Okay here is the 2nd part of my Sam/Dean Mpreg Series. I apologize that this first chapter is so short, but I promise it will get longer.

Summary: Sam finds out that he's actually pregnant with Dean's child, but doesn't want Dean to know that he's pregnant and what exactly Dean did to him.

Takes place two weeks after Expect the Unexpected. Must read that first.

Warnings: Slash, language, Mpreg.

Chapter Word Count (CWC): 641


Chapter 1

It's been two weeks since Sam and Dean have been at Bobby's and Sam still won't talk to Dean. Dean tried everything to figure out what he did to piss his brother off. Dean sighed as he got off the bed and headed toward the bathroom where he heard his brother retching in the toilet. This has been the fifth day that Sam woke up and was heaving his guts in the bathroom.

"Sammy, you okay?" Dean asked as he leaned against the doorjamb.

Sam ignored him. He stood up and glared at Dean before flushing the toilet and proceeded to wash his mouth out.

"What the hell, Sammy? I mean I get it, I obviously did something to piss you off, but I don't know what. But whatever it was, I'm sorry, okay?"

"Like that'll make everything better," Sam muttered pushing past Dean.

Dean swung around and followed him back to the bedroom, "Alright dude, spit it out. What the hell did I do to you?"

"Go away, Dean," Sam said curling up on the bed.

Dean shook his head, "Nuh-uh, not until you tell me what I did."

"Go fuck yourself."

Dean sighed and walked downstairs and grabbed a beer out of the fridge and joined Bobby in the den. Bobby looked up at Dean walked in and sighed.

"Sam still not talking?"

"I don't know what the hell I did, Bobby. I mean obviously it was something, but what? Kid won't talk to me."

"Just give him some time to cool down, Dean. I'm sure he'll tell you when he's ready."

Dean sipped his beer and sighed. He sat on the couch and flipped on the television. He thought it was nice just to have a place to chill out for a while since apparently the supernatural activity had been pretty low these past few weeks. Sam came downstairs and looked at Dean.


"Excuse me?"

"I need your keys, Dean."

"Why, where the fuck do you think you're going in my baby?"

Sam scowled, "The impala isn't a human being, Dean. It's a fucking car, now can I please have your keys."

Dean shook his head, "Not until you tell me where you're going."


"Let's see, because you're driving my fucking car. Or, how about the fact that I don't want you up and disappearing on me just because you hate my guts right now."

"Whatever, I'll just walk," Sam said heading toward the door.

Dean sighed and jumped up. He grabbed Sam's arm and turned him to look at him. "Alright fine, but on one condition."

Sam quirked an eyebrow waiting to see what his brother was gonna say.

"You have to tell me what I did to you and why you hate my guts right now."


Dean sighed, "C'mon, Sammy, you can't act like this forever. I mean I get I must've did something to you. What I make fun of you or something to a bunch of girls?"

Sam shook his head and opened the door to walk out. Again, Dean stopped him.

"Fine, you don't have to tell me just take the damn car, I don't want you freezing your ass off because I'm being a jerk."

Sam looked at him with wide eyes and took the keys from Dean, "Thanks."


Sam took the car to the nearest convenience store and bought a couple pregnancy tests, which of course he lied to the cashier and said it was for his girlfriend. He contemplated bringing them back to the house. He didn't want Dean or Bobby finding out. He drove the car down to the gas station and used the bathroom. It took him a total of 6 minutes to do both tests and have a read out. Nervously rubbing his hands together he peeked at the tests.

