I apologize for taking so long to update. I appreciate all of the reviews I have received so far. Unfortunately this is the last chapter of this installment but don't worry Part 3 should be up pretty soon. I hope to see you there!

Read and Review one last time!

Chapter 4

Dean woke up a couple hours later and smiled at his brother still sleeping. He knew that it was wrong in the eyes of society how they felt about each other, but they couldn't help it. He loved Sam and Sam loved him and Dean knew that. He knew that no matter what he would always be there for his brother. What he didn't know was whether they could or should continue hunting now that Sam was pregnant with their child. He leaned over and kissed Sam's temple and got out of the bed and headed downstairs.

"Where's Sam?" Bobby asked coming into the living room.

"Still sleep."

"Well he's gonna have to get up soon. I found someone who would be willing to check him out. Her name is Simone and she's a hunter as well as an obstetrician at the local hospital here."

"A hunter?"

Bobby nodded, "Yeah. I just talked to her. She said she'll be here by five."

Dean nodded, "Sounds good."

Several minutes later Bobby had convinced Dean to help him do some research for a hunter and they were knee deep in books when Sam walked in sleepy eyed and had a hand on his belly.

"What are you guys doing?"

"Research for a hunter. Had a good sleep?" Dean asked putting his current book down.

Sam nodded and yawned as he went to sit next to Dean, "Need some help?"

Are you saying that I am useless?" Dean teased.

Sam chuckled and nodded. Dean laughed and nudged him, "Just because I'm not a brainiac like doesn't mean I'm not good at research. Just don't like doing it."

"I know, Dean."

Just as Dean found the translation Bobby was looking for and gave it to him the doorbell rang. Sam stood up to get it seeing as Bobby and Dean were indisposed. He walked to the door and found a young woman behind the door.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

"Bobby asked me to come over. Said one of his boys was pregnant and needed to be looked at."

Sam frowned but he moved aside so that the woman could come inside. Bobby and Dean were coming out of the den.

"Hey, Bobby," The girl smiled.

"Nice to see you, Simone. How'd that chant work for you?"

Simone winked, "Like a charm."

Sam was confused and he frowned, "Excuse me?"

Simone turned to him and gifted Sam with a wide grin, "The name's Simone. I'm a hunter as well as an OB," she said and extended her hand to him.

Sam took her hand and shook it, "Sam," he said before grimacing and running to the nearest bathroom.

"I take it that's the pregnant one," Simone chuckled before turning to Dean. "My, aren't you just a bunch of handsome rolled all in one."

Dean smirked and winked, "Just call me Dean."

Sam came back from the bathroom and wiped his mouth on his sleeve, "Sorry about that."

"No worries Sam. Let's get to work, shall we? I'm gonna have you lay down on the couch, and lift up your shirt."

Sam did as instructed and Simone rubbed some gel over his belly and he hissed.

"Sorry, no matter what this will be cold."

Setting the portable ultrasound on the end of the couch, Simone rolled the receiver over his belly for a few seconds.

"Well you can't really see it, but your baby is the size of a peanut right now."

Sam smiled and had tears running down his cheeks. Dean grew concerned.

"Sammy, what's the matter why are you crying?"

"I'm just happy, Dean."

"You should be kiddo."

Sam smiled lovingly at his big brother. Simone chuckled. She wasn't used to see this kind of love before but could tell that their love for one another was strong.

"Well, as far as I can tell everything else is good. There's just a couple of things that you need to make sure you do or don't do. Fish, especially shrimp is out of the question. You're not allowed to eat it. Coffee is okay, but you should limit your intake to one or two cups a day and no more. And just make sure you're drinking plenty of fluids, eating healthy and getting enough exercise."

"Is it okay for him to be hunting?" Dean wondered.

Simone nodded, "He'll be fine as long as he doesn't overdo it. We can talk more about it as he gets further along. So I wanna see you again in about two months, provided neither one of us are on a case. And if either of you have questions don't hesitate to ask," Simone said handing Dean her card.

Simone stood and packed away her stuff while Sam adjusted his clothing. As the boys walked her to the door she smiled, "Congratulations. You don't get to see a lot of joy like this in this job. I guess that's why I became an obstetrician."

Sam and Dean looked over at each other and frowned before turning back to Simone. Simone grinned and winked.

"Yes, I know about you two; it's not that hard to guess."

"But you don't care?"

"What you boys do is your business, not mine. Besides, I think you should find happiness and love wherever you find it."

Simone waved and was off. Sam smiled as he laid his head on his brother's shoulder. Dean chuckled as he shut the door.

"Someone's sure cuddly."

Sam chuckled. He walked over to the couch and sat down and picked up his laptop. Dean grabbed a beer from the fridge and Bobby decided to continue to do some research. Dean plopped down next to Sam and placed an arm around his brother's shoulders.

"Whatchu doing?"

"Hoping to find us a hunt."

"How come?"

"Dude, we've been at Bobby's for almost three weeks. I would think you of all people would be excited to find something to hunt."

"Yeah but you don't wanna take some more time off or something?"

"Dean, I'm not even a month pregnant. Please tell me you're not gonna mother hen me to death."

Dean chuckled, "I am gonna mother hen you, little brother, but I won't do it to the point you're gonna die. I promise."

Sam shook his head chuckling as he started his search.