I realize why she is staring at me like that. I have no clue as to what to say or do to explain why I just said that, so I bite my tongue to keep my expression blank.
"I'm sorry, could you repeat that?" Quinn breaks the sudden awkward silence first, stepping closer to the fence and wrapping her fingers around the metal beside my hand.
My eyes flicker to them, an inch closer and our fingers would be touching; I squeeze mine against the fence until it hurts.
"I didn't say anything. Are you hearing voices now too? It wouldn't surprise me; you're already a crazy bitch, Q." I retort with a scoff, not wanting to repeat the words that were supposed to stay in my head.
"Yes you did, San. She said she wants you to have sex with her." My jaw drops, the blank look I was sporting wiping off only to be replaced with a 100 different emotions.
"That is not what I said, B. The thought alone is ridiculous, so there's no way I would say that shit out loud…" Deny, deny, deny. Stupid, Quinn knows exactly what it is that I muttered.
"Are you sure? Because… I could have sworn that I heard the words fuck me come out of your mouth, S." Quinn quips back, body pressing into the fence as her head tilts mockingly.
If it were not for the huge chunk of metal separating us, our bodies would be touching.
"You didn't hear anything, so back the hell off, before you start shit that you will not be able to finish." I grit out almost viciously, voice dropping low.
"Oh, I have no doubts that I could finish, in fact, when I am done with you, it will be the strongest and best finish you've ever had." Quinn's raspy voice and cocky words have my knees quivering, heart racing, and my eyes fluttering shut. I swallow as my mind projects images of Quinn 'finishing' me off.
Quinn is seriously stepping in dangerous waters, sexually charged waters, where I am the only creature lurking.
When I manage to reopen them, all I can see is her back as she walks away from me. Feeling out of wack after our unexpected encounter, I take a shuddery breath and then turn to look at Brittany, who shoots me her own version of a smirk. I know she is laughing at me on the inside. I narrow my eyes at her, but she just reaches out one of those long, toned arms of hers and pats me on the back.
My half-hearted glare turns into a pout.
Later, after making my squad work extra hard and having them run laps, we all pile into the showers, most of the girls throwing me glares for bitching at them during practice. I had to do something, I mean, I was all pent up after Quinn left me horny, wet, and confused, so who else better to take that frustration out on than the cheerios? No one. Well, ok, Rachel, but she wasn't around.
"Hey, San." Brittany skips over with a rainbow smile on her face and hugs me so hard that my ribs start protesting.
"Whoa, B, I can't breathe!" I wheeze out, trying to pull away from her strong dancer limbs.
"Oh! Sorry!" She giggles while extracting herself from my body, making my eyes roll playfully as I move away and toward the hot, steamy shower calling my name.
I take the end stall, my favorite one, and twist the water on until it is putting off steam. Brittany gets the one beside me, and usually if we are alone, one of us ends up in the others to make out, but that hasn't been going on for a while now, not since she and wheels have been in an official relationship. It isn't Brittany who I am thinking of anyway, it is the pink haired little punk invading my naughty thoughts.
Wants. Needs.
I have no idea where that attitude of hers came from, maybe it was included in her new look, like when she changes into her dark clothes, she transforms completely. Or something. Quinn must feel invincible looking as she does, hell, Quinn doesn't even know who she is anymore, so maybe she needed this. Maybe she needs to go through this shit so that she can find out whom she really is. Nah Fuck that, this Lopez is not going to stand by and watch her spiral out of control, because that is what's going to happen if nobody answers her cry for help and attention. Quinn Fabray, I am going to save you.