It seems like so long ago now. Well, not too long, it's only been a year and a half, almost two. Ever since I gave the last seed to Ted, and he planted it in the middle of Thneedville, the Truffula trees started growing all around the valley again. I had to guess they could've always grown back, but they lost the conditions to do so. The skies have cleared, and the sun shone through the valley. The wind blows clean air all around, and green grass started growing again. They valley was slowly, but surely, growing back into the valley I'd known so long ago.

I've been coming out of my Lurkim everyday now, usually to water the trees, or just look around, wondering if this day will be the day that they come back, wondering if this day will be the day that he comes back. At night now, I can see the moon, and the stars clearly again. Plus, its been raining here again, and the river is starting to flow once more. I look out upon the valley, so very happy that things are starting to return to normal.

I walked out of my house, and like any other day, I started watering the small Truffula saplings. This day, wasn't like any other day, it didn't feel like any of the other days. For the first time since the Truffula trees starting growing, I caught the sweet smell of butterfly milk in the air, the sweet smell that I haven't breathed in, in so many years. Just one sniff was enough to take me back, back to the day when I first came here, and bring back the memories of all I've done, the good memories. The air was sweet, and the grass hasn't been more greener. The sun was shining brightly, and there was hardly a cloud in the sky. I knew today was going to turn out to be a special day, but had no idea on how special it was going to turn out.

A sudden shadow appeared over me. I looked up into the sky, to see a Swomee-Swan fly down over me. I looked at it as it flown around my house, and in awe. I couldn't believe it, if one Swomee-Swan came back, than that means the rest of them would come back too, and the Bar-ba-loots, and Humming Fish! And maybe, just maybe.

I felt a familiar breeze come up behind me, and I saw the sky glow just a bit brighter. I turned around, and looked up to see someone I never thought I would ever see again. He flied down onto the "Unless" stone, I had to blink a few times to make sure it was really him, and it was. The Lorax. The Lorax has finally came back. He looked up at me, and smiled. I gave a heartfelt laugh as I approached him.

"You done good, Beanpole," he said, calling me by my old nickname, "You done good."

I could feel tears starting to water in my eyes. It was hard to hold them back, but after all these years, he finally came back, and all it took was one look into his eyes to know that he has forgiven me. I never felt more happy than in this moment right now, my friend, after everything I've done, he forgives me for all of it. I knelt down, and wrapped him in my tight embrace, and he sighed happily as he returned it.

Now I knew I had tears running down my face. For me, this was truly a miracle.

A/N: Man, I don't think I can stop writing these. Head canon alert: I always thought that the Truffula trees could grow back, but after all the pollution the Once-ler caused, they lost the growing conditions they needed to grow. So once the last seed was planted, and the skies cleared up, all the trees started growing again. But that's just me and my crazy head canon ideas.

Hope you all enjoyed J.